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The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild Wii U / Switch


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I dont want to turn this into a "which is better" argument but how do you guys find it in comparison to the Witcher 3? That's the one that keeps popping up for me when I'm thinking about the example of open worlds done right and the amount of times I just stumbled onto some cabin or something which set me off on a whole new story. I feel like I havent really had those kind of adventures in Zelda yet and I've uncovered quite a bit of the map now.


If you buy this game looking for another Witcher 3 you will be very disappointed.


I loved the Witcher 3, it was my favourite game of this generation. Everyone who has a PS4 should at least try this game.


They are two completely different games though. The only thing they share is an open world.

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I never went into Zelda expecting the Witcher 3, it was mainly just the praise Zelda has received for revolutionising the open world genre and I haven't felt a lot of that while playing. Only a talking point anyway as I'm still enjoying the game for what it is.


EDIT: I also think that story plays a massive role in making an open world game feel alive and thats something else I find lacking in this game, both main and side stories.

Edited by Happenstance
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Not jumping into the whole debate on genres again - but I really don't think 'open-world' should be counted as one. As the last few posts highlight - both BotW and The Witcher are 'open-world' but beyond that I'd call them incredibly different to such an extent comparisons aren't going to hold so much weight for me. As mentioned the verticality of exploration and going anywhere you like in BotW is really, really, cool - I just feel like Witcher goes for something completely different. As would GTA, WatchDogs, Horizon I presume and all sorts of other open world titles. I realise I'm getting off the Zelda point but could you even include yooka-laylee in this if it does its approach in a way that you are free to explore/accidentally get the wrong objective like in SM64? It's open world of sorts - but completely different gameplay really.


Don't get me wrong about my criticisms against BotW btw - I think it's still a very decent game for the bits it does right and any gamer should try and experience it at some point. I don't think I've had a feeling as free as this for a long time - and I've flogged the horse to death and will continue to do so but giving the player freedom and options in games to make everyone's experience slightly varied really appeals to me.

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So. Looking around the forum I see a lot of people talking about this game pointing out its apparent greatness and the obvious flaws. I see the reviews, everyone saying it's a masterpiece and it gaining 10/10 reviews pretty much across the board. I'd like to hear people's honest reviews. I'm about to say something completely contradictory to itself but;


Is it the best Zelda game ever created? Yes. So it's better than OoT? .... No....


At the moment I'm thinking it's probably the "best", but won't be my favourite. It's perfectly built and doesn't have any flaws that couldn't be easily fixed with a "re-used engine" game (like Majora's Mask). At the moment, I'm just missing the guiding hand of a director who wants to help me out a bit more when I need it. As strange as it may sound, it's missing Aonuma's inherent kindness, or Miyamoto's theatricality.


(Incidentally, I can't believe this has the same director as Skyward Sword. Literally looked it up as I'm typing this - I'm staggered!)


For every problem I've had with the game, I'm struggling to take much away from the (seemingly) deserved 10/10 that reviewers gave it. As others have said, my opinions may change many times. I haven't even completed a dungeon yet.

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Loving hearing everyone's opinions. My initial thought when I started playing was that Shadows of Mordor, Infamous Second Son and ARK had a baby.


I also think it's the best Zelda they have done, but don't like it as much as OoT. With OoT it was fresh and new, I remember renting it from global videos and being amazed. BoTW is a fantastic game in its own right, but, as many have said it actually steps away from the Zelda formula a little too much like it's trying too hard to keep up with all the new games. The problem is that every idea here has already been done and in most cases, actually been done better. The climbing, the open world, the towers, the weapons etc Games have come along way since this was in development.


Got to disagree on the dungeons though, I actually found the two I have finished to be quite difficult and the Camel boss was a freaking nightmare! Maybe it's my old age and I'm just not that good anymore!


I think all the little niggles I have with the game could be fixed (Whoever mentioned the cooking... prime example! What a pain when you need loads of food!) but it's still a great game. I think we have just been spoiled with all the new greats coming out on an almost monthly basis!


Kind of hope they go back to 'Zelda formula' next this isn't hitting the nostalgia in the nuts hard enough!

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Kind of hope they go back to 'Zelda formula' next this isn't hitting the nostalgia in the nuts hard enough!


I don't. After playing Twilight Princess HD I am fatigued with the standard 'Zelda formula'. I think its a postive thing that Nintendo has done something new with the series and hasn't stuck with the same old. After 30 years I think its impressive that Nintendo can freshen up a series. The Zelda formula was becoming stale.


Weren't people saying that Nintendo should shake up their franchises? I'm glad they are beginning to do so and take a little bit of risk.

Edited by Blade
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I don't. After playing Twilight Princess HD I am fatigued with the standard 'Zelda formula'. I think its a postive thing that Nintendo has done something new with the series and hasn't stuck with the same old. After 30 years I think its impressive that Nintendo can freshen up a series. The Zelda formula was becoming stale.


Weren't people saying that Nintendo should shake up their franchises? I'm glad they are beginning to do so and take a little bit of risk.


I also hope they don't. I love that they've done something different, and what they've done is better than what they had before.

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I'm actually enjoying the shrines and stuff in this much more than dungeons in other Zelda games. It just feels great you can either do it "normally" or you can experiment and cheat.


It's just awesome going "fuck your puzzle" design and doing it your own way.

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I'm actually enjoying the shrines and stuff in this much more than dungeons in other Zelda games. It just feels great you can either do it "normally" or you can experiment and cheat.


It's just awesome going "fuck your puzzle" design and doing it your own way.


I have wondered when doing a few of them if I was actually completing it as intended.

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I'm actually enjoying the shrines and stuff in this much more than dungeons in other Zelda games. It just feels great you can either do it "normally" or you can experiment and cheat.


It's just awesome going "fuck your puzzle" design and doing it your own way.


I have wondered when doing a few of them if I was actually completing it as intended.


Lol this is me. I've seemingly fluked a couple of shrines and thought to myself "how the fuck was I actually meant to do that?!" :D


It's nice that it's seemingly open to interpretation!

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I also think it's the best Zelda they have done, but don't like it as much as OoT. With OoT it was fresh and new, I remember renting it from global videos and being amazed.


Funnily enough, I'm more impressed with this than OOT. In fact, it's the most amazing game I've ever played. I find myself constantly wondering how Nintendo managed to make it; how they managed to afford it. Even how it fits on the cartridge! :heh: I know it sounds like I'm joking, but I'm not.


I think all the little niggles I have with the game could be fixed (Whoever mentioned the cooking... prime example! What a pain when you need loads of food!) but it's still a great game. I think we have just been spoiled with all the new greats coming out on an almost monthly basis!


I think the cooking, the sheer size of the world and possibly the breakable weapons (does that happen in other games?) are three examples where they've probably copied the open world formula more than they've thought about how to expand the Zelda series in its own right. Following rather than leading, as such. But hey, nothing exists in a vacuum, and I can understand that not even Nintendo is immune from being influenced.

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Funnily enough, I'm more impressed with this than OOT. In fact, it's the most amazing game I've ever played. I find myself constantly wondering how Nintendo managed to make it; how they managed to afford it. Even how it fits on the cartridge! :heh: I know it sounds like I'm joking, but I'm not.




I think the cooking, the sheer size of the world and possibly the breakable weapons (does that happen in other games?) are three examples where they've probably copied the open world formula more than they've thought about how to expand the Zelda series in its own right. Following rather than leading, as such. But hey, nothing exists in a vacuum, and I can understand that not even Nintendo is immune from being influenced.


Well, games like Minecraft have breakable weapons in them. And don't get me wrong, I think it's a great game and I'm having a lot of fun with it but I don't think it's genre defining or anything close to that.


I also have to echo @Hero\-of\-Time and question certain areas for being 'big for the sake of being big' like a huge mountain expanse and on the top is a single Korok seed... I actually think it would have benefited from the map being maybe 2/3 of its current size!

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My prophecies bloomed flourishingly to fruition with precision yet again. As with the 3DS and the Wiiu, I don't feel as if I'm missing out on too much because I never nose-dived into day 1 pickup. Nope, contrary to my jedi boi, Obe1, I'm most certainly not itchin' for some Switchin'.


Zelda: Breath of The Wild was being hypity hyped on the madness, and what got me was the reasons why BoTW rocked everyone's hype to rock it like a rocket, and it was for simple things such as merely being an openworld game, that you can readily steadily cook like Goron Ramsay, that you can try dungeons in any order (like the original Zelda did and Skyward Sword attempted), that you can hunt animals (similar to the bugs/birds hunting mechanics in Skyward Sword) etc etc.

Virtually nothing is new, just perhaps a bit more established. If anything, true innovative elements which opens up a new dimension of gameplay possibilities that is more fun and immersive (such as full on motion controls as a random top of a VR-headset example), has bleeding well been removed! Like I said, the RPG element of BoTW is just an elaboration from SS and others like WW and so forth.


It's Zelda, so of course it stands a good chance of being a generally good-to-very good game, and yeah it's most likely gonna be better than previous iterations within its series as it's simply more new with new tech and ammendments and such. But at least from my opinion, like Esequiel and Grazza said, this doesn't necessarily make something automatically become the greatest. OoT accomplished much more in terms of pushing the powerful hardware (N64) -- at the time -- to its limits, setting standards, demonstrating originality (not using previous games as templates to build upon), and just being filled with genuine magical charm. Of course it was far from perfect, but it was bleeding well satisfying enough, so much so as sparkles of its magic still glisten my mind with fond memories. Will BoTW do that for me 2 decades away from now? Bwahahaha I think not somehow. No other Zelda has. Wind Waker for me has been closest!

So this misguided belief that BoTW has surpassed OoT is just sheer hype. Or just simple minds expressing their bedazzle haha.


All of the details of BoTW are most definitely welcome and contribute to the overall art, but in my opinion such details would be more appreciated in a genuinely fantastic game, not just an alright or pretty good game.


I mean, even if the battle mechanics were 'at least' like that of Horizon: Zero Dawn's or For Honour's -- technical, passionate, engaging, destructive, methodic, thrilling.... BoTW's combat to me just looks underwhelming like Windwaker. Even as a kid I remember I took a second to realize that I wasn't really having fun with WW's combat as much as I know I potentially could, but I just didn't know exactly how it could be improved (I wasn't much of a bright kid :D ), then the Wii dropped and I instantly knew. Skyward Sword was a step in the right direction! And now with the joyconboiz which are miles ahead of m+, and powerful console for improved A.I, Zelda could have outstanding combat with all sorts of weaponry (just imagine the HD rumble shocking us with the electricity from the enemy swords that parry us like in SS :D ), shield control, magical summonings/sealings (by means of gesturing simple shapes similar to the one in SS) -- an 'openworld within combat' if you get me (each player flows around the enemy in their own heroic way with the vast catalogue of battle possibilities).

Online could've been elaborated on with players joining worlds, trading, messages in bottles via Miiverse.... basically put the minds of the team together to brainstorm mindboggling ideas. And preferably make the level of the visuals breathtaking, not just the artstyle.


Dont even get me started with the Switch itself. So far dudes, can you open like a player history list online to see whom you've played? Can you send friend requests to dem players on a quickting? No more Miiverse?.. I was hoping that would be taken to new heights. Still no voice chats or party chats at least among friends regardless of individual activities?


Ugh... me and my peeps occassionally discuss the potential of lots of Nintendo games like FZero, Star Fox / Lylat Wars, Metroid, Mario Kart, Smash Boiz, new types of games etc, and I just dont feel Nintendo will bring them in the form that we'd like (as in just pull a Star Fox Zero kinda thing). Even this Mario Odessy is looking kinda meh. Kart & Smash are just ports, as is BoTW. Arms, 1-2 Switch, Splatoon 2 and Snipper Clips and just fun little minigames that should not be sold as full-fledged, full priced individual titles, they should be cheap downloadables.


I dont know, I just feel very underwhelmed and I knew this underwhelming feeling would hit home to the dayoners, I see some honest reactions/feedback here N there. I dunno Nintendo, I feel like the Switch has insane potential but unsure if it will ever be reached.

If Nintendo nailed implementing motion controls magnificently into their games and crossplat 3rd party games, then Nintendo would be the console that consumers mat aswell purchase and then Sony and MS would step up their game thus Nintendo making their evolved innovation an industry standard which'd be so Bob-ombs for bulletbilling the advancement of the gaming industry, instead of just freaking chilling within this unfuturistic era of dated tech which limits gaming and prevents the industry from advancing.


One more thing: Did Nintendo not say that the novelty of switching from home console to handheld console not the selling concept of the system (especially as it's been done before)? Was the selling concept revealed, or is it still yet to be seen (or even cancelled)? Been waiting like mad for that.

Edited by Beverage
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[a whole load of detailed pros and cons...]

I can read all your criticisms and I don't even disagree with you. But... I'm so glad I don't really agree with you, either.


For me, Zelda captures something in its essence, its art, atmosphere, music, sounds, that transcends annoyances about how easy one part is or how little flora there is and such. It sees other, more technically capable, richer worlds and says "so what? This is Hyrule".


I know that it's visually weaker than some, and that puzzles are simpler or sillier than those in similar games but... it doesn't matter. I sit down and I just get lost in this game, for hours. I feel like I'm really there.


I'm well aware of how corny this sounds. But Zelda is probably the reason I'm here, and I haven't felt like this about a Zelda game since Wind Waker. The list of games that can capture this feeling is very short, and I'm just so happy it's back.

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I sit down and I just get lost in this game, for hours. I feel like I'm really there.


I'm well aware of how corny this sounds. But Zelda is probably the reason I'm here, and I haven't felt like this about a Zelda game since Wind Waker. The list of games that can capture this feeling is very short, and I'm just so happy it's back.


I wish this was the same for me but that magic has been lost since Majora's Mask and Breath of the Wild didn't bring it back.

But I am very happy that for many people BotW reignites or strengthens the flame Zelda has put into so many hearts of gamers :)

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Some help is required if anyone could.



Doing the mission Under The Red Moon, but I just can't get the Blood Moon to activate. Anyone have any ideas? I've sat at a campfire on the area at least 40 times by now with nothing...


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I'm actually enjoying the shrines and stuff in this much more than dungeons in other Zelda games. It just feels great you can either do it "normally" or you can experiment and cheat.


It's just awesome going "fuck your puzzle" design and doing it your own way.


I had a shrine like that early one. Figured out a way to get to the top eventually in a way I'm not sure was intended.


Anyway, I quite enjoy the game so far (five regions in). I like both the weapon breaking system and over the top large world. I have done one dungeon so far and I don't mind it was small. The only thing that makes this a 9/10 for me is the rain. It's really starting to piss me off.


Some help is required if anyone could.



Doing the mission Under The Red Moon, but I just can't get the Blood Moon to activate. Anyone have any ideas? I've sat at a campfire on the area at least 40 times by now with nothing...

Maybe you actually have to wait out the days?

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