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PlayStation 4 Console Discussion


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BT are pushing to get fibre optic cable to the vast majority of homes within the next couple of years so it should become more feasible soon.


I have BT fibre optic to my exchange. I've tried Gaikai and Onlive.


It's not really very playable outside of turn based stuff. The lag is immediately noticeable (and it would only be worse on a HDTV, where most of them suffer from horrendous input lag already. Oh and if that's not bad enough, a lot of PS3 and 360 games already suffer from high input lag even when played natively anyway - particularly GTA4 and Killzone 2!)


It's gonna be a mess, but hey! At least they get to advertise that it's "Backwards Compatible"


Here's hoping that we see PS2 disc support at least. Software emulation for PS2 games should be very doable.

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I have BT fibre optic to my exchange. I've tried Gaikai and Onlive.


It's not really very playable outside of turn based stuff. The lag is immediately noticeable (and it would only be worse on a HDTV, where most of them suffer from horrendous input lag already. Oh and if that's not bad enough, a lot of PS3 and 360 games already suffer from high input lag even when played natively anyway - particularly GTA4 and Killzone 2!)


It's gonna be a mess, but hey! At least they get to advertise that it's "Backwards Compatible"


Here's hoping that we see PS2 disc support at least. Software emulation for PS2 games should be very doable.


I imagine something needs optimising with the setup then and hopefully they do it. Fibre optic is definitely good enough to stream 1080p video content so really it should be possible to make this almost lag free. I know you require sending input as well as receiving, but it should be possible. Note that some internet providers fuck your speeds at peak times or throttle certain content.

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I think to start with they'll cap streaming to 720p. That should alleviate some bandwidth issues, then they can slowly upgrade as infrastructure improves. I suspect it'll be a Plus feature, the PS4 reads that you have the game disk or checks you've downloaded it on your account and it will stream away. It'll be interesting to see what games will be available and how/if DLC will work.


Personally, I'm not bothered but if it's a cheap solution to backward compatibility then I'm all for it.

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The Times : Sony is considering pricing PS4 "at about £300" #1


When Sony unveils its new PlayStation device this week, it will be far cheaper than many experts had expected — a price tag that, it is hoped, will lure millions of customers into buying its latest video games console.


Industry sources and leaked internal documents suggest that Sony is considering pricing the new device at about £300, more than £100 cheaper than the starting cost of its predecessor, the PlayStation 3.



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I can see it being £350 max. £300 would be a very sweet price point though.


I'm thinking £349 - £399. I dont think they will go beyond that but will be interesting to see how much the console is costing to build. I did say the price will be lower than what people think simply cos off the shelf parts and the PS3 disaster would insure Sony dont make the same mistake.


Any price which starts with 3 for the PS4 or the next Xbox is going to really effect Nintendo.

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Any price which starts with 3 for the PS4 or the next Xbox is going to really effect Nintendo.


Its going to be very interesting to see how Nintendo react if both the PS4 & xbox 3 launch around the £300-£350 mark.


Its already a hard sell at the current price against the PS3/360, they'll have to re-evaluate the bundles on offer and throw in an extra game or something, Nintendoland as a pre-installed game perhaps plus another.


I think Sony are going to surprise a lot of people on Wednesday.

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