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Love? Relationships? Boy girl stuff? Complaints and appraisals! Gifs be welcome.

Kurtle Squad

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Colour me the exception then. I've never been attracted to someone with the same size/mass/hair colour as me.


I've dated people who look completely different to me, maybe that's why it didn't work out :p. I do enjoy seeing couples on Facebook who look like they could be related to each other though.

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I like "bulkier" men... There is a line on both sides of the spectrum for most people. Some women like really skinny men (not my cup of tea at all) and some like big, also some may not have a preference, or want other things more. A lot of girls I know prefer a man to be slightly bigger than them, but not too much more. It's a protection thing as well as a "I don't want to be bigger than my man" thing. :)


The fact is, its just one single thing on a big list of qualities in a person. One single thing that can be remedied, with a relatively simple process. There's many more things that could be wrong with you than that.... and besides your colleague/mate/whatever sounds like a nob that most women would be good to stay away from.

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Yeah, I'm another one who likes girls with a similar body shape to mine - ie. tall and slim. It's not just about thinking "girls should be slim" either, there's definitely an aspect of "looking in the mirror" about it.


I usually have a much bigger chest than them though! :heh:

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I'm not that fussed about body size. As long as it's neither of the extremes, I'm not that bothered. I guess I'd find it easier to be attracted to someone who is too thin over someone who is too big, but perfect for me is average. Not as in "celebrity average" but actual average.


Shape is more important than size anyway.

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I'm humbled. But scared.


Since working at a hotel I've been receiving a certain amount of "special" attention. My curly-headed sister (who just so happens to work with me) is citing me to be a new Romeo. Crazy Frank say what! I mentioned to a girl she had eyes like Bambi and has been saying quite obvious comments to some around. Another girl just "likes" me. Another one just flutters around me like a bumble-bee constantly (since I had mentioned she's like a bee). I'd honestly no idea women were so easy! :p


And this is just my fellow workers. I've had some guests act in a more-than-friendly manner. Of course, relatively this isn't a great deal. But for someone who's had, more or less, nil experience in the area -- it's something. First, a man in his 40s. Asked me when I finished work...if I had a girlfriend (x4)...blah. Most interesting was a bald French man in his 40s. Even came into the kitchens, curled his fingers at me and hissed, "Give me the boy.". Think of Voldemort and you get the right impression. Horrible considering my Mam was there. Just recently I've had a woman telling me I could call her "Mammy" in bed and another telling me how polite I was [only to be disappointed at my young age and shooed me off.].



Must be the clothes I work in. Have a tie and all. That and I got my hurr did.

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So this conversation happened on Saturday night (or Sunday morning as it was about 3am):


"Are you...?"




(me, him, me as Elliot is confused again)


Awkward, although he said he was totally cool with it and seemed it. Was fine at breakfast the next morning but I still wanted the earth to swallow me up at that moment.


Oh well. Earlier that evening I was giving a hot girl a massage she loved. In front of her boyfriend. That's how I roll.

Edited by Ashley
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That stupid "friend" of mine is really being a pain. I was into him for a while and he was all like no not interested etc...ok fair enough...he wasn't interested in discussing it so i gave up, and thats all fine.


Last night I was talking to him on msn and he was all like...."so hows your crush on me going?"




So I was like oh i'm fine, totally fine (which I am now really). Instead of leaving it there he started going into it more and trying to get me to flirt with him some more. Saying he liked having the interest. And that he seemed to only attract nutbags, and he dealt with me as he would a crazy person... woah. Cheers mate.


Not only did you just insult me, you also want an ego massage... you can go fuck right off now.

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I can't completely but I'm limiting communication to as it was before we were friends ourselves :p


the fact is...Its just cruel to come back and be like "oh I need some attention from you"....where's his girlfriend in all this... oh that's right AMERICA!! You made your fucking bed mate. Then he'd expect me to fuck off when he's had enough. Aye fucking right.

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I like Brazil. Got with this girl that's my dad's girlfriend's friend in his nightclub. Wasn't really into it so went off and told a guy that was obviously gay that I was bi as to start conversation that would lead to something interesting. It did and he sounds really into me, a bit too into me. He started calling my dad his father in law, not to his face obviously, and that we would get married. Woah dude, slow down, we haven't even done anything yet. Anyway, the next club night he said he would find somewhere for us to go to do stuff but nothing happened, so I got with this girl that is his friend instead. It gets a bit blurry after this because I drank more than my fair share of free drink, but anyway, I remember the girl gets angry because I danced with two of the girls from the bar. I now discover though, that I actually got with the one I thought was really hot and that had recently broken up with her boyfriend, no wonder the other girl was angry. And now that I'm in another city for a while, the really hot girl was asking for me and saying she'd jump on me as soon as I got back. SCORE


And I'm thinking when I get back to Ireland I'll ask a really hot girl from my class out because she's obviously into me. I didn't ask her out before because she had a boyfriend but was a bit of a bitch and none of my friends like her. But fuck it she's really hot, and a model. So I'll get on that. It'll probably get in the way of my friends with benefits deal thing I have with this guy, but I'm sure we can work something out.


Nom nom life.

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