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Saw PixelJunk Monsters 2 going for just 2 quid in sale at for games Big in Japan. Tower defense(curiously jsut what i fancied before i thought id trying seeing if Eden was ps4 ported) and not at all bad for 2 quid. Challenging, bit diff(you on the ground constructing towers) but not neccessarily revolutionary - yet for 2 quid it isnt bad. its got extra content also that you can get i sale but i cant see price cos i bought base game first so it wont show my bloody bundle price - but I doubt its gonna be breaking a fiver!!

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On 5/5/2020 at 6:31 PM, Rummy said:

Saw PixelJunk Monsters 2 going for just 2 quid in sale at for games Big in Japan. Tower defense(curiously jsut what i fancied before i thought id trying seeing if Eden was ps4 ported) and not at all bad for 2 quid. Challenging, bit diff(you on the ground constructing towers) but not neccessarily revolutionary - yet for 2 quid it isnt bad. its got extra content also that you can get i sale but i cant see price cos i bought base game first so it wont show my bloody bundle price - but I doubt its gonna be breaking a fiver!!

Pixeljunk Monsters 2 is fantastic - what a bargain!

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Wasn't sure if to stick this here or in the PS5 thread, but anyways...


Introducing PlayStation Studios, the new brand name for all of your favorite exclusive PlayStation games.

Well, that came out of the blue, even if it makes total sense. Major Marvel Studios intro vibe though... :p

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Well turns out it's launching along with the PS5 (go figure!), so not sure if a mod wants to rip this and the discussion onto the PS5 thread.

Will feature on the boxes of games, and of course is for all SIE Worldwide Studios projects. Guessing that this means no more of this? 


Interesting follow-up article with senior VP and head of marketing for SIE, Eric Lempel, over on gamesindustry.biz

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Anybody here who played one of the first two entries? Looks kinda fun. I somewhat enjoy Baseball but find MLB a bit too serious. This seems like a more arcadey-style game.

It's been released today.

With NBA2k20 on sale for a fiver and this (if it's good) I might actually be set with sports games for a while :D 

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PS4 has now shipped over 110.4 million units worldwide. Some more highlights from PlayStation's end of FY briefing...


- Over $18.14B Revenue and $2.19B Profit in FY19 (2nd best year ever for PlayStation Division and 2nd biggest Revenue for any platform holder in video game history)

- Hardware Sales: 13.5m PS4 sold-in during FFY19

- Software Sales: 244.9m games sold-in during FY19 (4th highest yearly software sales in video game history; PS4 is the only console to have 4 years with more than 200m games sold; more than 7.74 games have been sold each second in the world)

- Software digital ratio during Q4 FY19 (Jan-Mar 2020): 66% (Highest digital ratio ever for a quarter)

- PlayStation Division generated over $108B Revenue and $8.92B Profit since PS4 release

- PlayStation Network generated over $51.00B Revenue since FFY13

- PlayStation Plus now has more than 41.5m subscribers

- PS4 is still tracking ahead of PS2 (for now)


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  • 3 weeks later...
5 minutes ago, Sheikah said:

Wasn't sure where to put this, but @drahkon Slay the Spire is coming to mobile this month. Have to say, I think it would be the perfect fit for mobile since you're purely selecting things and not moving around a character.

Yeah, just seen the news. iOS for now, though, so I'll have to wait for an Android release. $9.99 (so most likely 9.99€) is a fair price.

Will I triple dip after getting this for PS4 and Switch? You better believe I will. :D (unless my phone can't handle the awesomeness that is Slay the Spire)

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Remember Mind Control Delete will be free for everyone who has purchased the original, non-VR Superhot prior to the release of MCD! Yes, it means we’re giving away over two million copies of the game on (almost) every imaginable platform. For those eligible, your free copy of Mind Control Delete will be added automatically to your PS4 games library after the release. Check out the official Superhot website for all the details.


SUPERHOT is the most innovative shooter I've played in years!

And now we get more. For free (if you purchased the original).

This is awesome.

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2 hours ago, bob said:

Does this mean they aren't making a VR version of this update? or just that the VR version isn't free?

I feel like it's important to note that there was never a VR version of the first game either, and that SUPERHOT VR is a completely separate game.

Anyway, here's what they have to say about VR on the Steam page:


Is this VR? Will this be VR?
MCD is a regular, non-VR title. It’s designed for conventional screens and longer play sessions. If you played and enjoyed SUPERHOT VR, you’ll have a blast playing the original SUPERHOT and MCD as well.

Just like making SUPERHOT VR required making an entirely new game with new mechanics, new levels, and a new story, so would our next VR game differ from MCD and everything else we’ve done so far. We’re always working on new things, but great things take time to build. It may be a long time before we’re happy with the next great VR thing to show you.


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3 minutes ago, Magnus said:

I feel like it's important to note that there was never a VR version of the first game either, and that SUPERHOT VR is a completely separate game.

Anyway, here's what they have to say about VR on the Steam page:


I did not know that...I assumed it was just a VR version of the original game.

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