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The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild Wii U / Switch


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I spent around half an hour looking for one of them. I was right where the map told me to be but I couldn't see the Korok. I searched the area high and low but still couldn't find it. I then decided to search the internet for answers and it turns out a few people are having issues with the map. It looks as if it may not be that accurate. No way am I putting up with this for 900 seeds.


Yeah, don't think I will bother with that either. I'll probably do all the Shrines and Quests, but 900 seeds is too much. I tried photographing a Korok, but it didn't add it to the Hyrule Compendium.


I ejected the game, turned off my Wii U and then packed it away ( no point keeping it set up now that this has been finished ). I feel this task could have been handled better by simply having a beacon on the Shiekah slate and by having a counter on the map telling you how many you have left to find in the region you're in.


Absolutely. Considering the game actually does have a system like this (ie. the Shiekah Slate), there is so much more it could have done to make the game more enjoyable. Ingredients, for example. Does anyone really want to photograph every mushroom? I think it'd be much better if you could set the Sheikah Slate to track down any ingredient you've previously encountered.


I've enjoyed my time playing the game a second time and even found a few new shrines that I didn't discover on my first attempt. The game still has many issues though and it doesn't even break into my top 5 Zelda games, despite the things it does right.


I've never played a game where my enjoyment has troughed and peaked so much, and so many times. Personally, I'd never played an open world game before, so was initially overwhelmed. Then I became a bit used to it, and was extremely impressed. The more I get used to it, though, the more the sheen comes off and I start thinking about the overall design more.

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I've been playing this game non-stop and absolutely loving in. I've only finished one Divine Beast and i'm over 65 hours in :D


This is basically me. :bouncy:


I don't care what happens in the game from now till finish but I can comfortably say that for me, it is the greatest Zelda game I have ever played by a country mile and it's also shaping up to be one of the best games I've ever played too.


I don't have a bad word to say about it other than motion controls. :nono:

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This is basically me. :bouncy:


I don't care what happens in the game from now till finish but I can comfortably say that for me, it is the greatest Zelda game I have ever played by a country mile and it's also shaping up to be one of the best games I've ever played too.


I don't have a bad word to say about it other than motion controls. :nono:


Agreed, but my only bugbear is the UI... urgh, even deleting photos is a chore!

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Agreed, but my only bugbear is the UI... urgh, even deleting photos is a chore!

Is it me, or can you only add stuff to the compendium by saving pictures, of which you're only allowed to have 48? It's an annoyance. It's one of the things I'ds like to see corrected in a patch, among the choice for Japanese language and other things.

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Agreed, but my only bugbear is the UI... urgh, even deleting photos is a chore!


Deleting all the photos consists of pressing X, then Y to select all then X again...


Is it me, or can you only add stuff to the compendium by saving pictures, of which you're only allowed to have 48? It's an annoyance. It's one of the things I'ds like to see corrected in a patch, among the choice for Japanese language and other things.


Once you take a photo of an item and it's registered in the compendium you can delete the photo.

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Hey guys quick question, when you go to the world map and select a shrine you have already visited; Some shrines have a treasure chest next to them and some don't, which one means there is still treasure there?


When there isn't a treasure chest showing.

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I completed my second Divine Beast today (The Geko/Lizard thing on Death Mountain) and then spent another 6 hours wondering around and exploring. I activated another tower, went back to an older area I hadn't really explored properly in the past, finally killed some of the mini bosses, found bunch of Shrines and tons Korok seeds. I also went back to the house I bought back at Hateno Village and fully upgraded it.


The only thing I'm having an issue with right now is I can't find that tree you give the Kotrok seeds to to upgrade my item slots lol

Edited by Helmsly
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I completed my second Divine Beast today (The Geko/Lizard thing on Death Mountain) and then spent another 6 hours wondering around and exploring. I activated another tower, went back to an older area I hadn't really explored properly in the past, finally killed some of the mini bosses, found bunch of Shrines and tons Korok seeds. I also went back to the house I bought back at Hateno Village and fully upgraded it.


The only thing I'm having an issue with right now is I can't find that tree you give the Kotrok seeds to to upgrade my item slots lol


It's on the path on the way to kariko village

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I completed my second Divine Beast today (The Geko/Lizard thing on Death Mountain) and then spent another 6 hours wondering around and exploring.


Beat 2nd divine beast yesterday. Man that was annoying, the electricity and quickness beast.


Yep, I completed my 2nd last night too, although I did the same one as Helmsly. It's funny how it becomes so much more like a traditional Zelda game when you get a couple of dungeons done.

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Well that's Zelda completed!




- The game looks gorgeous

- While I had problems with the mechanics and story, the gameplay kept me playing for over 30 hours. I'm someone who tends to prioritise story over most aspects so it definitely did something right!

- The shrines and towers were a fun distraction to do while I was listening to a podcast or watching Youtube. Keeping me interested in the game where for other more focused games I wouldn't have been able to split my attention.

- Some good characters dotted around.




- The open world, while impressive in size just never really felt populated or interesting to me. I dont have many stories about stumbling into a great moment etc. Personally I think the talk of it revolutionising open world games was overhyped.

- The difficulty always seemed off. Maybe its the fact that its mixed with the weapons breaking all the time but I never felt it was fair or earned when a normal enemy took me down in one hit. I've never liked durability in any game so its no surprise I didnt like it here.

- The story was bland to the point of barely being needed.

- A agree with the music criticism, not really a lot there.

- Motion control shrines should never have been included.

- Voice acting was very hit and miss.


I know I have a lot more pros than cons but I did enjoy the game overall. I just thought it was maybe a bit overhyped in the end. Still a lot of fun though.


I think the Switch itself probably had a lot to do with my enjoyment of the game. Its very nice to be able to switch between the TV and handheld and as I said in my thoughts, it ended up keeping me playing when with other games I might have put it down to do something else. According to the Switch it took me 35 hours+ to complete the game.


Still though, first ever 3D Zelda completed!

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I think the one-hit kill problem just means you haven't prepped properly. I took on and beat a Lynel with 5 hearts, and lots, and lots of food/elixirs. I just think that's the way the developers wanted it tonne played?

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