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And done with The Boys. Overall, it was a very enjoyable show with lots of great characters. 


I think the ending was a bit too much with all the sobbing and Becca dying, Ryan going somewhere and Homelander just accepting it all, blackmail from Starlight and (Brave :D) Maeve and all. Also, why were all leaving the Tower when Lamplighter torched himself? Hughie having the time to saw off a hand with a bottle is just... crazy.

I do hope they wrap it up in Season 3 or at least focus on some new characters as I don't think Hughie and the bunch have much more to give us, even though they are rather likeable.


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One more episode left this season for His Dark Materials. :cry:

I've really enjoyed this. A great step up from season 1 and the pace of this has felt just about right. Nothing feels too rushed and it hasn't dragged. Overall, I'd say that it's been a great, faithful adaptation. 

Ruth Wilson in that last episode. :bowdown:

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Second season is SO good. I think some of the gripes with the first season in how they hid some of the more gory aspects of the first book have been somewhat rectified and I think the fact that there's less of a strain on the budget for daemons due to the fact that a significant portion of it takes place in daemonless worlds. Admittedly I thought nothing really too much happened in the last episode but it's setting up what should be a great season finale. PLEASE let there be a season 3, even if Amber Spyglass is one of the deepest books ever written.. and said spyglass doesn't even feature so much in the book that over the years I'd forgotten what it did, whereas I remember what the Subtle Knife did all these years later before the show even came back. That thing is one of the coolest fictional weapons imo.


Also when I remember that HBO are owned by Warner Bros. it makes sense that...


...Spectres would look like Dementors from Harry Potter...

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Just finished Season 2 of His Dark Materials. After seeing the ending of that episode, I don't know how they CAN'T continue from this. Everything is set up to follow the events of the third book.


I think this image sums everything up...





Got to feel sorry for Will, he finally gets to meet his father and his father learns that the person he'd been seeking as the knife bearer is his own son. Only for him to get shot by the Magisterium and killed. Andrew Scott did a good job as John Parry and I loved the delivering of the flying line in Episode 6 from him. Curiously


Of course, an even more major character dies. RIP Lee Scoresby. I wonder if that will cause issues with HBO in helping to fund the thrid season since Lin Manuel Miranda was their big pitch for American audiences but I don't think it will be too much. In the end both Jopari and Scoresby die protecting Will and Lyra respectively. It's kind of sad really that Lyra doesn't even know that Scoresby is dead, all she knows is that he was in trouble. And now she's captive of Mrs. Coulter and that's the last we ever see of her for the season. Kind of makes for a convenient excuse as to why she looks older whenever Season 3 ever comes around as interviews with Dafne Keen in recent times show her to be much older looking than she appears in the TV show even if that's only by a year, so any future filming will be with a more mature Dafne and Amir.


Revealing what the prophecy actually is paints this entire thing in a new light. Now we're bringing Adam and Eve into the whole thing with Will being Adam and Lyra being Eve. For some reason, I have a soft spot for stories that delve into philospophy across different media. Curiously, Kamen Rider Gaim ends with both it's lead male and female characters becoming Adam and Eve respectively and I really enjoyed that show too.


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Watched the first two episodes of The Undoing yesterday, had it on my radar for a bit but my wife got a recommendation for it from someone else which sparked her interest (I had told her several times that we should watch it...!). It's good, really interesting crime plot and a very good cast. Looking forward to finishing it.

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I finished watching His Dark Materials recently, and while the second season was better than the first, it's still all a bit meh.

I didn't understand how Ruth Wilson was able to control the Spectres? She said that she hid part of herself to stop them attacking her, but then there seemed to be a huge jump to her controlling them and getting them to kill the witches...?

Also, they introduce all this stuff about the war against the Authority and the angels with no build up at all - it seemed really tacked on.

The witches just seemed to talk in stilted clichés the whole time - saying how the world has been thrown into chaos by Lord Asreal opening the window, but it didn't seem like the world was in chaos...? Like how was it in chaos?

Lyra and Will declaring each other best friends despite them spending about 3 days together.

The actor who plays Will seemed to do most of his acting through clenching and unclenching his jaw - and then staring off into the distance.

How come only one or two Demons can talk?

The show has some good ideas and moments, but a lot of it falls flat in my opinion.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Queens Gambit - just watch it, it's great TV. I was slightly on edge for most of it as you often feel like something horrid is about to happen, but it's never that bad.

Bridgerton - Like a rude Pride & Prejudice. Story/costumes/scenery are great. If you do like regular period dramas (I do) it's great, but by the end it feels like the sex scenes get done to death for no other reason than gratuity.

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21 minutes ago, Mr_Odwin said:

Bridgerton - Like a rude Pride & Prejudice. Story/costumes/scenery are great. If you do like regular period dramas (I do) it's great, but by the end it feels like the sex scenes get done to death for no other reason than gratuity.

Shonda gonna Shonda.

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I just started a re-watch of Buffy @Ashley. Currently midway through season 2. I associate you with Buffy in my mind. You still carry a torch for it?

So far, it's just amusing how 90s it is. Computers are new, the internet is new, no one has a mobile phone, and someone cracked out a pager in one episode.

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1 minute ago, Mr_Odwin said:

I just started a re-watch of Buffy @Ashley. Currently midway through season 2. I associate you with Buffy in my mind. You still carry a torch for it?

So far, it's just amusing how 90s it is. Computers are new, the internet is new, no one has a mobile phone, and someone cracked out a pager in one episode.

I watched it after it finished (I caught the last episode on TV and then decided to watch) and enjoyed it while I did but never been back to it. Tried the comics for a bit but bounced off. 

Been rewatching The Office (skipped the first season though) and likewise it feels dated at times. Nobody had a cell phone for most of the first few seasons and I think someone used a pager too!

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Watched Normal People on BBC iPlayer. It's great. Story about a couple that drift in and out of each other's lives over the course of a few years. Deals with some meaty issues - depression/anxiety, social pressures, abuse, break ups ...

Which makes it sound sad, but it's uplifting overall, or at least bittersweet.


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I've been watching The Mandalorian. Possibly an unpopular opinion but the first four episodes were incredibly slow! So slow that I had to watch an episode twice because I drifted off. However, I LOVED the last four episodes (from the Prison episode onwards) and I'm now on S2.

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I watched all of the Mandalorian and that ending was absolutely amazing. I totally was not expecting that at all!!

I also watched all of Dead Pixels S2 and that was good. I found it to be funnier than the first season and pretty much watched them back to back.

At the moment, since I'm probably locked down til March (ugh), I thought I'd finally tackle every single episode of Sons of Anarchy. I'm on E9 of S1 and I'm loving it so far. It's like The Sopranos on motorbikes.

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On 20/01/2021 at 6:45 PM, Beast said:

I've been watching The Mandalorian. Possibly an unpopular opinion but the first four episodes were incredibly slow! So slow that I had to watch an episode twice because I drifted off. However, I LOVED the last four episodes (from the Prison episode onwards) and I'm now on S2.

Yeah it's more of a personal story of one man early on, things open up in season 2 though, as you've probably noticed by now! That's how Dave Filoni Star Wars shows typically start off, small scale as you get to know the characters in season 1, then go bigger.

I'm actually more of a fan of the slower more intimate episodes like Chapter 2 with the jawas and Chapter 10 with the spiders. Those are probably my two favs. But yeah, amazing show overall!

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If anyone's looking for a good sci fi series to watch, Babylon 5 has just received a sort of remaster on Amazon Prime Video.

It looks a bit sharper, and they've also used the original 4:3 view. Whereas until now you could only get it in "fake widescreen", where they simply zoomed into 4:3 image (thus losing some at the top and bottom).

B5 is my fave TV show evar (i'd actually go as far as saying it's my favourite story ever told in any format), and I highly recommend it to everyone.

I will say, season 1 IS considered a little slow and just seems like standard trek, but from S2 onwards it really becomes its own super awesome thing with proper story archs that last throughout the entire thing (instead of per episode).

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5 hours ago, bob said:

I've not seen Babylon 1-4, will I be lost if I try and watch 5?

It's a bit confusing, they change the name each season:

Stargate SG 1
Earth 2
Mother Makes 3
Twenty 4
Babylon 5 
SEAL Team 6
Blake's 7
Sense 8
Deeps Space 9

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Rumours going around that Mahershala Ali could play Joel in HBO's The Last of Us series...

Can't wait to see that fanbase implode further if there's any truth to this, I didn't think it could get worse after the TLOU2 backlash, but this could be one way to do so :laughing:

Great actor, so I'd be up to see it, but it's one of those weird cases where I feel if the reverse was true - a white actor portraying an originally black skinned character - then how the backlash opposing that casting just wouldn't be perceived in the same way. 

Personally, I don't really care so long as the creatives think they're the right person for the job (which is pretty much how I view all of these situations). I guess it's also one of those cases where Joel already has a face attached, and if you can't get a white actor to look exactly like him, you could just as easily justify moulding him into having a different background, though if there's any truth to this, it does raise interesting questions about if the story will be in the same continuity, and also what the casting might be like for the rest of the characters. 

Guess we'll just have to wait and see, but hopefully some other big names get attached! 

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