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Job Complaints


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We have the interview and the hunting, but what about the actual jobbing?


Whilst I used to find it annoying when people complained about their work when I was unemployed, I do now appreciate that you simply cannot fall back on the "well at least I have a job" line for every work-related stress.


My part time job is stressful because we are given less than we need from the get go - in terms of staff, time and stock. We have no radio to contact when we need aid and no quick way to solve any issues -- lack of change, lack of food, changing a barrell (I don't have a key to the room with the spare stock/barrells in). They rush me to get the jobs done and they want me to send my staff home... But it's a good kind of stress. The time flies by because there's always an issue that needs resolving.


My full-time job is stressful because I'm still just a temp. I work in a call centre which has a variety of 'campaigns' going at once - my first one was meant to be 3 weeks, got put back a week, then I was moved to another campaign, then another, and on monday I start on a whole new one. Stressful because I have no job security, because I'm verbally assaulted frequently each day, and so on and so on.


ANYWAY. This thread should be for your general gripes and annoyances with your workday. What do you find is the worst thing about your job? Why are you still there?!

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I have a feeling call centre moans will be featured a lot in this thread =P it seems like all call centre staff get bitched at!


It seems like i'm always taking shit from people.. someone rang up wanting to refer to a community physio.. I was like ney we don't refer to physios, being all nice and everything, and giving her the number for physios... and she was like... *sigh* you're always changing the process...or somesuch cheeky comment... Uhhhh right ok I've worked here for 6 damn years, since the bloody place started... WE'VE NEVER TAKEN PHYSIO REFERRALS... but sure just you give me cheek, no worries. And you would bloody think we were the yellow pages the number of people chancing their arm to see if we have numbers for people they know we don't take!!


Also a random thing we get... a lot of brummie job seekers call us because our 0845 number is very similar to theirs. The most frustrating thing trying to explain to people from birmingham that they've got the wrong number... some of the people who call have very very bad english as well >_<


I apparently "annoyed" a district nurse by a referral I put through. I got a nice lil old lady on the phone. She had a special pressure relief mattress ordered for her. She rang us up to say she had thought about it and didn't really want it any more. She said to me she felt under pressure from the nurse to take it, she had one before and didn't like it, neither did her hubby, and she said she was so upset about it she felt like crying all day... to which point she did start crying.... :( so generally as we do, we filter most of the information given. I put on the additional information section (just to warn the nurses) that "pt is upset, please contact to arrange cancellation of pressure relieving mattress" and apparently that offended them... I would have thought they would like to be forewarned to help deal with the situation but nooooo.


My boss at the time said, well we could contact <lead nurse> and see if this is something that needs to be changed for everyone... she fucking dug herself out of that hole quicker than grease lightning!! Flips sake! And the multitude of high ups in the focus group meeting said I dealt with the problem in the correct manner and was really helpful to the lady on the phone. See you'll get your congrats from the people at the top, but it never seems to filter down to the people we actually deal with. Some people are great and love us... but it seems those numbers get smaller and smaller every day :(


I'm very very confident at my job and there's very little I don't know now, so this kind of stuff doesn't really bug me for a long time, but its soul destroying when you're new and you think you've made a mistake or upset someone through your actions!

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The worst thing about my job is getting my boss to spend money. Often we don't get stuff in until we've needed them for a few months. In fact, for the last few months I've been using my own personal laptop (which kind of meant that the only person in the company without a computer was the IT guy), although I now have a work PC. Although I'm now classed as a manager, I now order stuff we need (up to a certain extent) without needing to ask first.


I've also not liked a lot of the last few months as the only admin/accounts person was off due to illness, so I was doing a lot of accounts and, worse of all, answering all the phone calls. Now she's back and we have another admin person, so that problem is no more.


Now the only problem is that my boss is too kind - there is someone who barely does any work (and the boss knows fully about it) but is still working. This has been going on for over a year.

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At my stadium job, we get angry customers. The worst are the ones who fume when we've run out of milk for their tea. They act as if I've just run over their dog. No joke.


The drunks aren't as bad, really.


But on thursday, a game where 80% of attendance was under 16, I went out to the lines and told people at a certain point in teh queue and beyond "we stop serving alcohol in 5 mins, you may not get a drink in time"... well eventually I get called over to a till where the customer I warned turned to me and said "I've been waiting for 30 mins to get a drink and you're telling me I can't have one?!"


"Mate, it's a nationwide policy enforced by the FA - we have to stop serving alcohol when the referee blows his whistle. He blew his whistle 15 minutes ago and I told you 20 minutes ago that you'd not be likely to get a drink. We have ample signage around the stadium *points* and if I serve you I may be faced with a fine that totals in the thousands."


"What's your name? I'm going to complain to your boss."


... I mean, sure, whatever. Be a dick. I spelled my name out to him nice and slowly, and I look forward to my boss congratulating me on upholding the law.


Also! What's a jobsworth and why is it so bad?

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Worst job ever was when in my dad's takeaway at 12/13, having to break up drunken fights at night and deal with what I felt was unjustified anger of customers. Do people fling all of their manners out of the window when they're hungry? It's quite pathetic to have grown men bitching at me about the food taking long (it's not instant, it has to be cooked) and being expensive (protip: take Business Studies/go somewhere else).


Good thing about it is that I am now extra nice to staff of food businesses, and it makes my part-time work in a newsagent supremely easy and pleasant in comparison.

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Well my current job really has nothing wrong with it.


But I want to join in, so I'll mention a previous job where I worked in the footwear department - of J.D Sports, motherfuckers!


One of the rules was that if a customer comes in and starts browsing, make sure you're in the general area. Most of the customers were fine but you'd get the occasional one who would be like 'Here man why you followin iz?'. I don't know. Maybe in case you actually want to try on some trainers and need a member of staff to help you. Otherwise then you'd complain about there being no staff. Twats.

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I just got a temp job for Christmas. Call centre for marks and sparks taking orders and stuff. It's actually an OK job but fuck me, the company that hired me for it are fucking shite.


- first off, they hired me late. I interviewed on the Friday to start on Monday. I was informally told that I'd be hired no problem but didn't actually hear from them all weekend. On the Monday, @Emma asked me to help out on a school trip with her kids as a supervisor so I was actually at the school when they called me at 8.30 to come in. Caused a massive faff at the school having to leave like that.


To make things worse, they told me I could come in dressed casually as they'd hired me late and I'd already left the house. I got there and they sent me home for not adhering to the dress code.


As a result of all this dicking about, I'm late on everything. I was in training and had no computer log in, I wasn't given a note pad (because I'm not officially part of the group), I got assigned to a manager late, still don't have a key card for the office and they didn't even take down my financial information properly.


the final insult is that, now I finally have a log in, they've spelled my name wrong. The pricks.


Just...I don't even know.

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YAAAAAY bitching! may i join in?


i think i'm actually being bullied at the place i work... i'm currently front of house for a car service station along with one other girl, who is super besties with the (female) workshop controller, and they both seem to have taken a disliking to me.... the girl i work next to hardly talks to me, and when i make the effort to start a conversation she just grunts in reply...the workshop controller is just a horrible girl - she's rude and snappy and dismissive, and unfortunately she's also my supervisor - so when i go to her with any questions about the job she's ALWAYS a snappy bitch about it. they constantly and obviously halt conversation when i enter a room, and on more than one occasion they've let me see them shooting me snarky looks and laughing... i'm often left alone in reception while the girl i work next to sits out back chatting with the workshop controller and/or the mechanic she's bumping uglies with (i'm hoping his fiance will wise up soon..) i dont know what i did to upset or annoy them, but i've found an email about me left on the printer (i guess they accidentally printed it out?) and it's just tiny stuff, like i leave my chair out or i dont always put the PDQ machine back where it should be...


i've raised these concerns with management months ago, and was pretty much told to stick it out till we were bought out by a new, more professional company. I raised the issues again when the new company took over and held an appraisal meeting with me (they asked, i told - i didn't want to go whining to them uninvited..) i was told they would keep an eye on things. when i found the email i took it upstairs to photocopy it for my records, intending to leave it on the girls desk with a bitchy note - but thought better of that and gave the original to my new boss, who called the two of them into his office for an approx. 30 min talking to (which they came out of laughing..) and then sat us all down together to tell us to stop the silliness (which i resented slightly, i hadn't done anything wrong.) since then they've been acting civil. and when i say "acting" i mean just that - someone told me they'd overheard the two girls discussing how they'd have to play nice with me... i dont care, as long as they can keep up the act - but at the same time, knowing it's all an act it kind of upsetting - i've really tried to be nice and friendly to these girls, and always tried to be respectful even when the workshop manager speaks to me like dirt... it's a strain... especially since i'm working 50 hours a week at minimum wage. i spend a LOT of my time in a pretty hostile unfriendly environment, which is starting to take it's tole.. :(

i dont think anything is going to change either... i'm looking for a new job, but... well you know...

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God that sounds fail Dan, and somewhat similar to both my previous full time job starts (both fucking fucking fucking shit companies, however Marks and Sparks are obviously good, and like you say it was the job companies fault) anyway, at HBOS they didn't even have a record of me starting. ".........."


And obviously Schwarzkopf was FUUUUUUCKING shit, everything was terrible. Huge employee turnover, and I feel so sorry for my ex-colleagues as I still see them often they look (rightfully) fucking depressed going into work.


My new job is pretty brilliant in comparison. Luckily we're amazing and always win awards so difficult callers are few and far between. We have the odd strange regular (some guy who lives in Portsmouth, talks really quickly, get agitated EXTREMELY easily and makes you very tense, he always calls from a phone box because he is paranoid and stuff) he is mental, but still fine. Its frustrating on one type of call, when (typically) young parents and chav parents get assigned money for their child by the government and because they don't respond in time the money gets paid to an account of a choice of like...10 providers or something (we're one of them obviously) then they ring up and chavvily go;


"welllll I didnt chose you, I don't even heard of u b4."


And they complain about the charges and (fonejacker chav new ring ding similar) proudly express how they are going to go to Halifax who offer a plan with no charges!.....Despite their current plan having risen 33% including charges, and Halifax offering the plan with standard interest, i.e. non existant! Yes love, go with the big name, can't go wrong. :p


But I have very few complaints about my job. I got really lucky I think, sitting next to my mate and got easily the best manager, she is an absolute legend.


YAAAAAY bitching! may i join in?


i think i'm actually being bullied at the place i work... i'm currently front of house for a car service station along with one other girl, who is super besties with the (female) workshop controller, and they both seem to have taken a disliking to me.... the girl i work next to hardly talks to me, and when i make the effort to start a conversation she just grunts in reply...the workshop controller is just a horrible girl - she's rude and snappy and dismissive, and unfortunately she's also my supervisor - so when i go to her with any questions about the job she's ALWAYS a snappy bitch about it. they constantly and obviously halt conversation when i enter a room, and on more than one occasion they've let me see them shooting me snarky looks and laughing... i'm often left alone in reception while the girl i work next to sits out back chatting with the workshop controller and/or the mechanic she's bumping uglies with (i'm hoping his fiance will wise up soon..) i dont know what i did to upset or annoy them, but i've found an email about me left on the printer (i guess they accidentally printed it out?) and it's just tiny stuff, like i leave my chair out or i dont always put the PDQ machine back where it should be...


They sound like class A cunts, and as such class A cunt treatment should be administered in return.


Sign upto facebook under a fake name and message the fiance informing them of the cheating.


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They sound like class A cunts, and as such class A cunt treatment should be administered in return.


Sign upto facebook under a fake name and message the fiance informing them of the cheating.



i'm trying not to let it bother me enough to bother with something like that ....also i dont know her name, and i'm fairly sure that this guy has blocked me on facebook 'cause the two girls seem to have done - and this guy would most likely jump off a cliff if the girl i work with told him to (oh, wishes...)

i have started referring to her by her full name to customers, which she hates, but only when she's not around so that customers will call her that and she'll get annoyed and not know why it's happening... hehehe... that's my little bit of revengy fun - but otherwise i'm keeping my head down and my nose clean in the vague hopes that this new company will pull its shit together and see that the two girls that EVERYONE are complaining about are actually a problem for the business.


saying that... i do have both their mobile numbers... and i was just reminiscing about the time i got total strangers to rickroll rez...



:nono: no bluey, no.. don't stoop to your own level..

wait... what?

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Fuuu- you lot have some real shitty jobs! :(


Honestly, I was ready to leave my job a couple of weeks ago, I was getting tired, things have only just opened (new branch) and I felt after moving so far it was all a bit of a disappointment.


Nowadays I think the only gripe is having people who seem to 1. Not care about the job they have or 2. Don't seem to be able to do a easy job properly.


But that's something that can be ignored.

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Fuuu- you lot have some real shitty jobs! :(


Honestly, I was ready to leave my job a couple of weeks ago, I was getting tired, things have only just opened (new branch) and I felt after moving so far it was all a bit of a disappointment.


Nowadays I think the only gripe is having people who seem to 1. Not care about the job they have or 2. Don't seem to be able to do a easy job properly.


But that's something that can be ignored.


I thought you were loving your job?!

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One coworker is a massive idiot. Aggressive half of the time, complains that he does all the work - which is partly true, since he volunteers to do it and never gives anyone a chance, anything to stop him from being behind the till and every opportunity to drag out doing something. Has threatened to knock me out twice and a general skive-whore. He seems under the impression that as a smoker he's entitled to extra breaks.


Everyone is making notes and going to present them to the boss, hopefully he'll get sacked.

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My current employment is fine, and really awesome - a few more hours wouldn't go amiss, but otherwise it's awesome. My previous employer, however...


  • Refused to pay me a massive chunk of my first months wages, because they (and I quote) "didn't really want to"
  • Got annoyed when I wasn't at work when I wasn't being paid of it (and was instead at home preparing for work most of the time)
  • Kept changing class times, levels and locations without telling me, let alone consulting me
  • Kept putting potential or students into lessons without telling me, let alone consulting me (more important as I'm a qualified ESL teacher, they weren't, and can't gauge ability or effect on a class)
  • Insisted I work the day after my contract finished. When I refused, he:

  • Threatened to not pay me for my last month

  • Threatened to call the police and have me thrown out of my flat (I was in Turkey, remember, so explaining to them would be tricky at best)

  • Told me I worked for him so I should do exactly as he said - telling him I wasn't going to be working for him the next day, whilst angering him, was immensely satisfying

  • Told me my contract wasn't with him in person so it wasn't valid

  • Told me my contract had different dates to those stated (odd, given the above point)

  • Behaved in a highly professional and courteous manner
    Yelled at me down the phone at volume that allowed me to hold the phone at arms length and hear him clearly

  • Refused to give me a lift, or even the cab fare, to the airport, which my contract promised


And that was just the fun in Turkey! Once back in England, I decided to approach the Brighton-based school that I was directly employed by (ie their name was on the contract) about my missing pay from my first month. Now, as for that saga (draws in breath)...


  • The claimed I wasn't employed by them
  • I sent them a copy of my contract
  • they told me that the Turkish bosses had sent them a message telling them I was, amongst other things, drunk at work. Needless to say, the allegations were all fabricated, and I was livid. For about half an hour after I received the email, I was so angry I had to sit on my hands, fearing that picking anything up would just result in me smashing it against the nearest hard surface
  • I told them the claims were bullshit, and my colleagues would happily back me up
  • I told them I still wanted my money (this is now 4 months after I finished in Turkey)
  • They claimed I hadn't worked enough hours, and so I shouldn't be paid
  • I pointed out that I hadn't worked the hours as the hours weren't given. I was present and willing to work, but this was entirely irrelevant as my contract said the minimum was only an average and was subject to flexibility
  • They tried to scare me off, saying I'd need to pay loads of tax and N.I.
  • I told them I thought tax was important, and I was horrified by the idea of not paying tax, or either of us paying our N.I. contributions. And I still wanted my money.
  • They said what could be best summed up as "we don't want to pay you"
  • I threatened (for like the 6th time) to take legal action
  • After no word from them, I filed a claim
  • I received a message saying they'd sent me a full admission a few days ago and my claim was entirely pointless. Because, y'know, emails just vanish like that
  • They paid me, minus tax (we'll come back to that)
  • They refused to pay my court fee, claiming it was my choice
  • I asked for proof they'd sent the 'fessing up email
  • They sent forwarded message saying "OK, we'll pay you" with no actual evidence it was sent. The date on the forwarded message can be changed as easily as changing the date on a typed letter. That's proof of nothing
  • I asked for a screenshot again
  • They said they didn't know how to screenshot
  • I sent them detailed, clear instructions for both PC and Mac
  • They sent me a screenshot of the forwarded message they sent me before - this proves only that they'd sent me the forwarded message, not the admission
  • Before I could call bullshit, I got in touch with Inland Revenue (the tax people) and discovered they had registered me as being employed under the wrong dates - notable all inside this tax year. This would mean no tax refund for me, amongst other things
  • As of Thursday, I asked my employer to send the correct details to Inland Revenue, and to send me either the correct screenshot or the court fee (note I don't need to offer them the option of not paying the court fee, I'm just being nice. They have until tomorrow (Monday) evening to respond, as that's the latest I can send back the current court papers. I'll explain everything, so they can't turn around in court and say "but look, here's the proof of sending!"


I'll keep you all updated. I could tell you all who I worked for, but it would be irresponsible of me to tell you all to never have anything remotely to do with Intensive School of English Ltd.

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Bitching about work, i'll join in. I do feel sorry for y'all.


First 4 months was crap. Talking to absolute morons day in and out was crap. Management were a complete waste of space, whatever they said for us to do was contradicted with other things they said. For example, you can't go on break or go home 1 minute before time, but were expected to take a call if it came through at break/home time. And, if you followed the rules and guidance on call handling, they failed you on quality. Even though they told you to follow guidance and rules on call handling.


They didn't know what was going to happen to us past September, and we wern't told until 2 days before what was going to be the end of the month. Organisation is crap, no-one knows anything or tells us anything until the last minute. No wonder people are leaving every week.


Now on the taxes side, it is a lot better and i enjoy it a lot more.

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Bitching about work, i'll join in. I do feel sorry for y'all.


First 4 months was crap. Talking to absolute morons day in and out was crap. Management were a complete waste of space, whatever they said for us to do was contradicted with other things they said. For example, you can't go on break or go home 1 minute before time, but were expected to take a call if it came through at break/home time. And, if you followed the rules and guidance on call handling, they failed you on quality. Even though they told you to follow guidance and rules on call handling.


They didn't know what was going to happen to us past September, and we wern't told until 2 days before what was going to be the end of the month. Organisation is crap, no-one knows anything or tells us anything until the last minute. No wonder people are leaving every week.


Now on the taxes side, it is a lot better and i enjoy it a lot more.


You work for HMRC, don't you?

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I love my job and my bosses and have no complaints at all.


Wait...that isn't what you told me the other day (Colon P)*.


*I hate emoticons but felt like I had to use one here. So I decided that my new thing will by typing them out.

Edited by Cube
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