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PlayStation 4 Console Discussion


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How do people feel about the launch line up? I'm still constantly to-ing and fro-ing about the consoles. But, and I'm not here to stoke fires (feel I need that disclaimer with the defensive types here), but is seems like a really really weak lineup; I almost want to say one of the weakest lineups I can remember; and wondered what others who have already ordered felt about it. I'd never get one, and in the long run the ps4 will have immense games, but even the xbox one's feels a touch stronger. No one seems to have spoken much about it, but I don't se what there is at launch of absolute real quality. Kill Zone has potential and could pull it out of the bag, but they're usually only pretty good.

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I think its a really solid line up.



Drive Club




Lego Marvel

COD: Ghosts


All the sports crap I wont buy


Shit tonne of free to play titles and downloadable games.


I actually think its one of the best line ups in quite some time. I'd put the XBone and PS4 line ups as equal right now.

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These are all the games that will be available launch day.




Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag

Battlefield 4

Call of Duty: Ghosts



Injustice: Gods Among Us Ultimate Edition

Just Dance 2014

Killzone Shadow Fall


LEGO Marvel Super Heroes

Madden NFL 25

NBA 2K14/NBA Live 14

Retail Need for Speed: Rivals

Skylanders Swap Force





Escape Plan (Cross-Buy)

flOw (Cross-Buy)

Flower (Cross-Buy)


Pinball Arcade

Putty Squad


Sound Shapes (Cross-Buy)

Super Motherload

Switch Galaxy Ultra

Tiny Brains




War Thunder

DC Universe Online

Blacklight: Retribution






I've never seen a better launch line-up. The ones in orange I'm getting without a doubt. Others like AC4, Injustice and Tiny Brains I'll almost definitely pick up.


Not really sure how anyone could be disappointed by it but horses for courses and all that.


And for comparison, the Xbox One line up. Which I think is lacking.

Edited by Daft
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I think my problem is that I'm just quite picky despite having a lot of games. I'm sure a lot of the games will be enjoyable/good, but at the same time I don't expect them to blow me away.


Plus I'd really like to see the Killzone mega bundle extended to include different games as they release, like Infamous.

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Yeah I guess it's not the volume. Most of them are out for other consoles we all already own. Why would people spend £400 to play a prettier cod (some will but not many). Seems to be drive club, kill zone, knack and resogun as the decent lanch titles. Drive club is an unknown and can say Forza is a much more attractive proposition, kill zone has never been great (but always decent), knack looks (and by all accounts) is average and resogun is the only one that looks great but is a smaller title you wouldn't want to spunk loads of money on.


So I'd say Forza wins over drive club, ryse (as a new interesting IP) wins over kill zone, dead rising 3 wins over knack and killer instinct v resogun. Tricky. Nostalgia says killer instinct, my brain says resign.

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So I'd say Forza wins over drive club, ryse (as a new interesting IP) wins over kill zone, dead rising 3 wins over knack and killer instinct v resogun. Tricky. Nostalgia says killer instinct, my brain says resign.


The launch line-up doesn't do much for me either but pipe down a moment! For one those comparisons are all stupid and arbitrarily paired off, and furthermore:


Ryse over Killzone? No. Ryse is a QTE broth.


ResoGun is THE launch title every PS4 owner might as well have. It's bound to be a great arcade game. Stardust still features in all best-of-PSN lists.


Knack snuggles into that lineup quite nicely, it's positioned well.

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ResoGun is THE launch title every PS4 owner might as well have.


Well, it is free on PS+ and the console comes with a two week PS+ trial.


As for those comparisons, Drive Club wins because it's not a simulator, Killzone ia a new franchise for me and looks much more interesting than Ryse, and I hated almost everything about Dead Rising 2, Knacks looks a bit simple, but fun (although I feel it's a big candidate for PS+ after 6 months).

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Not to mention PS+. If it was delayed, I think they'd have to swap it for the full version of Kanck in order to avoid bad publicity.


Unless it's still very close and they can still release the PS+ edition minus some features (along the tracks and cars they've mentioned), then add them in when the game is released.

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The launch line-up doesn't do much for me either but pipe down a moment! For one those comparisons are all stupid and arbitrarily paired off, and furthermore:


Ryse over Killzone? No. Ryse is a QTE broth.


ResoGun is THE launch title every PS4 owner might as well have. It's bound to be a great arcade game. Stardust still features in all best-of-PSN lists.


Knack snuggles into that lineup quite nicely, it's positioned well.


So you call me stupid for making the comparisons but then do exactly the same thing... And then everyone follows but as they're kind to ps4 that's okay...?! To be honest, Resogun is the only game out of the lot that really appeals to me, I was speaking objectively (as possible).


And now without drive club, if true, really makes it even weaker. I really think the new consoles could struggle.

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The machine had over 1.5 million preorders at Gamescom. This thing isn't going to struggle.


It's annoying but put it this way, Drive Club isn't a system seller. It's a new IP competing against both Forza 5 and GT6 - if not for sales, definitely for mindshare (you already said Forza 5 looks better, now there's a chance for it to convince you otherwise). Now it's pushed back, what do Sony have in terms of first-party (excluding Flower and the like)? Killzone and Knack at launch. That's not terrible. In two to three months Infamous Second Son will come out. A couple months after that a much-better-for-it Drive Club will come out.


In terms of a launch window, that kind of pacing is ideal. Sure, Drive Club definitely helped with an impact launch but there's so much momentum behind the launch, it doesn't really need it anymore.


I'm annoyed as fuck but speaking from a strategic standpoint it's nowhere near a disaster - and any company worth its salt, which I'd say Sony have proved to be over the past year, will turn this setback into an advantage.


Also, 'appeals to me, I was speaking objectively'...herp-aderp. Nu-huh. That is a contradiction in terms. The launch line up doesn't suit you. That's understandable. Don't get the machine. I also think dwarf was making a comparison that was completely fair (same genre, same budget, made by the same company, both released as launch titles for the same platform holder) - whereas your comparisons where speculative at best; different genres or targeted demographics, different budgets - you literally compared one new IP against an old one and acknowledged that as an advantage but you didn't when you mentioned Knack.It's a bit skew-whiff.

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Firstly, I never said forza looks better, and most definitely not to me, drive clubs social features interest me infinitely more than anything forza has ever offered as a series. As I said, I was speaking objectively in terms of how i feel both will fare at launch. And I don't think my inconsistent old v new ip argument works. Thereics a huge difference between the huge blockbuster more mainstream ryse, than the more indie, quirky,niche knack. Just because they're both new doesn't mean they sit closer together. And again, knacks style is more suited to my tastes, just the game in particular doesn't look great and hands on have been pretty lukewarm.


I guess what is as getting at, was that both lineups aren't for me subjectively, but I know in the long run the ps4 will be for me. But objectively, I think the xbone has a stronger lineup at launch.


And as for preorders, we'll see,but it won't surprise me if after Christmas they both struggle.

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SCE Worldwide Studios and the team at Evolution Studios have made the difficult decision to delay the release of DRIVECLUB and DRIVECLUB PlayStation Plus Edition until early 2014. DRIVECLUB will be a truly innovative, socially connected racing game, but the team requires more time in order to deliver on their vision — and I’m fully confident the game will surpass your expectations.


This decision also affects PlayStation Plus members‘ Instant Game Collection for launch. To be clear, DRIVECLUB PlayStation Plus Edition will still be part of the Instant Game Collection when it is released. For the PS4 launch, in addition to Resogun, I’m pleased to announce that Contrast, the highly anticipated game from Compulsion Games will also be available to PlayStation Plus members for free as part of Instant Game Collection. If you’re not aware of Contrast, it will whisk you away to a surreal vaudevillian, film-noir inspired reality full of performance, intrigue, shadow-play and drama. Please check out the trailer below. I’m sure you’ll agree that it is unlike anything you will have played before.





I'll probably pick up ACIV now.

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