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Is it just me, or does anyone else get the impression that Eddie gets chatted up a lot? :p


No, I just have lots of experience with being talked to by strangers :P


Question: Do girls find glasses attractive, unattractive, or are they totally indifferent?


I know this question assumes a generalisation of gender opinion, but I guess if I get a wide enough sample of answers, I can aggregate to get a decent indication of my chances :heh:


Depends on the person, depends on the glasses. Generally they're not a defining factor of a person for me. :geek:

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glasses; hot


no teethbrushing; not not not not hot...

(but then I'd go mental if someone took my very expensive sonic toothbrush, so possibly biased)

Those Not not not hot?


Hot = good

not hot = bad

not not hot = good

not not not hot = bad

not not not not hot = ... the word not no longer appears real to me.

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Question: Do girls find glasses attractive, unattractive, or are they totally indifferent?


I know this question assumes a generalisation of gender opinion, but I guess if I get a wide enough sample of answers, I can aggregate to get a decent indication of my chances :heh:


Depends on the glasses and the guy, they'd have to suit him and be a little quirky for me to like him. Boring plain glasses are a big turn off.

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Apparently I have a face that suits glasses very well and yet I don't think I suit them at all. I think I look like a tanned version of Brains from Thunderbirds or something, haha.


For me, I'm not entirely bothered if she does or doesn't wear glasses as long as they're not Deidre Barlow glasses.




...they're not not not not hot!

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I never could stand the thought of wearing contacts. Plus, I've glasses since I was about 5 or 6 years old, so they feel like part of my identity.


I've only worn glasses since I was 16ish, so I often forget that I wear them. They're still considered an accessory to me, rather than part of my face (if that makes sense?).


You know like when you describe how you look to someone? I'd probably forget to mention that I wore glasses, since I don't consider myself to be a "glasses wearer", even though I wear them from the moment I wake up to the moment I go to bed, except for in the bath etc.


These are the ones I wear now, but I've always fancied some Oakleys with clear lenses (non tinted), but never been brave enough.

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Contacts are so much nicer and easier than glasses! I have glasses too but I very much prefer wearing my contacts. Much more convenient. They don't get foggy, they don't get dirty and smudged, you don't have to turn your head if you want to look at something next to you...


Glasses are such a pain, and they make me look like a dork. =P

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If you fancy someone, you fancy them whether they're wearing glasses or not. Let's face it, someone would be a bit of an ass if they disliked you for wearing glasses!


OK, I judge people by appearance, but only things that tell me about their fitness and health. If someone's wearing contact lenses, they've still got the same eyesight as when they're wearing glasses. It's as totally superficial as breast implants, fake nails or hair extensions!


I did try contact lenses once, and was amazed by how good they were, but even after a week it was taking me an hour to put them in and take them out. I only need glasses for reading, and have had just as much female attention when I'm wearing them as without, maybe because it's in situations like college and other places of study. I don't think most girls judge you on things like that. Other things, yes, but probably not glasses.

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I don't need glasses but I'd love the option. I find people so much more amazing at life when one day they're wearing glasses and the next -- they're not. Glasses can completely change your appearance so I'd love to be able to have that change.


Of course, it does depend. Many people I know, though, are much more attractive without.

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It's funny how glasses are actually a part of people's faces.


When I see my dad without glasses I'm terrified, like never seen his true face before. But my mum, despite wearing glasses most the time, won't have them on to go out/special occasions so I'm used to her real face.

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I've got a lot of health problems with my eyes, reccurent infections and all sorts of lovliness, so I stick to glasses. Would consider surgery but with my astigmatism and long sightedness, it would be stupid expensive (£5k+) if I could even get it.


I agree with Frank as well, its weird how no glasses can completely change the look of someone, the shape of their face and often the size of their eyes (as glasses have magnifying properties).



Also kind of relevant, I have really gappy teeth and I'm considering getting braces in (at my own cost being an adult)....so gappy teeth, yay or nay?

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Also kind of relevant, I have really gappy teeth and I'm considering getting braces in (at my own cost being an adult)....so gappy teeth, yay or nay?


Get braces! I think teeth, and a smile, really make someone's face. I personally find gappy teeth incredibly unattractive. I had braces for the best part of 4 years. Put up with them, hating them towards the end (first year of uni). Took them off and my self-confidence sky rocketed.

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Just gonna have another wee rant here...


So last weekend I saw the girl I was with who moved to Reading for about half an hour. We were both in Birmingham to see the Trampoline World Championships and about half an hour before the end she spotted the big group of us on the other side of the arena and came over to say hi. That half hour was spent entirely with me just chatting, barely paying attention to what was happening on the arena floor. Even though we were in a big group it was a case of immediately abandoning everyone else and just talking the two of us. It was great.


This weekend there is a trampoline event in Glasgow which I'm going to and which she was going to if she could. But I just got this text:


"Hope you have fun tonight :) Im sorry to be missing it, but it might be for the best because Im still trying to get our brief meeting *last* weekend out of my head! :P Would also like to inform you that Scotland is blimming cold, haha. Hope you're fully recovered from Birmingham xx"


How the fuck do I reply to that? What am I meant to say? How am I meant to take that?

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I don't need glasses but I'd love the option. I find people so much more amazing at life when one day they're wearing glasses and the next -- they're not. Glasses can completely change your appearance so I'd love to be able to have that change.


Of course, it does depend. Many people I know, though, are much more attractive without.


Accessorise with fake glasses :p

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I look weird with glasses...got prescribed them to protect my eyes after excessive monitor usage but no longer need them due to the monitors no longer being CRT, so it's all good (though I do think my eyesight is getting worse, I just can't be bothered to get it checked and have to spend cash on glasses).


COming up to the 5 year mark on my dry spell...hope to god it doesn't hit it, I keep trying to get my confidence and self esteem back, but I seem to lack it in this department...in others, I'm down-right arrogant, but this has me stumped

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