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NINTENDO @ E3: Towards Hype and Hyperboles

Fused King

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God I don't want Retro on F-Zero, the game is a racer and Retro have been fantastic at crafting engaging worlds and creating suh atmosphere that I don't want that wasted on the likes of F-Zero. Give F-Zero to Next Level.


I'd like to see Retro do an original IP, Metroid or Zelda... preferably an original IP.

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What other big surprises will NINTENDO be throwing at us?


Reveals of Fatal Frame 5 and maybe even an HD remake of Fatal Frame 4 on the Wii U both with Western Releases... prolly not a "big surprise" for many but it would be AWESOME for me :D I GamePads "Panorama view" feature thing is just made for Fatal Frame games to be used as the camera obscura!


Ahhhh.. I actually forgot about the Wii U possibilities for a new Fatal Frame :eek: That's a great shout, @Mokong X\-C :grin:


I'd like a new Wave Race because, like @dazzybee, I find Blue Storm to be unbelievably good. Genuinely one of my favourite games ever :hehe:


It's hard to ask for too much given how disappointed I have been with the last couple of years at E3. Considering I've just cleared Silent Hill 2 on the PS2 this week, I wouldn't mind if Konami decided to remake the game in a similar style to Shattered Memories on the Wii.. or even a new game :heh:

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I really hope Nintendo give their franchises to third parties


Sega to make FZero again; Factor 5 pilot wings, wayford wario etc just unleash all of their franchises so they can concentrate on the big ones and new ip. Just provide small teams to each 3rd party and game, would be amazing to get so many big games out and also strengthen relationships.

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It's been a while (for Nintendo) since we had a 3DS redesign...


I love me some handheld redesign!!


But I think Nintendo said after the XL that that was their only redesign as it is a definitive version and what fans were asking for (bigger screen, slightly bigger console etc). Therefore I can't see it happening. But I'd love a slightly bigger version of the original with a higher res screen and a second analogue stick. One can dream... :heh:

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It's been a while (for Nintendo) since we had a 3DS redesign...


I believe that Iwata stated that Nintendo won't show any new hardware.


Call me a bit odd, but I'm not particularly interrested in portable gaming. Maybe it's because I don't need to go to work by bus/train and walk everywhere instead, but to me, home consoles are where it's at. So I hope that Nintendo spend essentially the whole ND episode showing Wii U stuff.

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All this talk of a new Waverace and/or 1080 is making me remember how much I loved those games, mostly the N64 Waverace rather than Blue Storm tho. Also a new Excitebike game would be good, loved Excitebike 64 even tho I was completely crap at it!

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@dazzybee and I were only yesterday discussing WaveRace and 1080. I'd welcome both - and a fleshed out skydiving game too. Time for NST to start doing some work!


Imagine, holding the game pad up to the tv to control a sky diver as he launches from a plane into the clear blue sky, using the gyro of the pad to move him about, perform tricks etc. just as you start hurtling towards a snowy mountain top, game pad is lowered which sets of the parachute, and Ricky Winterborn takes his board off his back, straps it on, and releases the parachute, free falling onto the mountain top, landing board perfect on the decline, and off he goes, racing down towards his destiny.

1080 U :D


Also see same description but include "releases parachute and lands perfectly astride a jet ski, the motor already running, and off he goes, racing towards his destiny" ;)

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All this talk of a new Waverace and/or 1080 is making me remember how much I loved those games, mostly the N64 Waverace rather than Blue Storm tho. Also a new Excitebike game would be good, loved Excitebike 64 even tho I was completely crap at it!


Yeh.. people need to forget about these thoughts that there needs to be a 'Nintendo GT'.. 1080 Snowboarding, Wave Race, F-Zero and Excitebike are where I want to get my racing fix :yay:

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Yeh.. people need to forget about these thoughts that there needs to be a 'Nintendo GT'.. 1080 Snowboarding, Wave Race, F-Zero and Excitebike are where I want to get my racing fix :yay:

Well, from a business standpoint, Nintendo GT would make perfect sense, as these games are indeed system sellers. Gran Turismo 5 has shifted 9 milion copies, Forza 4 has sold 4 milion (Forza 3 sold ca 5,5 milion copies, proving that the yearly iteration idea is quite stupid) . And Wave Race: BS sold 600 000 copies, 1080 sold little over 300 000.


Don't get me wrong, I want the classic Nintendo racers as well. I'd love to see an HD Waverace with spectacular water and lighting effects, scenic tracks and amazing physics as much as the next guy. Or an Excitebike that could be like the Gran Turismo of motorcycles, mixing the traditional dirt bikes with true sports bikes, all racing in, yet again, scenic surroundings.


But as I don't want to buy a second system this generation, I want the Wii U to deliver everything I like. And that includes Nintendo GT. And as I've said before: from a business standpoint, it's a necessity. If Nintendo were to make a GT-competitor, I'd like it to be a bit more like Forza Horizon than regular Forza. I like there being hundreds and hundreds of cars to choose from, espescially more affordable ones, cars I might conceivably own. And I want to upgrade my cheap ass car into a monster, enabling me to race it throughout the game, even in the later, more difficult races. But I also want the aforementioned scenic surroundings. I don't want the tracks to be surrounded by concrete walls or seats for the audience.

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If Nintendo are 'stuck' on how to evolve F-Zero/1080/WaveRace, I'd like them to at least do what they did with the 3DS launch window with remakes. Although tasked as 'filler' to plug the gaps in the launch lineup, the N64 remakes of OoT and StarFox were great. I'd therefore like to see more classic remakes on the 3DS. F-Zero, WaveRace and 1080 would be great handheld games to jump into, play online and streetpass with.


Unfortunately, Yusuke Amano (Star Fox 3DS dev) stated that "just making multiplayer parts of existing games playable online isn't enough to create a satisfying experience for users. The popular online games work in lots of things, so they play well online - and if we wanted to satisfy everyone who bought the game, the costs required for including online support would be vast."


Amano also cited that there were other reasons, such as time limits in development, and the developers' increased focus towards the graphics, in an attempt to amplify the appeal of the Nintendo 3DS console.


I'm not confident of this approach then...Yet Nintendo still need to grab their franchises by the scruff of the neck and drag them into the modern age!


However, I still believe Nintendo would do well to imitate their 3DS software lull approach with the Wii U with N64/Gamecube games with a shiny new luck of paint. It would plug gaps at least...


There are sections of Nintendo gamers clamouring for more racers (like me!) yet with third party games such as Project CARS in the works, Nintendo probably don't see a need to compete with such a vastly liscenced/developed game. Instead, it would make good business sense to remaster their classics like they are doing with Windwaker, adding in minor aspects such as new areas/aspects and Miiverse functionality whilst building new outings. (The approach they are taking with Zelda then.)


E3 needs to show me that Nintendo are serious about 'U' (read: core gamers) by leveraging their e-Shop, giving us titles like Geist, Eternal Darkness, 1080 and more third party games from the N64/GC era. They all deserve a place on the e-Shop and Nintendo fans are forever nostalgic.


The classics have sway yet without new content from classic franchises like F-Zero/1080/WaveRace, I just don't know what I'm investing in everytime I buy a new Nintendo console.


They bleed Mario and chums dry but don't re-invest in their other games which have proven that Nintendo can 'out-do' other third party games in genres such as racing/sports.


E3 will show us where they are going. I'm hoping it's good.

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But as I don't want to buy a second system this generation, I want the Wii U to deliver everything I like.

Maybe you should sell your Wii U and get the next Xbox instead.


You know, since Forza is such a system seller.

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Maybe you should sell your Wii U and get the next Xbox instead.


You know, since Forza is such a system seller.


Sarcasm. Was that really necessary?


I'm stating the business facts, which are that Nintendo have skipped out on a genre they really need to get in to.

As always, the promise of traditional first party exclusives has swayed me into buying a Nintendo console. I'm a huge fan of essentially all games that everyone in this thread has mentioned, from Mario to Metroid to Waverace. However, that doesen't mean I'm fine with Nintendo ignoring what has been an essential type of game for the last 15 years.

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Rumors found at Wii U Daily:


*Nintendo will air three to five Nintendo Directs before and around E3, starting on May 30

*3D Mario will be “huge, bigger than any Mario game to date” and looks “unlike anything you’ve ever seen”

*Retro’s new game will be first person, futuristic, and something everyone wants them to do

*When asked if “a certain Super Saiyan” would join Smash Bros (since Namco is involved), he said it “hasn’t been decided yet, but there is a chance”



What do you guys think?

Multiple ND's sounds plausible, although 5 seems like overkill. New Mario being bigger seems kinda vague. 120 stars has been a tradition sins SM64, but perhaps the levels will be even more unique. I however am hoping for more open, explorable worlds in the vein of SM64. It sound like Retro are making a new Metroid, although that feels a bit too obvious (makes no sense to be cryptic about it). I'm hoping: Perfect Dark.



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*When asked if “a certain Super Saiyan” would join Smash Bros (since Namco is involved), he said it “hasn’t been decided yet, but there is a chance”



That possibility never occured to me...but damn I hope it happens now.... can see the final scene of the intro cinematic will be Mario doing his Final Smash fireball colliding with Goku's Kamehameha :awesome:


The question though would be how many levels of Super Saiyan would Goku have?


Chances are Solid Snake won't make a 2nd appearance I'd say, though I would like him too, getting some new 3rd party characters would be awesome. Hoping for Llyod from Tales of Symphonia also which would be a good chance of happening with the Namco partnership.... though wonder if the PS3 HD ports of ToS and ToS:DotNW would hinder Lloyd appearing on Wii U..... though I guess the lack of a MGS game on Wii didn't stop Snake being on Brawl

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Personally I think having DBZ characters in a SSB game would be a step too far, for that reason I hope it doesn't happen but then I've never really watched any of them though I get the feeling that even if I was a fan that I still wouldn't want it to happen as there are far worthier videogame characters that would be deserving of a spot on the roster.


I know there have been many DBZ games based on the series but it's still not the same, I mean if they are going down that route, why stop there? Stick some One Piece characters in there too... :heh:

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