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PlayStation 4 Console Discussion


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A cynic might say that Microsoft's recent fuck ups have provided a smokescreen to make PS+ a necessity for online gaming. It's bizarre how being able to trade in used games is also now regarded as a feature. Life is a game, and this time Sony played the game well.


£349 is a steal. I really don't see the point in owning a PS4 AND a One next generation. There wasn't really much of a point this generation for owning both a PS3 and 360 anyway. I can see many people opting for a PS4 and possibly a WiiU if Nintendo sort themselves out. The philosophy of One is the problem.

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Oof that price point is a steal! I do hope that's sustainable for Sony, I would presume they are making a loss for market share as always, but I hope it isn't too damaging for them, £40 more than a Wii U at launch, wow! Good news about DRM and always on stance too, Jack Tretton looked like the cat that got the cream when making those announcements and getting those whoops!

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Oof that price point is a steal! I do hope that's sustainable for Sony, I would presume they are making a loss for market share as always, but I hope it isn't too damaging for them, £40 more than a Wii U at launch, wow! Good news about DRM and always on stance too, Jack Tretton looked like the cat that got the cream when making those announcements and getting those whoops!


I would reckon charging to play online will help Sony recuperate some of the loss made on the console.

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Sony have done to the XBO what they did to the Saturn with the PS.


I felt both Sony and MS had strong showings in relation to content. However no one is putting down $499 when the same games are available on a system that is $399.


Putting online play behind a pay wall seems like a small sacrifice - and to be fair, most people saw that coming anyway.


I should imagine that some MS executives are waking up this morning with a headache.

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I actually like the design of both consoles. My only issue with the XBone is the size, if it were smaller I'd think it was pretty neat.


I like the PS4, it's a little edgy. I love that they brought the designer behind it up on stage. Putting faces out there is something Microsoft need to learn...well, faces that aren't emblazoned with a smirk 24/7.

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Still buzzing.:bouncy: Barely slept.:grin: £349 is a great price. Going to need a lot of self control to hold out until Infamous but we'll see.


Any news on HDD size? USB Ports? Optical port? Dolby?


I was shocked to hear it wont be launching in Japan this year though


Yeah that is surprising. Kaz made a brief comment when he was on CNBC about the yen being weak to the Euro at the moment so it makes sense at the very least that Europe is getting it this year.

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But Plus is beneficial to both the consumer and the content provider. It's an absurdly good promotional tool. Sony didn't pay for Just Cause 2, for example, the developer gave it away because it facilitated sales of DLC.


EDIT: Got it wrong, it wasn't for DLC, it just garnered good PR.


Sundberg said Avalanche "hasn't seen a dime" directly from the promotion from Sony (Square Enix would've been the one to strike the terms of that deal). But he's perfectly okay with that, as that wasn't the expectation when striking the deal. For Avalanche, free promotions like PS Plus or free betas are an essential part of building a fan base. "From a PR and goodwill standpoint, [it's] most definitively worthwhile," he said.


"I don't know how much, if any, Square Enix has made from the game [on PS Plus], but we have only received a lot of great PR and gamer feedback," he said. "That's worth more than a few dollars in royalty to us at this point."


Sundberg said he personally subscribes to PS Plus. "With free giveaways, early releases, special demos and so forth Sony builds loyalty from their players. That is exactly what they should focus on. Most players won't have the money to buy both a PS4 and the next Xbox, and a PC, so a loyal customer base is a must for the survival of the consoles."



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Well they're giving away Drive Club and listed three indie games for the PS4. I think that says more than needlessly assuming the worst.


Edit: Cheesy lifestyle video that shows off the UI.


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Well they're giving away Drive Club and listed three indie games for the PS4. I think that says more than needlessly assuming the worst.

Well you see that as a positive, I wasn't interested in any of those Indie games and never cared about Drive Club :heh: Those indie games will go in my game collection the same way all the Humble Bundle games do on Steam, into a big list of games I'll never play....


Alls I'm saying is making PS+ mandatory for online (which I'm surprised hasn't caused a ruckus considering how many people flipped their shit at me in an argument about Xbox Live Gold barely a week ago) is going to be a kind of market saturation for the service. If everyone has it, there's no need to make it quite so appealing. There must be instances where games were given away to sell PS+, not just to benefit the developer, and that won't be necessary anymore....

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Well you see that as a positive, I wasn't interested in any of those Indie games and never cared about Drive Club :heh: Those indie games will go in my game collection the same way all the Humble Bundle games do on Steam, into a big list of games I'll never play....


Alls I'm saying is making PS+ mandatory for online (which I'm surprised hasn't caused a ruckus considering how many people flipped their shit at me in an argument about Xbox Live Gold barely a week ago) is going to be a kind of market saturation for the service. If everyone has it, there's no need to make it quite so appealing. There must be instances where games were given away to sell PS+, not just to benefit the developer, and that won't be necessary anymore....


There's a huge amount of hypocrisy in this industry. People have been complaining about the need for a Gold account for years - now Sony do it, everyone's cool about it. Go figure.


However I can see why people are letting that go, because when the console is $100 cheaper, there's no DRM, no 24 hour check-ins and you can lend and play used games the positives outweigh the negatives.


The big thing that strikes me is when the largest cheer of E3 is for the announcement that you will actually own the discs you purchased and can do with them as you please it shows what a state we are in. Things like that really shouldn't raise a cheer at all, in fact they shouldn't even need to be talked about - they should be taken for granted.

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PS plus is mandatory? hmmmm it doesn't affect me since i have plus since its so awesome, but i do agree that free online was a sony selling point, and we did all just loose are shit about live being paid for.....


i'd say its indeed a negative for the ps4, however its balanced out by other good points in the grand scheme of things....


still it should be free psn plus should be extra

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Just finished watching the conference vid.


I feel comfortable giving this generation's crown over to Sony. Pack it up, we have a winner.


That final section with the used games was a real masterstroke. Flawless execution. And the price, oh man... It's PS1 VS Sega Saturn all over again!

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