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Love? Relationships? Boy girl stuff? Complaints and appraisals! Gifs be welcome.

Kurtle Squad

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You all know how much stuff I have to cover...the only time I have spare is the 5 hours I sleep each day during it.


I...don't really understand.


I've never run a website before and I'm not huuuuge into anything Pokemans related after the Red/Blue/Yellow era. So, pardon my ignorance, but why is there so much work to do?


If it was a place like this website, I could understand it as Nintendo is relatively broad and there's lots of content (news, features, reviews, previews, etc), but I don't really get it with Pokemon. Is there really that much to do?

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Well in main-series game release time, yeah...so much. Have to cover everything fast and accurately, compiling huge sections detailing everything


In other times, there's news coming weekly, usually twice a week what with events, anime stuff etc

Edited by Serebii
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I guess I need a little girl help


This is what this thread if for isn't it? If it isn't it is now :P



There's a girl who gets the same bus as me in the morning (and sometimes the train at night). I noticed she looked in my direction a lot but I didn't think much of it (also there isn't really anything that interesting about usually), just thought she was a bit... fidgety or something. Wasn't sure she was looking at me or not either.


Anyway a couple of weeks back there was only us 2 at the bus stop (normally it's pretty busy) I was behind her in the queue and we were waiting for the bus driver to change so I was getting ready getting my pass out of my pocket, I look up and she's looking straight at me. We held eye contact for a couple of seconds before she turns around and starts to get on the bus. She drops her pass as well, not sure if it's because she got a bit flustered or I'm reading too much into (which to be fair I'm probably reading too much into most of everything).


I figure'd I'd test where she looked buy standing in different places on different days to see if she looked in that direction, I'd say I had a high success rate but it certainly wasn't all the time.


We've had eye contact a few times, but mostly when I've gotten off the bus and the bus drives past and I have to cross the road and she's looking out the window.


Also last week we were standing near each other waiting to get off (we get off at the same station so I guess she lives near which is a bonus ;)) the train and she kept giving me quick glances. She was also possibly staring at me from the other end of the train once as well.


Basically I'm not sure if she does like me, she's a bit crazy or if I'm reading too much into it (probably likely). Or all of the above.


Secondly I'm not sure if I should/how to approach her without looking like some kind of wierdo.

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I guess I need a little girl help


I completely read that wrong.


Also: I really do hate those situations where you're not sure if someone keeps looking at you. Then you start thinking stuff like "what if she's looking at me because she's creeped out because I keep looking at her to work out if she's looking at me?"

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I completely read that wrong.


Also: I really do hate those situations where you're not sure if someone keeps looking at you. Then you start thinking stuff like "what if she's looking at me because she's creeped out because I keep looking at her to work out if she's looking at me?"


Haha.. and then if you go to speak to her and she isn't at all interested, you'll have to live with the awkwardness every journey from now on :heh:

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@Ike, I kinda had the same thing with a girl in one of my Uni classes. Who is incidently one of the most attractive girls I think I've ever seen in my life!


She seemed to be looking at me a lot... sometimes I'd be in the row in front, turn round and she was looking at me, or I'd look up and she was looking at me... and not immediately glance away either, she'd hold it a bit (which in turn then made me feel a bit awkward, as I didn't want to seem like I was staring at her).


So I looked her up on Facebook and yeah... boyfriend! :p


Stupid hard to read women!

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Haha.. and then if you go to speak to her and she isn't at all interested, you'll have to live with the awkwardness every journey from now on :heh:


I've never experienced speaking to a girl on the train and finding out they're not at all interested.


Mainly because I've never gone and spoken to a girl on a train/bus

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Just strike up a conversation with her, Ike. You don't have to be all creepy about it. Small talk's fine. :p



So I looked her up on Facebook and yeah... boyfriend! :p


Stupid hard to read women!

She could still have been interested! ;)

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@Cube Yes. You did read that wrong :p


Haha.. and then if you go to speak to her and she isn't at all interested, you'll have to live with the awkwardness every journey from now on :heh:


Yep. Exactly. Staring at me in the first place was kinda weird though.

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I've had someone stroke my knee on the bus before.


I've also been sweet talked by young gypsies who I ended up giving money to.


I've also been pratically sat on by an old lady who would not get off me until I whipped out my American Psycho book, then she kept a safe distance. (Although kept peering at me)


Oh and the time I had school girls laughing at me as I attempted to poor my fanta into my lemonade whilst similtaneously trying to eat doritos with a salsa dip and then spilling it all everywhere. Okay I asked for that one.


I attract strange company.

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Secondly I'm not sure if I should/how to approach her without looking like some kind of wierdo.


As magnus said, just strike up some small talk. If you're not comfortable with that then just straight up ask her out. It sounds more painful but it's over in a few seconds, don't have to think of an interesting opener, aren't constantly looking for an opportunity to instigate and don't have to continue the small talk.


I attract strange company.


That's what they were thinking.

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As magnus said, just strike up some small talk. If you're not comfortable with that then just straight up ask her out. It sounds more painful but it's over in a few seconds, don't have to think of an interesting opener, aren't constantly looking for an opportunity to instigate and don't have to continue the small talk.


No! That's weird. They have no idea whether or not you have ulterior motives. It's weird to decide that you want to go out with someone without ever having spoken to them before...imo~

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No! That's weird. They have no idea whether or not you have ulterior motives. It's weird to decide that you want to go out with someone without ever having spoken to them before...imo~


But that's only the dating culture we have here. In the US for example, it's perfectly acceptable to ask a stranger out on a date. You're not deciding you want to go out with them, you're asking them on a date. You're going for a drink or to dinner, getting to know them, then deciding whether you want to take it further.

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Oh and the time I had school girls laughing at me as I attempted to poor my fanta into my lemonade whilst similtaneously trying to eat doritos with a salsa dip and then spilling it all everywhere. Okay I asked for that one.


I attract strange company.


Sounds like you're strange company to be honest :heh:

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But that's only the dating culture we have here. In the US for example, it's perfectly acceptable to ask a stranger out on a date. You're not deciding you want to go out with them, you're asking them on a date. You're going for a drink or to dinner, getting to know them, then deciding whether you want to take it further.


But what's the rush? He's going to continue to see her on the bus/train. Why not try out some smalltalk first to see if she's a nice person or not first? :)


Though I may be biased as dates make me nervous. I always prefer starting out as friends, which is why I'm so outspoken against the friend zone nonsense.

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But what's the rush? He's going to continue to see her on the bus/train. Why not try out some smalltalk first to see if she's a nice person or not first? :)


Though I may be biased as dates make me nervous. I always prefer starting out as friends, which is why I'm so outspoken against the friend zone nonsense.


Word up, completely agree.


Seriously, if you see her waiting for the bus, maybe just say hi and ask her how she is etc. Small talk will lead on to more regular chats and BAM, she wants you.

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Secondly I'm not sure if I should/how to approach her without looking like some kind of wierdo.


Start saying 'Hi' to her with a smile if you see her every morning. It won't be weird because you obviously see each other every day and obviously recognise her. You never know, she might strike up a conversation after that.


Or if you're feeling more confident you can ask her how she is/how's it going when she says hi back.


As long as you don't appear like a stuttering idiot you'll be fine haha.


And don't plan it either, plans like that can only lead to disaster. Needs to be a spur of the moment thing otherwise you risk over thinking it.



Haha.. and then if you go to speak to her and she isn't at all interested, you'll have to live with the awkwardness every journey from now on :heh:


Way to put him off doing anything about it. :p

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I think 'how are you' is a bit of a strange conversation starter, given you don't know them/haven't spoken before.


It would be better to try and make an observation on something no? be it clothing/tech/if they're carrying a portfolio of something etc... 'By the way I really like your...' and no ass isn't acceptable.

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I think 'how are you' is a bit of a strange conversation starter, given you don't know them/haven't spoken before.


It would be better to try and make an observation on something no? be it clothing/tech/if they're carrying a portfolio of something etc... 'By the way I really like your...' and no ass isn't acceptable.


Perhaps, but "how's it going" is a far more relaxed/casual question which doesn't really have to be answered.


Eddie's suggestion is better than mine. Or you could completely wing it and just say whatever comes to you.

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"Hey. I guess we've been getting the same bus for a while, are you going to work/college?"

"Hey. I guess the bus is late again, do you want to go for a quickie behind those bushes over there while we wait?"


Oh, wait. Don't be creepy. Sorry.

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