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I gave up on Eureka halfway through season 3 because every episode played out exactly the same way.


Yeah, I saw you posted that on page one as well. Don't understand what you mean by that though. It's an episodic show so isn't that the point or something? So far I'm not complaining.

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You've only watched two episodes, though? :p


(And the pilot doesn't even follow the pattern.)


Every episode starts with the Sheriff talking to someone or doing something (this is oftentimes how they work his daughter into the episode, since she usually serves no purpose otherwise). Someone will say something seemingly unimportant or something seemingly unimportant will happen.


Then something shocking happens! I don't know, it's raining puppies or something.


~Opening credits~


There's a scientist who's been researching animal rains, so they go and interview him, but it turns out he's not behind the puppy rain, but he points them in the direction of someone else who points them in the direction of someone else.


And then it turns out it was the first guy after all. So they go to him again, and he explains that he didn't mean to make it rain puppies but now he's lost control of the rain and soon they'll all drown in furry little bundles of joy. Oh no!


Just when it looks like all hope is lost, the Sheriff recalls that seemingly unimportant detail from the opening scene and uses it to save the day.


~The end~

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Rather looking forward to the next 3 evenings with regards to TV.


Tonight Brooklyn Nine-Nine starting on e4

Friday Mob City on FOX

Saturday Spoils of Babylon on FOX


Read a few reviews of Spoils of Babylon and they seem to be positive, saying it's rather stupid funny.


Works for me, Ridiculous cast for it.

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I love New Girl. Well, I find Jess and Nick immensely annoying, but it's worth it for Schmidt and Winston.


Hehe I find Schmidt the most annoying of all.


The only episode I thought was really funny was an early first season one, the thanksgiving one.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I watched the first episode of Black Sails



I was quite impressed so far. It has a few problems (such as everyone looking a big too clean), but the characters seem pretty good and it feels like the plot so far is the start of something bigger.


Hopefully it can be good for the whole season.


Also, the music is great.

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  • 1 month later...

So I'm on netflix, having just "finished" (i.e. seen all the episodes netflix has so far) Justified, I recall The Good Wife, and make the (incorrect) recollection that this character in Justified is a main character in The Good Wife, which I only saw the first season of.


So I start season 2 and immediately realise "oh right... yeah no that's not the same guy... but hey this show's good and there's 3 seasons to catch up on, so all good!"


Two minutes later the actual actor I was thinking of appears in The Good Wife and now my mind is all sorts of coinky-dinky-blown.

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My mind's blown too, and I didn't follow any of that.


So Mrs bob and I tried watching Homeland, and found the first episode very dull and slow. Does it get that much better? All of characters seemed really annoying as well (especially Danes).

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Anyone watching Musketeers? It's absolutely brilliant - best thing I've seen in years. Lighting and staging are sublime. Sunday's episode (with Vinnie Jones) was so exciting my beard honestly grew several day's worth overnight!

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@Dr\. bob personally I found Homeland to be notworthit. The episodes switch between "OMG HE IS" to "OMG HE IS NOT" for the first 10 or so, then after that you realise that the show only has a couple of ways to go... Not the GREAT show people were shouting about.


Watch Justified instead :P

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If you didn´t care for the first episodes, I suspect you´re not going to like it. I loved the first episodes of season 1, but then I missed the rest. Then I got Netflix, and I found the middle episodes to be not so great. But then towards the end it got better again. I do agree that Claire is one of the most annoying protagonists I´ve ever seen in a show that holds my interest. It´s a shame because I actually like the actress. I do like here when she goes crazy though, that´s awesome.


Like I said, I did like the end, so I´m going to watch season 2, which apparently recently became available here on Netflix. But again, I suspect it´s just not for you. That said, Homeland is a remake of a foreign show, from Israel I believe, someone here mentioned the title. Maybe that one´s better.


It´s funny how I rarely actually watch Netflix. I should start with Breaking Bad some time..

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My mind's blown too, and I didn't follow any of that.


So Mrs bob and I tried watching Homeland, and found the first episode very dull and slow. Does it get that much better? All of characters seemed really annoying as well (especially Danes).


@Dr\. bob personally I found Homeland to be notworthit. The episodes switch between "OMG HE IS" to "OMG HE IS NOT" for the first 10 or so, then after that you realise that the show only has a couple of ways to go... Not the GREAT show people were shouting about.


Watch Justified instead :P


I don't understand why people don't just watch the original Prisoners of War/Hatufim instead of Homeland. It's soooooooooooooooooooooo much better it's not even funny. Do it!


I second the Justified recommendation, it's not incredible but it completely nails that modern western feel. ^^

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Trying out some different TV shows at the moment (because with the exception of Castle, I'm not really keeping up with anything else on at the moment) and while things like True Detectives is on the list to try later this evening, I've just started watching Perception, with Eric McCormack (believe that's his name) of Will and Grace fame. While it's not exactly award winning stuff, and doesn't come close to matching some of its contemporaries like Castle or Bones, I'm actually enjoying it.


McCormack is great in the role of Daniel, a paranoid schizophrenic professor helping the feds, and ok the scripting might be a little over the top/trivialising in terms of the nuances of his character, I still think it's handled rather well.


And then there's the whole neuroscience angle they've famed everything within that's also piqued my interest. So yeah, looking forward to watching more of it. A mid season/summer show in the US so the seasons are generally short but not overly bothered at the moment.


Also going to give Burn Notice a try, along with The Good Wife, and see how those sit with me but probably get to those after True Detectives.

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Are those watching the fifth season of Archer (AKA Archer Vice) finding it lacking over previous seasons? It's like they're trying to sacrifice the comedy element for what passes for a storyline, and succeeding in pissing on the humour, but failing in trying to make it a storyline worth giving a shit about.

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Like I said, I did like the end, so I´m going to watch season 2, which apparently recently became available here on Netflix. [..]

Watched the first 7 or 8 episodes last night this morning. Apart from a few interesting developments, I wasn´t impressed.

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Found a page where you can watch MST3K episodes. Many links have been removed, but it's still one of my favourite 'tv shows'.


For those who do not know, Mystery Science Theater 3000 is a series of rewatches of bad movies. The 'characters' in the show are a guy and two robots that he's built, and they sit front-row in a cinema on a spacestation/spaceship watching awful b-movies (usually sci-fi) and add their own commentary, script alterations and jokes throughout the movie.


It isn't something I'd recommend to the completionist as there are hundreds of 'episodes', however the site has a link to the best shows and it is a good way to fill a couple of hours. There's no overriding 'plot', and really it probably belongs in the movie thread, but it's a great bunch of wit and humour.


I grew up watching some of these. I recommend episode 512 "Mitchell" - aside from that I don't remember the titles of other ones I've seen - but it's worth a share! I know some of you guys on here have seen some episodes before so you may be interested.

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