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Sonic Lost World (Wii U/3DS)


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It looks good.


I'm not blown away yet though.


I personally much preferred the day stages of unleashed and the overall package of generations than I did Colours. And though this looks like a mix of both, it is more leaning to the style of colours - which I wouldn't pick to be honest.


Still, as a Sonic fan boy I will definitely buy it. I'm just not that hyped yet.


The only thing I didn't like about Colours were how short the levels were. Since the Wii U is a HD console they should be able to have bigger stages like Generations & Unleashed.


I don't think the Deadly 6 look that bad, it's just the red guy's eyebrows that get me :p

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The only thing I didn't like about Colours were how short the levels were.


I much preferred that the levels were short. It usually meant that the pace was fast and frantic. Short but very, very sweet.


I hope the longs don't become too long and bloated and I loved the approach in Colours. My favourite Sonic game, so far. :D

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In MY time, they were called Badniks!


I can remember a time when 'Eggman' was only referred to as 'Robotnik'!


Back then we even had such things as 'Special Stages' in the home console games.


And what's more, Sonic only had about five friends... not fifty!


*grumble grumble... give us Chaotix HD mumble mumble* :wink:






Those screenshots look nice btw! :D

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I can remember a time when 'Eggman' was only referred to as 'Robotnik'!


Back then we even had such things as 'Special Stages' in the home console games.


And what's more, Sonic only had about five friends... not fifty!


*grumble grumble... give us Chaotix HD mumble mumble* :wink:






Those screenshots look nice btw! :D


Sam confirmed as Cranky Kong! :D

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But...but...The Sonic Cycle. The Sonic Cycle!


Why isn't the develoment of this game following the cycle?!


Shouldn't we be receiving bad review scores pretty soon?


Both Sonic Colors and Sonic Generations broke the Sonic Cycle. We could have a 3 in a row situation here.



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Not gonna lie, this looks good so far, DAMN good in fact!


I didn't really enjoy Colours much (not a bad game, but the controls felt loose and there was too much auto pilot stuff), but I had some fun with the Classic Sonic stages in Generations (after playing it on PC @ 60FPS - does wonders for the feel of the controls!).


I'm not really sold on this yet, but it does look VERY promising so far and seems to fix a lot of the fundamental problems associated with 3D Sonic gameplay (also completely doing away with that horrible boost mechanic where the game practically plays itself). I've yet to see anything that might sour the experience and it actually does look pretty fun to play :)


I can only hope and pray that the final game plays as well as it promises...


BTW: Did anyone else get the impression that SEGA were being allegorical when the bad guy said "Your fate is to be destroyed, why can't you accept that. Just lie down and die"? (referring to the Sonic Cycle and the death of the character/series).

Edited by Dcubed
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Both Sonic Colors and Sonic Generations broke the Sonic Cycle. We could have a 3 in a row situation here.




Colours was Hnnnngggggg! One of my favourite Wii platformers on a system with a lot of competition in that area.


Fuck, have SEGA finally re-learned how to make great Sonic games? It's almost blasphemy, but I'm looking forward to this much more than the new Mario.

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Colours was Hnnnngggggg! One of my favourite Wii platformers on a system with a lot of competition in that area.

Fuck, have SEGA finally re-learned how to make great Sonic games? It's almost blasphemy, but I'm looking forward to this much more than the new Mario.


You're not the only one on here who feels this. Hopefully this game is great and then we can start having some good old fashioned, school yard banter about which is better, Mario or Sonic?

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I still remember people calling it uninspired and bland when the game was first announced. Now, anywhere I go, I see only praise coming from people. And that is a good thing. A very good indeed.


Though Sonic's not for me. I never got into the games. So no matter how great this game will be, I won't get it. At least, not for now.

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You're not the only one on here who feels this. Hopefully this game is great and then we can start having some good old fashioned, school yard banter about which is better, Mario or Sonic?


I almost had tears when playing the first few parts of Colours. "Welcome back, Sonic." It was like being back in the days of the MegaDrive. THIS is what a 3D Sonic game should be like.


They're both completely different as well, Lost World and 3D World. They should compliment each other nicely. I expect 3D World to trounce Lost World with sales, but it wouldn't surprise me if this ended up getting equal review scores, or maybe even better scores. 3D World looks a bit "safer" and I expect Nintendo will really polish that up before it releases.

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It was like being back in the days of the MegaDrive.


Sonic Colours is certainly one of the better 3D Sonic games but let's not get carried away, @Fierce_LiNk :heh: I'll actually have to put the game on again some day to see what I make of it now..


As for Lost World, it looks promising and I may well get it if opinions on the game are positive.. but I'm gonna have to buck the trend of everyone else and say I'm looking forward to Super Mario 3D World more :grin:

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  • 3 weeks later...

This isn't appealing to me.


I'm not getting a Sonic feeling from it at all, it feels like something else.

I think it's everything combined... the visual style, the tubular stage design... and now there's DK 'barrel blasting' and flying like a bird (feels like Galaxy).


Shame because Colours I really liked.

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do you know what i find most funny about all this and how good this looks....... This looks like one of the system sellers for the wiiu.....Sonic a sega IP being a system seller for the Wiiu a nintendo console.......if you told be this back in the 90's i'd have slapped you to try and bring you back to your senses

Edited by Agent Gibbs
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I'll probably pick up the 3DS version if I see it cheap anywhere because its Sonic but I dont think the game is looking all that great. None of the changes make me want to preorder a copy and pay full price anyway.


Not looking that great!?


You have watched the same trailers as we have, havent you!? Haha

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