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Boston Marathon Explosion


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Is there any accurate information yet on what's occurred/the cause?


It seems to be a "crude explosive", but nothing definite.


Also, here's an additional tragic element: that final stretch was dedicated to the families from the Newtown disaster. Families of the victims were seated on the opposite side of the road to the explosions.

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It seems to be a "crude explosive", but nothing definite.


Also, here's an additional tragic element: that final stretch was dedicated to the families from the Newtown disaster. Families of the victims were seated on the opposite side of the road to the explosions.




the people who did this are cowardly bastards

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There are some signs of good people, though:


- Immediately after the explosions, dozens of people ran straight towards it to help anyone there.


- Many people, including marathon runners still running (and who had already finished), rushed to hospital in order to queue up to give blood.



The JFK Library seems to be a mechanical fire, not related to an explosion.

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some of the images......people with lost limbs, man this is so horrible, i can't understand acts of terrorism on civilian targets


For me that is the very definition of "terrorism": forcing ordinary people into a state where they fear carrying out normal activities.



I'd like five minutes in a room alone with the people who did this - all I need is a pair of tweezers.

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Whoever did this is fucked up. Im absolutely horrified. Why target a marathon and a library? Why target anything at all!!?


Apparently nobody targeted a library, that was an unrelated incident according to reports.


It's pretty atrocious, but I'm gonna wait for more actual information before I start getting too het up. Would certainly like to know who's responsible.

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Very sad scenes. That image of the guy in the wheelchair will be with me for a while. Cowardly act to target people at a fund raising event.


Meanwhile though there has been a number of explosions across Iraq killing over 30 people and injuring over 200. Not much news coverage of that despite it being more devastating but then it's not happened in America.

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Jesus christ, I was out at dinner, so I only heard when I got back. It's tragic and terrible. Such a mindless act of violence.



Meanwhile though there has been a number of explosions across Iraq killing over 30 people and injuring over 200. Not much news coverage of that despite it being more devastating but then it's not happened in America.


Sadly, massive violence in Iraq (and, for that matter, Syria) is a common occurrence - every other week, at least. It's not a development, so no one reports it.


Still, I'm not trying to detract from the horror of what happened today. It's terrible, cowardly and who ever did it is a fucking nutjob.

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Who ever posted those photos and allowed such footage in the first place is an inconsiderate asshole , there's a line on what should be shown, I'm sure whoever this evil scumbag is will just get more pleasure seeing the results of his or her cowardly actions , and it's wrong out of respect for the poor people involved who are fighting for their lives,

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Who ever posted those photos and allowed such footage in the first place is an inconsiderate asshole , there's a line on what should be shown, I'm sure whoever this evil scumbag is will just get more pleasure seeing the results of his or her cowardly actions , and it's wrong out of respect for the poor people involved who are fighting for their lives,


I don't quite get what you're getting at here. Hiding the dead and the wounded and the suffering isn't exactly going to help or stop attacks. I don't see how filming or photographing an event (especially when already at the scene - it was a marathon remember) is inconsiderate.


If anything should be done to prevent the perpetrator from gaining something from it, people need to not act any differently. If you stop going to sporting events or other crowded places because you think your might be caught in an attack, the terrorists win.

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Who ever posted those photos and allowed such footage in the first place is an inconsiderate asshole , there's a line on what should be shown, I'm sure whoever this evil scumbag is will just get more pleasure seeing the results of his or her cowardly actions , and it's wrong out of respect for the poor people involved who are fighting for their lives,


I sort of agree, but I think it's also important to show the aftermath - people banding together, sticking their fingers up at whoever did this.

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Just got home from work and saw it on Twitter. The thing that's really irking me is that loads of people run marathons for incredibly good reasons and some arsehole(s) do that. It's beyond sad.


Five minutes. Locked door. Tweezers.

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3 confirmed dead now,


not sure if the 3rd person died later on due to injuries or if they were killed at the site.




So many different stories going round though, Apparently there was a bomb in the seating opposite the first explosion that didn't go off. If it had, the death / injury toll would of been shocking.




It's good that the death toll is this low considering the pictures of the scene that have been released, but there shouldn't be a death / injury toll at all at an event like this.

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