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GameFAQs daily polls - do you? Let's have it out here!

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Well, there's been the issue of activity recently, and I find something I often do in a quiet moment when I remember is head over to GameFAQs, literally just to vote in the daily poll. Does anyone else? I was thinking, it could be a daily topic of discussion, though I do worry about topics moving faster than posts, and I'm not sure if it will work or not etc. We're all mostly from gaming roots though, and I think sometimes that it's quite interesting. I'd love to be able to literally post a thread a day with polling options, but I'd worry about flooding the entire board. It reminds me though, a forum I went on once literally had an entire forum dedicated just to creating polls and asking questions; I wonder if such a thing could take off here.


Anyhow, today's GameFAQS poll is....well, a bit crap for us(Do you think game companies should avoid releasing games on September 11th?), so I shall instead pick from the previous polls and go for...


How long do you usually wait to buy new games once they've been released?


  • I pre-order most of my games, so I get them on launch day
  • I buy them the day they come out
  • I wait a few days, so I can see the reviews
  • I wait a few weeks, so they hype dies down
  • I wait until they're on sale or used


Me, I tend to wait until either the hype dies down/they get a bit cheaper, or if it's big releases; usually a couple days so I can see the reviews and general impressions.


(i have no idea if this idea will take off, suggestions welcome)

  Rummy said:
Me, I tend to wait until either the hype dies down/they get a bit cheaper

But the hype, Rummy! The hype! I rarely pre-order games because I always tell myself that this time I'm going to be sensible and wait for a price drop, but then the hype gets to me.


Which is silly, because I know that if I just wait a few weeks until everyone stops talking about how awesome [latest big gaming release] is, my urge to buy it will drop considerably and waiting until it's cheaper is much easier. :p

  Magnus said:
But the hype, Rummy! The hype! I rarely pre-order games because I always tell myself that this time I'm going to be sensible and wait for a price drop, but then the hype gets to me.


Which is silly, because I know that if I just wait a few weeks until everyone stops talking about how awesome [latest big gaming release] is, my urge to buy it will drop considerably and waiting until it's cheaper is much easier. :p


I know, I meant mostly! I sometimes get heavily taken by the hype! Like with HoR, I got hyped. Then I got disappointed, if anything I was MORE disappointed and gave up on the game cos their online and daily challenge infrastructure sucked so much compared to what I hoped. I should probably complete it and sell it, really. I am, however, still managing to fight similar on NSMB2. Games like the Rainfall trilogy I bought right away though, cos I had trouble with xenoblade and didn't want to miss their run. In fact, if I know something's hitting a short run and I don't have it but want it, I'll probably get it.


Normally though, totally waiting.


Nowadays it would have to be:


I pre-order most of my games, so I get them on launch day


I used to wait until everything was about £20 (can't believe I did that with what turned out to be some of my favourite games), but since then I've become more obsessed. Plus, there's the camaraderie you get from playing something along with some of the people on here. The third factor is that it's really not that expensive if you use the right websites and get pre-order discounts/codes.


Mostly just preorder unless I don't think the game is worth the full price or I might not like it in which case I'll wait for a price drop. £18 is about the magic price point. Haven't waited for price drops much lately though.


Since my gaming activity has dropped immensely, I rarely buy games nowadays, and never on launch day. Most of the time I'm not even aware of what games are released, much less when. I'm actually quite bummed about my lack of gaming since whenever I do pick up a game, I can feel I'm still a massive gamer at heart. With the revealing of Ace Attorney 5 and its localisation in the West, though, I know of at least one game I'll be getting the moment it's released!


Most of the time I go to Gamefaqs only to vote on the poll, and I go to Gamefaqs every day.


Usually I buy the games on the day in the store, I only pre order if I want a special edition.

  Dannyboy-the-Dane said:
Since my gaming activity has dropped immensely, I rarely buy games nowadays, and never on launch day. Most of the time I'm not even aware of what games are released, much less when. I'm actually quite bummed about my lack of gaming since whenever I do pick up a game, I can feel I'm still a massive gamer at heart. With the revealing of Ace Attorney 5 and its localisation in the West, though, I know of at least one game I'll be getting the moment it's released!


I feel a bit like this myself. I think I got a bit of a rush more recently when I had money from work, and bought like...EVERYTHING, and yet have to play most. Not decided to play any, simply because I have too much choice. I also spend so much time on the internet now, and IRL socialising and table-top gaming when I get the chance, that video games just don't get as much love as before; probably the same reason my 3DS/portable gaming gets most love.


I used to go to Gamefaqs every day for the poll, and then i realised that it was a pretty pointless thing to do. However, one thing i found quite interesting was checking the breakdown of all the different responses by location. Usually some interesting stats there...


I usually know which games I want and try to save up for those and pre-order. Will 99.9999% of the time get my games on Launch Day unless I end up getting GameStop vouchers as a gift for like Xmas then depending on whats coming if I don't put those towards a pre-order I'll end up buying a game that I for money saving issues decided not to get on it's day one


I wait until I see an accessible price. Might make an exception with certain games that might become rare (Considering my current situation, probably not even that, though)


I do buy games near launch when I'm unusually hyped about them, unless I don't own the console they're on. Did it with the recent Zelda games and Dark Dawn, for example, and if I had a 3DS, would've done the same for Kid Icarus.


I preorder for the games I want to play straight away. This is usually the case for 1st party exclusives or big 3rd party games. Using Shopto it's usually a case of day -1 or even -2 more recently. :D If it's one i'm not really fussed about then I will rent of buy it when it's dirt cheap.


I used to visit Gamefaqs a lot but the boards got worse and worse so now I rarely go on there. However, I do like to vote when it comes to the character/games battles they do. They are always fun, even if Cloud/FFVII or Link/Zelda:OOT usually end up winning. :heh:


It really depends for me. The only games I bought in the last few years are the latest COD game each year and if I don't get that on the day it comes out I'm distraught.


I used to love getting games the day before but that rarely happens any more... Or am I ordering from the wrong place, @Cube?


Midnight launches are awesome to go to too if its a huge game. I got the Wii at midnight with @ShadowV7.

  Charlie said:
I used to love getting games the day before but that rarely happens any more... Or am I ordering from the wrong place, @Cube?


I order from ShopTo. The last game I pre-ordered - Mass Effect 3 CE - still arrived a day early while my copy from Play.com arrived on release day (Due to GAME cancelling the orders, I wanted to make doubly sure. I sold the second one for double the price anyway).

  bob said:
I used to go to Gamefaqs every day for the poll, and then i realised that it was a pretty pointless thing to do. However, one thing i found quite interesting was checking the breakdown of all the different responses by location. Usually some interesting stats there...


Yeah, that's what I like too, hence I was considering doing the threads here for our own mini-community breakdown. It might get a bit floody, though.


Buy when dirt cheap and never play.


Too true, all too true :( Steam is the absolute worst for this!


@Charlie, ShopTo are pretty swift. I don't pre-order much anymore, but they use a 5-minute dispatch system for some games. E-mail you a picture of your order when packed, and also send a text when dispatched iirc! The video of the system is pretty cool, though I can't get it while here at work.


I don't usually pre-order any games. Although, I believe that I did pre-order two this generation, which were Skyward Sword and Super Mario Galaxy. I struggle for time to play games, so I don't really buy them at full price. Saying that, I am completely shit when it comes to seeing games for mega-cheap prices...I can't resist.


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