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New Super Mario Bros 2


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I wish the multiplayer mode was split screen instead of forcing both brothers to stick together, there's really no point to a limitation like this when players have their own screen to watch. Not to mention that the DS game let players go as far as they wanted within the battle stages

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To be fair that looks amazing and love the street pas stuff. Wish it was online though :( Hope it's single cart link up too, love that feature on the 3DS, means all my freids don't have to buy the games too (tennis and star fox are the big winners here!). Probably will though as it's a pretty big aspect of the game.

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E3 2012: The Koopalings Return in New Super Mario Bros. 2


Roy Koopa snuck into Nintendo's E3 press kit, confirming that he, Larry, Lemmy, Wendy O., Morton Jr., Ludwig and Iggy are back. (And maybe Bowser Jr. Meh.)


Bowser's brood of seven mischievous children were out of the Mario franchise spotlight for years before making a big return in New Super Mario Bros. Wii – in fact, it was almost exactly three years ago, at E3 2009, when we first noticed them. Mario, Luigi and the two Toad Bros. managed to hop and bop them into submission just like in the NES days, but good old Papa Koopa must have still been pleased with their performance in that particular princess-napping caper, since he's now once again letting them serve as bosses for the Mario Bros. to face on the 3DS.


Here's the confirming screenshot, buried among Nintendo's many press materials and not discussed as a highlight of the game during any of the company's media events – a missed opportunity for sure. Roy Koopa could go toe-to-toe with Non-Specific Action Figure any day of the week.


It'll be interesting to see what, if any, significant role the Koopa Kids play in this new game's plot. Will they also be trying to amass mounds and mounds of cash? Or will they simply be interested in stopping Mario and Luigi's gold rush in progress? And since New Super Mario Bros. 2 seems to be finding ways to infuse eruptions of coins into every crevice of the game design, how will coin-collecting end up playing a role in the game's boss battles?



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It'll be interesting to see what, if any, significant role the Koopa Kids play in this new game's plot.

I can't wait to find out more about the plot in this game!


The Koopalings also appeared in Superstar Saga, but I don't expect IGN to know that.

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I'm surprised at how nice this looks in 3D! It's a very subtle effect that adds a nice extra bit of depth (and a little bit of pop) to the image.


There's also a lot of care put into it; the end level castle is a good example. They could've just had the castle as a whole pop in or out, but they went the extra mile and actually set different depth values for each brick! (the rim pops out slightly more than the upper part and the right side of the arch even pops out a little more than the left part! - correct perspective in a 2D Mario game?! Madness!)


That bit of extra detail has me feeling better about the whole game actually :)

Edited by Dcubed
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I can't get excited about this.


I know this is a guaranteed seller, but this doesn't feel new and quirky anymore. Not even sure it ever was quirky. There's just no wow factor to it.


As much as I love 2D Mario, I hope Nintendo drop this "New" series soon.

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Super Mario 3D Land 2 would be much more exciting, and I'm sure we'll see one of those one day.


Tbh though, I'm kinda happy that they've just thrown is out to fill in a gap this summer, especially as a downloadable.


I think you've summed up exactly what it is. A gap-filler. I look at this and think its something that will sell, but I don't see the same craft and love that was given to Super Mario Bros. 3 or Super Mario World. It's a throwaway.


What unnerves me slightly is how Nintendo are making virtually the same game for both 3DS and WiiU at the same time. It seems like its something that is "easy" rather than something which is pushing the boundary.

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Shiny and gold are two of my favourite things, and something about this coin rush mode etc does tempt me depending on the price. Interesting to see it has the Nintendo Network listed, if it can do some sort of coin rush leaderboards from friendlists etc and not just for random streetpasses, then it'll be quite interesting. The one weak point about the streetpassing coin rush is; you beat a random ghost you get but then what? You can't carry on competing due to not being friends etc, and that's a bit pants.


I can't get excited about this.


I know this is a guaranteed seller, but this doesn't feel new and quirky anymore. Not even sure it ever was quirky. There's just no wow factor to it.


As much as I love 2D Mario, I hope Nintendo drop this "New" series soon.


Sort of agree; but I've skipped NSMBWii and will probably skip the Wii U one too, but this appeals to me slightly for some reason. Maybe that's Nintendo's aim, saturate the market, they'll buy at least one of them!

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I can't get excited about this.
I was the same until I watched the trailer from E3:



Can't quite put my finger on it (perhaps there's subliminal messages in the vid? :heh:) but ever since watching it I've been really hyped for this game. ::shrug:

I think it's the crazy amount of coins thing. :grin: I've always loved those moments in Mario games, when loads of coins appear, like when you hit a P-Switch and blocks turn into coins... :love:

It looks like those kind of moments are every five seconds in this game, which is something I think I'd really enjoy. :hehe:


Roll on August 17th. :bouncy:

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Seriously, I can't express why, but this gold theme really makes me excited! Like...I dunno, it's almost parodying Mario's classic quest for coins and taking it to a complete extreme. It seems so silly yet I want it!

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So I've been thinking about the premise of this game, and the whole motive of Mario having to collect all these coins.


Maybe it turns out Mario and Luigi are actually Wario and Waluigi, they just disguised themselves as M&L to make people buy the game :P

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No Bowser!?!? Koopakids only?




BTW, I like their DLC approach with this game. Extra content released well after the game's launch, developed from fan feedback and only for a separate mode that's not part of the main game (Coin Rush)


The more I hear about this game, the more I like it :D

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