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So there's a general move thread and there is an oooooold general TV thread and I don;t want to start a new thread for Grey's Anatomy since I'm sure no one cares...but I need an outlet.


Just watched the Season 5 finale of Grey's Anatomy.


Holy shit-balls was that sad. Anyone else seen it? I think the 007 bit broke me.

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I like the idea for this thread.


I've watched Warehouse 13 form the start. It very, very cheesy but the series has grown a lot since. The current season (season 4) has been amazing - the last episode especially so. It's turned into something brilliant.


The start of Castle was also great, and The Big Bang Theory, Fringe and Clone Wars also start this week.

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... Shonda Rhimes got so caught up in her plan to use George as little as possible so no one would notice that he wasn't around in the season finale that she apparently didn't think to tell T.R. Knight why she was suddenly turning him into a glorified extra and he became so unhappy working on the show that he left and didn't even want to come back for a few episodes to give his character a some closure.


T.R. Knight leaving the show was probably a big reason why another actor left in season 6.


Grey's Anatomy used to be a guilty pleasure for the first few seasons, but it's pretty terrible these days and everyone keeps dying, like that's the only way Shonda Rhimes knows how to write an ending for a character.


That said, I thought the sixth season finale was awesome. :p

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I've watched it all so quickly that it's a bit of a blur.


I only kind of noticed George not being around that much, thinking back, yeah he pretty much did turn into a glorified extra. At the end of the episode I decided that all the characters should die by the very end, I don't want any of them to be happy...for some reason.



Bring back Addison.

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Addison was great on Grey's Anatomy, and then she left for Private Practice and... it's just so boring. So very, very boring. Now there's a show where I'd be more than happy for everyone to die.


Though I was excited to watch the sixth season premiere to see how they were going to write off a character after they unceremoniously fired the actor shortly after the end of season five.


Mostly I just wanted to see if they were going to send him off to prison forever or kill him off. He had a heart attack off-screen, of course.


Seriously, every character Shonda Rhimes touches dies horribly.

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I've been eyeing up Warehouse 13 on Netflix but I got sucked into Grey's before I knew what hit me. Is it worth it? What's it similar to?


It's mostly enjoyable and it's had some great episodes, especially the latest season. I'm presuming it's somewhat similar to Eureka/A Town Called Eureka (it's set in the same universe) although I haven't seen it myself so I can't compare.

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I will eventually get round to watching it.


Addison was great on Grey's Anatomy, and then she left for Private Practice and... it's just so boring. So very, very boring. Now there's a show where I'd be more than happy for everyone to die.


Though I was excited to watch the sixth season premiere to see how they were going to write off a character after they unceremoniously fired the actor shortly after the end of season five.


Mostly I just wanted to see if they were going to send him off to prison forever or kill him off. He had a heart attack off-screen, of course.


Seriously, every character Shonda Rhimes touches dies horribly.


A woman after my own heart.





I want to want to watch PP but Christ it sounds awful. In the first minute of the first episode the chief at Grey's is all pissed off at her and she describes why she's moving and I swear I was comatose three syllables in.

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There's really no reason to watch Private Practice other than its ties to Grey's Anatomy. While the latter can be soapy fun, Private Practice is neither soapy nor fun.


Pretty much the only enjoyable part about the show is how the characters are pretty much black widows. We're introduced to a main character's mother? She dies. Someone's long-time friend? She dies. Someone's ex-girlfriend? She dies. If I knew these characters, I'd run for the hills. Even the poor receptionist died.


Actually, Grey's Anatomy keeps killing off family members too, so it must be a Shonda Rhimes thing. :p



It's mostly enjoyable and it's had some great episodes, especially the latest season. I'm presuming it's somewhat similar to Eureka/A Town Called Eureka (it's set in the same universe) although I haven't seen it myself so I can't compare.

While I've never watched Warehouse 13, I would just like to state for the record that Eureka is really boring and every episode plays out the exact same way, or at least that was the case when I stopped watching in season 3.

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Last weekend I stumbled upon an intro for a cartoon series called Gravity Falls, and my interest was immediately piqued by the major X-Files vibes I got from it. I looked it up and found out it's still very new, having only just started this summer with 10 episodes currently out and the 11th premiering tomorrow (technically today), so I watched the first episode and ended up spending all night watching them all. :heh: It wasn't as X-Files-y as the intro suggests, but there's still a great vibe of mystery and conspiracy, and there are a lot of hints to there being much more to the story than we're currently seeing, which I'm assuming will develop much more as the series progresses. It's pretty funny with surprisingly well-written characters and a keen attention to detail, which bodes well for the expected mytharc. The creator is Alex Hirsch, former writer for The Marvellous Adventures Of Flapjack, which I recall @Hamishmash being a fan of, and the look of it also reminds me a bit of Adventure Time, though I haven't seen that yet and thus can't comment on any actual similarities or lack thereof.

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Last weekend I stumbled upon an intro for a cartoon series called Gravity Falls, and my interest was immediately piqued by the major X-Files vibes I got from it. I looked it up and found out it's still very new, having only just started this summer with 10 episodes currently out and the 11th premiering tomorrow (technically today), so I watched ttumblr_ma28w7DyFO1ruav3u.gifhe first episode and ended up spending all night watching them all. :heh: It wasn't as X-Files-y as the intro suggests, but there's still a great vibe of mystery and conspiracy, and there are a lot of hints to there being much more to the story than we're currently seeing, which I'm assuming will develop much more as the series progresses. It's pretty funny with surprisingly well-written characters and a keen attention to detail, which bodes well for the expected mytharc. The creator is Alex Hirsch, former writer for The Marvellous Adventures Of Flapjack, which I recall @Hamishmash being a fan of, and the look of it also reminds me a bit of Adventure Time, though I haven't seen that yet and thus can't comment on any actual similarities or lack thereof.




I got so excited I stuck the gif in your post. XD

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Private Practice is a weak ass relation to Grey's, it's like they've just taken the same formula and moved it from Wet Seattle to Sunny California. It blows.


I love Grey's, the early seasons especially. It was the only medical show that ever got close to ER (not too close though). I do agree with the main criticism of causing far too much unnecessary drama. It's like someone finally got a break, had something good happened to them, then bam; they've got a drug addiction. Met the man of your dreams? lol, you ain't have children so don't sweat it.


Obviously the show needs drama and it does it very well but sometimes it does come across as overly forced. I'm glad they killed off George, he was the most pointless character in the show. Everytime i saw him on screen I wanted to cause him harm.

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So speaking of Grey's Anatomy and the ever-present shadow of death, the death toll one episode into season 9 is already 1.


So with the season 8 finale, that's a whopping three main characters leaving in two episodes. At this rate, the only people left in a month will be the extras.


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So speaking of Grey's Anatomy and the ever-present shadow of death, the death toll one episode into season 9 is already 1.


So with the season 8 finale, that's a whopping three main characters leaving in two episodes. At this rate, the only people left in a month will be the extras.


The Actors/Actresses wanted to leave and killing them off was the best option.


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Well... erm... two of them were a big will they/won't they couple, so Rhimes could have given them a happy ending? Remember happy endings? ER usually did a good job with those.


And I don't believe anything Rhimes or anyone else involved with the show says anymore. The actor who died in the season finale had said earlier in the year that she wasn't planning on leaving the show any time soon, then some time after her character died she released a statement saying that she'd decided this would be her last season on the show earlier in the year. The actor who died in the season premiere very suddenly announced between seasons that he'd decided to leave, and now there's a rumor going around that he was let go because of budget cuts.


I don't know, I just don't find it likely that every actor suddenly wants to leave the show at the same time, so my guess is they're either being fired to save money or leaving because they didn't get the salaries they were asking for. The show is going into its ninth season and its cast is (was?) huge, and it's at that uncomfortable point where the actors are making more and more money but the show is pulling in less and less viewers.


Or maybe Rhimes has just snapped and this'll be the season Daft has been waiting for.

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Well... erm... two of them were a big will they/won't they couple, so Rhimes could have given them a happy ending? Remember happy endings? ER usually did a good job with those.


And I don't believe anything Rhimes or anyone else involved with the show says anymore. The actor who died in the season finale had said earlier in the year that she wasn't planning on leaving the show any time soon, then some time after her character died she released a statement saying that she'd decided this would be her last season on the show earlier in the year. The actor who died in the season premiere very suddenly announced between seasons that he'd decided to leave, and now there's a rumor going around that he was let go because of budget cuts.


I don't know, I just don't find it likely that every actor suddenly wants to leave the show at the same time, so my guess is they're either being fired to save money or leaving because they didn't get the salaries they were asking for. The show is going into its ninth season and its cast is (was?) huge, and it's at that uncomfortable point where the actors are making more and more money but the show is pulling in less and less viewers.


Or maybe Rhimes has just snapped and this'll be the season Daft has been waiting for.



I wouldn't disagree with that. Hospital drama's aren't usually filled with happiness but Grey's does have a reputation for having so many unnecessary bad things happen that other great shows didn't (ER).

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Taking an aside to the Grey's Anatomy talk for a second, watched the season 5 premiere for Castle earlier and enjoyed it but I have some thoughts on how it went down:


Feels weird that they've spelled it all out right out of the gate with the season premiere in terms of what will most likely be the overarching plot for the series. I think they could have perhaps strung the reveal over at least another episode rather than shooting their load in the one go and having Beckett put down that deal.


That being said, I doubt it'll be as simple as it being that one guy in charge of it all. For some reason, I get the feeling that Castle's dad may well have a hand in what went down and is probably the bigger figure pulling the strings behind the scenes, which would fit with what was mentioned by Sophia or whatever her name was (the female CIA agent that was a traitor in the Linchpin episodes) as she mentioned it was because of Rich's father that he got to shadow her.


And with Castle and Beckett together, what better (or worse) way to drive a wedge between them and the 'happily-ever-after' that fans want for the characters.



Will be interesting to see how the series goes on from there though. Hopefully we get some great 2 parters like the Pandora/Linchpin episodes.


Also caught the season premiere for The Big Bang Theory. Wasn't particularly great, pulling on the same themes and plot devices as have been overused before. Would like to be optimistic about this season but I think they're perhaps running a bit dry on this one. We'll see anyway.

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Also caught the season premiere for The Big Bang Theory. Wasn't particularly great, pulling on the same themes and plot devices as have been overused before. Would like to be optimistic about this season but I think they're perhaps running a bit dry on this one. We'll see anyway.


Yeah i feel like they've done the whole 'Raj is lonely while the others are all busy with their girlfriends' to death. Maybe they're going somewhere with it this time though?

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In preparation for Walking Dead Season 3, I've started to watch 1 & 2 again,


Man I forget how incredible the show is, The first episode of season 1 really makes me think how i'd really act if something like that should ever happen to us. Normally when chatting about Zombie apocalypse scenarios with friends it's all jokey like.. straight to B&Q and get some weapons etc... but yeah the first episode really does change that mentality. [/end silly point as it'll never happen]




Also... Homeland Season 2 soon w00000t!


and Arrow looks okay. I'll watch.

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Watching Season 7 of Grey's. Hmmm, no one's died in a while. No catastrophic disasters. Wait, why are these characters in a car? Why is there a scene taking place in a car? Why has she taken her seatbelt off? Put it back on. BITCH, PUT THE SEATBELT BACK ON!!! GET OUT THE CAR PEOPLE!!




*Car crashes.*


*Fade to white.*



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