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No GTA for Wii U it seems.


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While Nintendo fell short of its goal of whipping gamers into a frenzy for the Wii U at this year's E3, third-party publishers, who see the system as a key driver of future growth, were reticent to downplay its potential. Instead, they cited the system's long-term potential, rather than its initial impact.


Take-Two Interactive Software chairman and CEO Strauss Zelnick, however, was not among the cheerleaders.


While Take-Two will make sports and family titles for the Wii U, its bigger core franchises have been notably absent from the list of partners. And that seems unlikely to change anytime soon.


"We haven't announced anything," says Zelnick on the possibility of moving the company's mature titles onto the Wii U. "I'm skeptical."


Don't mistake that skepticism for a pessimistic attitude about the next generation of consoles, though. If anything, Zelnick is eager to kick off the next line of game systems, because he sees it as a chance for Take-Two to continue to advance its position in the industry.


"For a company like ours, it's a great opportunity," he says. "[New console launches] separate the winners from the losers -- and we fully expect to be one of the winners."

So skepticle of Wii U...


... but excited for next-gen [PS4/720].


Good stuff.

Edited by Retro_Link
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He has every right to be skeptical, but if the WiiU sells well and gets a big install-base then I don't see why they couldn't port it over. . .


Of course, GTAV is meant for PS3 and XboX360, which have vast install-bases right now, but man, NINTENDO is dropping the 3rd-party ball if they don't get this on the WiiU.

I'd like to see some questions regarding GTAV if it's not announced for it directed at Reggie and Iwata, because, honestly, multiplatform is the way to go and if the WiiU can handle it then why the fuck not?

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But what though, port it over to Wii U a year later when an install base has been established?... it would then just be in the same position of Batman and Mass Effect and expect little interest or sales... and continued lack of support from Take Two.


I think Take Two are probably lost forever tbh.

Because if Nintendo can't/aren't bothering to win Take Two round and they put this out as a Wii U launch title and lets be honest a system seller which could be a huge win for both them and Nintendo... then the Wii U will always be playing catch-up with ports when it comes to their games.

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GTA V was never going to come to Wii U. Even if Take Two wanted it to happen, the Houser brothers would never allow it to come to a Nintendo console due to their longstanding grudge against Nintendo (see Body Harvest)


Hopefully there's still time for Bioshock Infinite (even if it turns out to be a late port ALA Bioshock PS3)

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But what though, port it over to Wii U a year later when an install base has been established?... it would then just be in the same position of Batman and Mass Effect and expect little interest or sales... and continued lack of support from Take Two.


Weren't the GTA games a year late on the Xbox, but still did extremely well?

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He has every right to be skeptical, but if the WiiU sells well and gets a big install-base then I don't see why they couldn't port it over. . .


Of course, GTAV is meant for PS3 and XboX360, which have vast install-bases right now, but man, NINTENDO is dropping the 3rd-party ball if they don't get this on the WiiU.

I'd like to see some questions regarding GTAV if it's not announced for it directed at Reggie and Iwata, because, honestly, multiplatform is the way to go and if the WiiU can handle it then why the fuck not?


Well, Nintendo apparently did an effort to get GTA for the Wii. It's surprising that there's not a Wii version of San Andreas or Vice City (Stories).

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GTA V was never going to come to Wii U. Even if Take Two wanted it to happen, the Houser brothers would never allow it to come to a Nintendo console due to their longstanding grudge against Nintendo (see Body Harvest)


Hopefully there's still time for Bioshock Infinite (even if it turns out to be a late port ALA Bioshock PS3)


Then why did the DS get chinatown wars? Which, for the bits I played, felt made great use of the touch screen; it'd be cool if they could do it on wii u too but meh, I'm not too fussed either way.

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GTA V was never going to come to Wii U. Even if Take Two wanted it to happen, the Houser brothers would never allow it to come to a Nintendo console due to their longstanding grudge against Nintendo (see Body Harvest)


Hopefully there's still time for Bioshock Infinite (even if it turns out to be a late port ALA Bioshock PS3)


This has actually jogged my memory.


The PS3 survived for how many years with late ports of games that had already been out on the 360 - many of which had inferior frame rates and graphical issues might I add.


Even later into the life of the PS3 there has been issues with multiplatform games that were developed primarily on the 360.

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Then why did the DS get chinatown wars? Which, for the bits I played, felt made great use of the touch screen; it'd be cool if they could do it on wii u too but meh, I'm not too fussed either way.


Because that game came from Rockstar Leeds, not Rockstar North (the real GTA studio)


The Housers may have supervised the story, but they knew that nobody wanted top down GTA and they were quick to use it as an example of how "mature" games couldn't sell on a Nintendo console (conviniently ignoring the game's faliure on PSP that followed soon afterwards as well)


They took Nintendo's money and used it against them; that's exactly what these guys are like. They're known for having egos the size of a mountain and a real life "rockstar" attitude (hence the company name) - as well as being happy to treat employees like shit and throw partners under the bus (Hi Team Bondi!)

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It's moronic thinking in my eyes. The Wii won't get get "core gamers" to buy their console if there are now core games. You need to put the games on the system and people will buy it... Oh well.


Like most I hate the series so not bothered personally, but GTA 5 on the wii u with tablet functionality would do amazing things for the systems sales.


Because that game came from Rockstar Leeds, not Rockstar North (the real GTA studio)


The Housers may have supervised the story, but they knew that nobody wanted top down GTA and they were quick to use it as an example of how "mature" games couldn't sell on a Nintendo console (conviniently ignoring the game's faliure on PSP that followed soon afterwards as well)


They took Nintendo's money and used it against them; that's exactly what these guys are like. They're known for having egos the size of a mountain and a real life "rockstar" attitude (hence the company name) - as well as being happy to treat employees like shit and throw partners under the bus (Hi Team Bondi!)


Yeah, definitely what happened. Purposefully made a game that wouldn't sell...

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Vice City and San Andreas were simply brilliant games, so very much looking forward to getting GTA V for the 360, *COUGH COUGH* GTA IV I didn't like that much, way too serious. Red Dead Redemption...just wow, the story-telling was off the charts, the environment huge and so detailed, gameplay awesome and so forth. One of my recent gaming highlights for sure...so I'm very interested in seeing what kind of brilliant games they make next! Let's face it, Rockstar are one of those studios who are constantly pushing the envelope to create more and more unbelievable games, so not getting that on the WiiU is nothing short of disappointing. I mean what's the point of trying to be multiformat, if you cannot get the certain, massive key titles for your system?


Speaking of Chinatown Wars, I do have it and think it is friggin' horrible! Must be one of the ugliest DS games to date, i.e. it looks shittier than the original PC games, which still look okay-ish even today. Seriously, I have no idea where all the acclaim for this game came from, I think it's atrocious : o

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Red Dead Redemption...just wow, the story-telling was off the charts, the environment huge and so detailed, gameplay awesome and so forth. One of my recent gaming highlights for sure...so I'm very interested in seeing what kind of brilliant games they make next!


I loved RDR. It was simply a stunning game. I also have L.A. Noire to start, it's been on the backlog for AGES now.

Edited by Hero-of-Time
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I loved RDR. It was simply a stunning game. I also have L.A. Noire to start, it's been on the backlog for AGES now.


Yep, and the genius of the game was that it was based on an actual historical setting, which made it even more awesome. I had some serious "wtf : o " moments during the game, just roaming the barren land on my horse and thinking how different things have been even that close in our human history. It doesn't matter what country you are from, before any of us had real cities and urbanisation, there were just tiny villages spread out through the all-swallowing, massive expanses of harsh nature. That is friggin' unreal...and this game really made you feel like that, i.e. being alone in the midst of it all. Mind. Blown.


But wait, that wasn't even all, the story-telling was also so good that I was downright emotionally disturbed at the end. These kinds of games...are the future of this business, as they show how to combine good gameplay and really captivating story-telling with graphics that create the illusion of you actually being there. That's why I've changed my stance on graphics now, they do matter and a lot.


Checking for L.A. Noire right when I get to the city next time...

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I loved RDR. It was simply a stunning game. I also have L.A. Noire to start, it's been on the backlog for AGES now.


There are a few faults with L.A Noire, the 1st is what Cube mentioned. But if you ignore that, you'll get a feel for it's style of play.


Other faults include, and not limited to. An entire 2nd desk which makes no sense in the end, driving which is terrible. Linier side-missions. And it's worth only playing maybe once more after beating it



RDR, simply a great game. Great setting, great detail and great everything.

Edited by Jimbob
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Yep, and the genius of the game was that it was based on an actual historical setting, which made it even more awesome. I had some serious "wtf : o " moments during the game, just roaming the barren land on my horse and thinking how different things have been even that close in our human history. It doesn't matter what country you are from, before any of us had real cities and urbanisation, there were just tiny villages spread out through the all-swallowing, massive expanses of harsh nature. That is friggin' unreal...and this game really made you feel like that, i.e. being alone in the midst of it all. Mind. Blown.


But wait, that wasn't even all, the story-telling was also so good that I was downright emotionally disturbed at the end. These kinds of games...are the future of this business, as they show how to combine good gameplay and really captivating story-telling with graphics that create the illusion of you actually being there. That's why I've changed my stance on graphics now, they do matter and a lot.


And then they put zombies in it...

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Yeah, but that was just a DLC spin-off. I think it worked out pretty well for what it was, i.e. a zombie blaster. At least I had some fun getting all the apocalyptic horses, killing zombie bears with torches etc : D Surprisingly long, too.

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I didn't bother with the zombie stuff. For what it was, RDR is probably the best game Rockstar have ever made and completely surprised me. I remember seeing a trailer for it in the past that kept harpering on about posses and teaming up with friends and it sounded like shit. I remember getting it after someone on my friends list kept nagging me to, and god am I grateful.


They should just go ahead and make a prequel to RDR. The story was great, the gameplay amazing, the environments convincing and beautiful. Far better than the dreary, drug-fuelled grimey GTA with street after street of generic, non-enterable concrete buildings.

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