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Triforce - shush. You're either clamouring for attention, or are going induce an eating disorder. 10 stone @ 5'7 is fine.


BMIs not exactly great in determining whether people are overweight or not. It works for most people, but not for others. Use it with care as a guide.

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I'm 5ft 6 and I weigh 8 stone.


You definately didn't look 16stone from the sheffield meet pictures.


I'm about 10.2/3 at the moment, so that puts me as average, bmi does jack shit these days which is why nobody listens to it.


She didnt look 16 stone in person.

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1. Im not seeking attention, I have never been that type of person.


2. I wont let myself get to that stage of being unhealthy, I had a best friend who had anorexia, and it was horrible.


3. Thankyou for people saying I don't need to lose anymore, seriously it does help, but won't change my mind.


4. Caris your a fanny <3

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Meh, I just wanna be....flat.




Eurgh, I've lost like 2 stone in the past year, but I still feel like I need to lose more.


And until I look in the mirror and be happy with myself, I don't think I will ever think I'm a good weight.


What the bare...? I'm 5' 10" and 12 stones. I think I could do with putting on a bit more weight actually. Not of fat though

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I think I'm slender. I like it, some people say I need more fat on me but I like the way I am. Like triforce, you shouldn't need to worry about your wait. People saying this won't change your mind but still.


Girls with curves always think they have lumps and bumps and bits that shouldn't be there. What they don't know is men have trouble controlling their saliva when they are like that :p Seeing ribs is not what its about, at all.

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Hard to say what I am, I'm about 6'1 and 83/84kg (I haven't weighed myself in a while). I put on a lot of weight through weight training and I most certainly wouldn't say I was now massive, just more "average".


And Triforce I've been reading the replies and you're being as daft as a brush - there's hardly anything of you! If anything you should be eating more! (The point is, don't be silly, you're fine as you are).

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55kg? Isn't that sorta underweight? =O

I weigh almost 10kg more and I'm about 20cm smaller than you. =(


What was I when I got measured at your place last? It was 66 wasn't it?


Actually, I think it was. Because I do remember the scaling reading 66.6 at one point, and I thought...





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It's very underweight. A few years back, when I hit rock bottom I was 47 kg.


Oof, that's not good. Though it's good that you've gained some weight since then, but you could still do with a bit more.

If it was possible, I'd gladly give you some of mine. But sadly things don't work that way. =P


What was I when I got measured at your place last? It was 66 wasn't it?


Actually, I think it was. Because I do remember the scaling reading 66.6 at one point, and I thought...






Haha yeah, I think it was something like that. X3

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Oof, that's not good. Though it's good that you've gained some weight since then, but you could still do with a bit more.

If it was possible, I'd gladly give you some of mine. But sadly things don't work that way. =P




Heh, they do not, but thanks for caring :heh:

I seem to be pretty much locked at 55, sometimes I can reach 57 or so, but that's about it.

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