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NINTENDO @ E3: Towards Hype and Hyperboles

Fused King

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News or rumour, there is a higher chance of Mario Kart being "a safe bet" rather than something more radical. Especially with WiiU sales so low.


They'll have been working on MKU for a good couple of years though, so console sales won't have any bearing on development.


I wouldn't be surprised if the Wii U entry was molded heavily on 7, but not because some internet no-mark said so.


Though where I seem to diverge from many others is that I really loved 7, and thought it was the best Kart in ages.

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I'm with you on this, I don't get the general dissatisfaction with Mario Kart 7.


I actually wasn't aware people were dissatisfied with Mario Kart 7.. ::shrug: It was a great game, one of the best in the series, but it was certainly a little bare bones when it came to game modes!


Mario Kart Wii, on the other hand, was a frustrating mess at times..

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Being a retro buff, I think that if Nintendo go down the same route as with previous games, featuring different karts and retro tracks, I'd love to see the classic tracks being brought up to glorious HD levels and the inclusion of a "classic" kart:



In fact, I'd like Nintendo to include a classic mode, where all opponents have the classic kart.


To be honest though, Nintendo should buff up the single player content. Rather than replaying the same eight cups four times, I'd like to see a bunch of different cups with different combinations of levels. There could be the eight cups we've come accustomed to, followed an N64 cup, a Gamecube cup and so on, and potentialy a Rainbow Road cup, featuring all versions of the RR.

Or even better, why not have a Diddy Kong Racing style adventure mode with an overworld and so on?

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This is neither confirmed, nor is it STRICTLY Nintendo-related. But IGN just posted news on a game called The Crew, which is supposedly developed by the people behind Driver: San Francisco and will be released for Next Gen systems. If the rumor is true, and judging by Ubis previous track record of supporting the Wii U (even going through the extra lengths of releasing two Driver games for the Wii U), we could expect it for Nintendo platforms.


Being a fan of Driver: SF, this sounds amazing, even if it's not an exclusive title.

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Saddened to see that there isn't going to be a Best Buy location near you participating in Nintendo's E3 Wii U demo sessions? I have a bit more bad news. While there's no official word on these demos hitting/not hitting the Wii U eShop at some point, it seems unlikely. Here's what Renegade Kid's Jools Watsham had to say about eShop demos.


“(Demos) are held to the same testing and standards as final games - so it can result in some fails before a demo is ready for the eShop.”


In other words, demos on the E3 show floor don't have to go through the same testing before they are played. Seems like it's going to be a Best Buy or nothing situation.


Bah! I welcome the day when E3 demos are available to the general public via download. That goes for all the console makers.

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It would be so good, even if they were much smaller than the e3 demos, just one level of each game or something, that would really be an amazing offer for their fans.


Back to E3, something I'm really looking forward to which we haven't been discussing, is announcing dual gamepad support! Surely there'll be at least one game that does this?! Will it be Mario Kart? Will it be Wii Sports U?

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After shaking this forum to its very core yesterday with this observation I made from ONM:



Picked up the latest ONM today, just reading the animal crossing interview with the producer (Eguchi) and director (Kyogoku) and Ms Kyogoku says in it, and I quote "in my department there's a man called Mr Imamura [Takaya Imamura, designer at nintendo] who has been been working on the Star Fox franchise" she then goes on to say she can't say what he would do in his next game...I know it's an obvious one, but a round about way of suggesting a star fox is in the works, and at Nintendo rather than outsourced to Retro etc?


I thought demand was too high not to follow up on this breaking story... (basically I put it in Wii U console discussion, and it got lost amongst talk of profits, or no one cared about it...) Still, I care! Have I read that quote wrong though? From the way I read it, it suggests he has been working on star fox as in he is working on it right now. However that's open to interpretation, a quick google on Mr Imamura shows he has worked on star fox and fzero for many years, so it could have referenced his previous work.

Hopefully e3 may show something up, if it does, you heard it here first...;)

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After shaking this forum to its very core yesterday with this observation I made from ONM:





I thought demand was too high not to follow up on this breaking story... (basically I put it in Wii U console discussion, and it got lost amongst talk of profits, or no one cared about it...) Still, I care! Have I read that quote wrong though? From the way I read it, it suggests he has been working on star fox as in he is working on it right now. However that's open to interpretation, a quick google on Mr Imamura shows he has worked on star fox and fzero for many years, so it could have referenced his previous work.

Hopefully e3 may show something up, if it does, you heard it here first...;)


I reckon he was probably talking about Starfox 64 3D. The English here is a bit weird, but that is probably just down to the translation process at play here.

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Sakurai just posted this on Twitter:


お知らせしておきます。6月11日23時配信のNintendo Directで、新作『スマブラ』の映像が初披露となります。世界同時、ここが初! お見逃しなく。


Should note. In Nintendo Direct delivery of 23:00, June 11, New video of "Smash Bros." will be unveiled for the first time. Simultaneous world, here for the first time! Do not miss.


I can't wait to see the new Smash Bros game :D That's 3PM UK time, shame I'll be at work then. At least I can avoid the internet until I see it

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Probably a mis-translation and should read: '...Has worked on...'


Still, I think the likes of F-Zero and Star Fox (and other franchises which didn't grace the Wii) will make a glorious return on the WiiU.

After all the Mario and WiiU *instert title* games of course.

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I still think Starfox is in the hands of Retro. Not long to go now to see what they are actually working on. :bouncy:


Inclined to agree, and Wikipedia tells me he was a supervisor on Fzero GX, so if there is anything in that quote I pulled out, he could well be working on it with Retro!


Both my managers are away on a meeting next Tuesday, so technically I am in charge for the day, think an extended lunch break around the 3pm time will be needed...:D

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Regarding Sakurai's tweet:


These kanji 映像 can either mean 'images' or 'clips'.

This word leans more to the 'images'-side than to that of a short clip.


So I am guessing he means images, but of course, those images could be of a clip :3


It's just that the second kanji 像 means 'statue' and the two kanji above literally mean 'reflected statue'. So one would think we get to see stills.


Damn me and my reasonable Kanji knowledge. :(





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Sakurai is Yoda confirmed.


At that time, I will be in North America I am. I'm going to E3.


I think Iwata originally said we would see the new Smash in screenshot form, but I hope they progressed enough to have a trailer ready. Considering it's a video feed you would expect video footage, but they showed stills for WWHD so could still be screenshots.

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Regarding Sakurai's tweet:


These kanji 映像 can either mean 'images' or 'clips'.

This word leans more to the 'images'-side than to that of a short clip.


So I am guessing he means images, but of course, those images could be of a clip :3


It's just that the second kanji 像 means 'statue' and the two kanji above literally mean 'reflected statue'. So one would think we get to see stills.


Damn me and my reasonable Kanji knowledge. :(






This is the hype thread so we have to hope that he means there'll be a video and not just screenshots :D

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It's such a shame that Nintendo aren't doing a live conference. The crowd reactions to Smash Bros and a new 3D Mario would have been great to hear. :(

I don't trust crowd reactions anymore, anyway. As we've seen with numerous MS and Sony ones of recent years, it's pushed through the speakers

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I don't trust crowd reactions anymore, anyway. As we've seen with numerous MS and Sony ones of recent years, it's pushed through the speakers


You know when a crowd reaction is genuine though. It's not just clapping and a bit cheering here and there. There are real screams of excitement. There was no faking the Twilight Princess reveal.

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