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Watch Dogs (Nov 21st)


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Watch Dogs has been delayed to Spring 2014


Watch Dogs has been delayed into spring 2014, Ubisoft announced today.


The delay includes all versions, per the following statement from the Watch Dogs team:


“Our ambition from the start with Watch_Dogs has been to deliver something that embodies what we wanted to see in the next-generation of gaming. It is with this in mind that we’ve made the tough decision to delay the release until Spring 2014.


“We know a lot of you are probably wondering ‘why now?’ We struggled with whether we would delay the game. But from the beginning, we have adopted the attitude that we will not compromise on quality. As we got closer to release, as all the pieces of the puzzle were falling into place in our last push before completion, it became clear to us that we needed to take the extra time to polish and fine tune every detail so we can deliver a truly memorable and exceptional experience.


“We would like to take this opportunity to thank all of you. We thoroughly enjoy and appreciate the way you respond on the web, at events, press conferences and during other opportunities we have to interact. Your passion is what drives us.


“We can’t wait to see you in Chicago next Spring. We are confident you’ll love this game as much as we love working on it.”



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I think this is good news for Nintendo as I believe the Wii U version was going to be delayed regardless of todays announcement but now with all versions being delayed it gives the Wii U version equal opportunity in sales. Waiting for the inevitable rebuff from Ronnie saying no it wasn't going to be delayed. You know the Wii U version was ported and developed independently in Ubisoft Bucharest, so if the Wii U version was finished on time and released this year it would be a real +1 for the Wii U over the competition.

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Wow! What a shocker!


Nintendo must be beaming right now. That's a big part of Sony and MS' arsenal taken out of commission; giving the Wii U version a much better chance of not being crushed by the "next gen" hype.


It should also help fill the Q1 schedule for them too (I wonder if they'll start pushing the Gamepad second screen features now that the Wii U version has a much better chance at retail...)


And I know I said it before in the Other Consoles Watchdogs thread, but props to Ubisoft for delaying the game. The pressure to get it out for the PS4/Xbone launches and the Xmas season must've been immense (and we all know that they're usually not afraid of pushing a game out of the door before it's ready...)

Edited by Dcubed
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Ah nuts I was looking forward to this. It was gonna be my next (and last of this year) retail game for my Wii U.


Had it pre-ordered and all.... guess I'll just get the shop to move that money onto my Link Bewteen Worlds pre-order.


Will prolly use the money I had put aside for Watch Dogs to get Sonic Lost World as an Xmas gift for myself (been a LONG time since I didn't buy a game on day one, haha, likely won't be able to get Sonic this Friday so will pick it up prolly in early Dec) :D


Hope they release this away from other big titles in 2014 such as Mario Kart or Smash Bros.

Edited by Mokong
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Gamechanger. Expected it to be a big xmas period hit, especially with the next gen consoles - now really rather glad that it's ALL versions too, and not just the Wii U one. I'll still probs get the Wii U version too(over 360 or ps3) down the line methinks, but I wonder the effect of this on both wii Us and next gen.


been a LONG time since I didn't buy a guy on day one, haha


I'm not sure we need to know.


On srs note though - why worry about Smash or MK? Do you really feel they might detract from Wii U Watch Dogs sales?

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I think part of this was strategic rather than the game simply needing more polish. I believe this game would have been lost amongst the other launch titles on PS4 and XBO and would have faired little better on other systems where it would have been fighting for recognition with titles like COD, Battlefield, Assassins Creed and the other big holiday titles.


With it being a new franchise it will probably do much better being released in a less densely populated area of the yearly release schedule!

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I'm not sure we need to know.


Well that's awkward haha


On srs note though - why worry about Smash or MK? Do you really feel they might detract from Wii U Watch Dogs sales?


It would for me :heh:

I don't usually get too many games a year now, if the first half of teh year is pretty much taken by MK and Smash and new games are later announced for the 2nd half of the year I would be interested in I'm not likely to come back to Watch Dogs unless there is a summer drought again (granted that might be likely to happen anyway :heh:)


:eek::wtf: Because you're downloading Super Mario 3D World from the eShop, right?... RIGHT?! :blank:


If I get Sonic that will be my platforming fix.... honestly wasn't ever planning to get Mario :( I'd be more interested in Mario if it were a 3DS sequel to 3D Land TBH


Sonic looks more appealing as a console game and money shortages coming up to Xmas.... I was course originally getting this over Sonic for something different but obviously this isn't coming this year now.

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I'm pleased. There are way too many games out - not to mention a new console launch to be distracted by. If I'm going to give Batman a miss, Watch Dogs didn't stand a chance. Tbh, it doesn't actually look too special, but if they spend the next six months giving it that little extra and release it in a much quieter period, everyone's a winner.

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  • 1 month later...

after finishing Deus Ex Human Revolution Directors Cut I'm hoping the delay to this is Ubi after seeing Deus Ex make great use of the Gamepad (and vita/smartglass support) hopefully Ubi are addin proper Gamepad/second screen support to Watch Dogs which they said previously they werent doing. fingers crossed :)

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Given the current worries and state of the Wii U I have a quick question for all the Wii U+other console owners out there - assuming this still comes to Wii U what platform will you be purchasing it on, and why?

Wii U, because the issues haven't made my console disintegrate :)

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The one thing to consider is I presume there will be a substantial amount of DLC for this game ? (both single and multiplayer) and I assume that DLC probably wont be coming to the Wii U? It's Ubisofts next big franchise, their new Assassins Creed.


It will also quit likely be the only Watchdogs in the forthcoming series that the Wii U will recieve.


So really which console you buy it on depends on how much you care about the DLC and want to experience in this new franchise moving forward.


Ubisoft has been great at supporting the gamepad thus far, though that may be over now, but hopefully they may have something planned for it.

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