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The Wii is Dead... what are you playing on it?


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Hell no! Xenoblade is eating up most of my Wii play time at the mo but I'm still playing through Kirby Epic Yarn, Sonic Colors, Mario RPG and Super Metroid on VC, a second playthrough of Twilight Princess, and occasional sessions of Wii SPorts, Smash Bros and Pro Evo 2010.

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It's not dead yet. We still have Zelda Skyward Sword, Kirby's Return to Dreamland, Rhythm Heaven, The Last Story, Pandora's Tower, Fortune Street, Mario Party 9, Family Fishing and (hopefully), Rodea the Sky Soldier to look forward to! (I suppose that there's also Pokepark 2 as well if you're a nut for anything Pokemon!)


It's amazing to think that just a few months back (back in March/April) all we had to look forward to was Skyward Sword and in the span of just a few months, we've gotten another 10 great games added to that list (the above plus Wii Play Motion and Xenoblade) Not a bad sendoff I say, far better than what the GCN got in it's final year!


As for me recently, I've been playing Xenoblade. Lots and lots of Xenoblade! (Wii Play Motion is good fun as well, but Xenoblade is getting the lion's share of my playtime at the mo!)

Edited by Dcubed
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I be playing... [scottish accent] Monsterrrrr Hunterrrrr! [/scottish accent] :laughing:

And still absolutely loving it. :)


Recently played through Sonic Colours. Also playing Wii Fit/Music pretty regularly.


Next Wii games for me will be Go Vacation and then Zelda.

Doesn't look like Rhythm Tengoku is going to get released over here unfortunately, so Zelda will probably be my final Wii game. :hmm:


But yeah, those 2 will bring my total number of retail games to 64! :D


Excuse me?

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Most of my gaming has and will be on my 360, what me still playing Gears of War 3, Fifa 12 and Dark Souls and Forza 4 waiting to be played. Then another onslaught arrives with Batman, Battlefield 3, Kinect Sports 2, Halo Anniversary, Modern Warfare 3 and Assasins Creed all landing between now and mid November. My Wii won't get much of a look in.


Aside from Dark Souls, the end of your year looks pretty boring. :heh:

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I really couldn't care less about Gears 3, Halo Anniversary, Fifa, Forza and whatnot... but dismissing Assassin's Creed and Batman without giving them a chance is pure denial.


Now, disregarding Dark Souls (unless you really hated Demon's Souls)... that's just being a bigot, really.


The Wii is great, and awesome, but let's not be childish here...

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Gears is a fantastic series of Co-Op games though... something Nintendo/the Wii could certainly learn from/have done with.


I like the Gears series. I'm gonna play Gears 3. But I'll just do it to get closure on the other 2. 1 game was enough... the second one felt more of the same and didn't really stick as much, even though it was better. I expect this one will be the same. Too many rehashes.


The bottom line is, Gears is great and competent, but hardly life altering.

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I'm genuinely just not particularly interested in those games.. or most games available on the current HD consoles, which is why I don't own one. It's not me being childish or a fanboy blinded by Nintendo's stranglehold over me since 1992, it's just the way it is ::shrug: We all like different things and I respect Hero-of-Time for the following..


As long as I enjoy them I couldn't give a toss what you lot think.


..because, quite frankly, I'm the same :heh:


It's easy for us to recommend games and try to share our enjoyment with others, but ultimately it all comes down to our own individual tastes! Hero-of-Time will have a great time over the next few months with those games he mentioned whilst I'll have a great time playing things like Skyward Sword, Mario Kart 7, Super Mario 3D Land, Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater, Okami and whatever else my backlog has to offer..

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I'm genuinely just not particularly interested in those games.. or most games available on the current HD consoles, which is why I don't own one. It's not me being childish or a fanboy blinded by Nintendo's stranglehold over me since 1992, it's just the way it is ::shrug: We all like different things and I respect Hero-of-Time for the following..




..because, quite frankly, I'm the same :heh:


It's easy for us to recommend games and try to share our enjoyment with others, but ultimately it all comes down to our own individual tastes! Hero-of-Time will have a great time over the next few months with those games he mentioned whilst I'll have a great time playing things like Skyward Sword, Mario Kart 7, Super Mario 3D Land, Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater, Okami and whatever else my backlog has to offer..


I absolutely guarantee you'd absolutely love Dark Souls and probably really like the Assassin's Creed series (except the first one), though. Even if you don't think it appeals to you.


Not so much Batman, that one's easy to dislike...

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Ive said it before and ill say it again; for me the Wii has plenty of life and has been more "alive" than any other console I've ever owned... my 360 just gathers dust.


At the moment I'm playing MW3 on it, I'll soon be whisked into another world when I put Zelda into the sweet little box of joy and I've still got The Last Story to look forward to... and until the WiiU is released I'll be gaming online on MW3 with the N-E Clan.

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Just counted my games. Skyward Sword is my 37th Wii game.


Definitely the highest number of games I've ever had for a system. Probably my favourite ever console in terms of diversity and the amount of awesome experiences I've had with it.


There's still a dozen or more other games I'm still on the lookout for, which includes Galaxy 2, Xenoblade and one of the Pro Evo games.

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