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Love? Relationships? Boy girl stuff? Complaints and appraisals! Gifs be welcome.

Kurtle Squad

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Love how a thread title change has massively increased the thread readers :P


There you go, instant results! ;D


Yeah, I was thinking: "He's certainly optimistic, even for Ville!" XD


:D Hehe, well you know, there's a difference between blind optimism and realistic optimism... ;D But yeah, def a positive vibe so certainly checking this thing out!

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I'd have prefered the Queen inspired


"Can N-E-body find meeee... somebody to love!"



and the spinoff thread


"Can N-E find Sereeebiiiiiiiii... somebody to love!"


Say you will

Say you won't

Say you'll do what I don't

Say you're true

Say to me






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I come in this thread and was about to say "Right here" before I realised how creepy that sounds, haha.


Yeah, still no luck on the old love life unfortunately. Starting to think I'm cursed or something. Ah well, I believe someone who's right for me is out there...somewhere...miles away from me...:hmm:

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I come in this thread and was about to say "Right here" before I realised how creepy that sounds, haha.


Yeah, still no luck on the old love life unfortunately. Starting to think I'm cursed or something. Ah well, I believe someone who's right for me is out there...somewhere...miles away from me...:hmm:


There's 7 billion of us out there, and still people like you and i can't find the person who is right. But, you are right. There is someone out there, probably the otherside of the planet but still.

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Yeah, still no luck on the old love life unfortunately. Starting to think I'm cursed or something. Ah well, I believe someone who's right for me is out there...somewhere...miles away from me...:hmm:


Come on man, an awesome guy like you! That's the thing: do you realise your own self-worth? If so, you should be golden...I mean surely there must be interesting chicks here and there around you? Just start with small advances and see who responds positively :)

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I met a nice girl tonight at the local Sushi place, my friends were incredibly drunk and I got talking to her taking the piss out of them. Stalked her via foursquare and been chatting with her via that all evening. Think I'll ask her to dinner sometime soon and see how things go. More good times.

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Internet dating sucks. The only response I've had so far (still) is from some random American I messaged because she was the closest match in the entire world. Even a simple "no thanks" would be better than getting ignored.

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Internet dating sucks. The only response I've had so far (still) is from some random American I messaged because she was the closest match in the entire world. Even a simple "no thanks" would be better than getting ignored.

You probably just need sexier profile pictures. How much skin are you currently showing?

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Edit: Also, showing skin is a very bad idea.

Depends on what kind of woman you're after. :p


I thought your profile seemed fine (I chuckled at the 'Friday night' section, so you'd get a message back from me, at least!).


Though using a picture of yourself with [some attractive famous woman] as your main profile image seems kind of weird. I'd replace it with your second picture. That picture makes you look nicer/more single.


And maybe replace the last two pictures with more flattering pictures where it's easier to see what you look like.

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I come in this thread and was about to say "Right here" before I realised how creepy that sounds, haha.


Yeah, still no luck on the old love life unfortunately. Starting to think I'm cursed or something. Ah well, I believe someone who's right for me is out there...somewhere...miles away from me...:hmm:


Have you tried the gym, dude? I only say that because I'be just rejoined (after a few years away). It makes you feel fantastic and gets you female attention, there's just nothing like it. As long as you put full effort in, you can't not improve yourself massively.

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There's 7 billion of us out there, and still people like you and i can't find the person who is right. But, you are right. There is someone out there, probably the otherside of the planet but still.








I'm gonna take it upon myself to inject some positivity onto here...I am currently listening to my adorable boyfriend snore over Skype. : peace:


/booted out of thread by Serebii

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1) There's 7 billion people.


2) I'm sure there's plenty of people out there for me, but that doesn't mean I'm going to meet them. 6/7 billion people is irrelevant. If I only know 50 people then my "catchment area" is only 50 people, regardless of how many other billions of people exist.


3) I'm single and bitter.



Sorry about the negativity, but as a cynical pessimist I feel it's my duty to counteract any disagreeable attempt at positivity and optimism.

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1) There's 7 billion people.


2) I'm sure there's plenty of people out there for me, but that doesn't mean I'm going to meet them. 6/7 billion people is irrelevant. If I only know 50 people then my "catchment area" is only 50 people, regardless of how many other billions of people exist.


3) I'm single and bitter.



Sorry about the negativity, but as a cynical pessimist I feel it's my duty to counteract any disagreeable attempt at positivity and optimism.


1) Yeah, a bit outdated and hipsterish, but a nice illustration to match Jimbob's point :P

2) I hear you, I grew up in a really small town and felt trapped and uninspired from seeing either the same people every day, or no people at all. I had absolutely nothing in common with anyone at school and thought I was doomed. Reach out to as many of the billions of people out there as you can. Use the Internets if necessary.

3) Get a really cute cat :awesome:

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