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Trust me, I don't. I only talk about my sex life with my best two best friends.


And since I am a straightforward guy I always tell the truth when people ask about that.


Your two best friends, anyone who asks and the whole of N-Europe.

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So you probably remember me saying a few pages ago the circumstances surrounding why my ex girlfriend broke up with me? Well since then I have received verbal abuse from her and her mother. I replied to a letter by my ex girlfriend basically saying "What financial advantage would I have gained by having children with you". In any event I gave her two options namely (1) We meet up to discuss things or (2) We dont contact each other again. I actually didnt mind what option she chose, I just wanted the nightmare to end. I sent that letter two weeks ago and have yet to receive a reply.


Thing is I do miss her, a lot :( Ive not really been gaming or on here all that much, just really been watching Netflix as my head is all fucked up.


Anyway, my mates have encouraged me to get back on the dating scene. I kept saying I was not ready but they were of the opinion that I will enjoy it and at least it will be some female company. I met a lass on a night out a couple of weeks ago. We have been on a couple of dates since and we get on well but dont seem to have much in common. Ive enjoyed dating though as it is good to have some female company.


Also went on a first date last night with another girl. We got on really well with each other and share the same values etc but again I dont know we have lots in common. She hates gaming (thinks its a waste of time) hates football, and is indifferent to the films that I like. I do keep comparing these dates to my ex who didnt like these things at first but then really enjoyed them whilst she was with me. Ive arranged to see this girl again tomorrow night.


What do people think?

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What do people think?


Keep seeing her for as long as you're enjoying it. Keep doing what you're doing.


I envy you man, you're in a much better place than you think. My fiancee left nearly a year ago, I've just been depressed since, I don't have a clue how to get back out there at all. You've been on 3+ dates with 2 girls in the last two weeks? You gotta appreciate that you're a) moving on, b) pretty damn lucky.

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We should have a talk someday :D


Pulling on her hair is awesome. And her pulling on my hair is even better. Especially when she's kissing my neck.


You've recommend that to me a year ago if I remember correctly :laughing:


The friend-with-benefits I had during that time went down on me while eating Fisherman's friend. It's amazing.


I already tried the ice cube stuff on my girlfriend. However, she is really sensitive. Not sure if she'd enjoy the Fisherman's approach then. Will give it a go, though.


And that ice cube stuff on me...I'll tell her to do that :D

Now that we're in the NSFW-area, I'll be a bit more NSFW:


I have "trouble" finnishing while the lady is going down on me, either orally or with her hand. Basically: I don't come. No idea why because when we have "regular" sex I can come.


I've always had a bit of a problem with orgasms. It takes quite some time for me to reach that point, and sometimes it's annoying #humblebrag


Of course, my girlfriend thinks it's her fault no matter how much I tell her it's not. I mean, she's amazing. Seriously. The sex with her is the best I've ever had and all the things she does...awesome...


Still, my problem remains. :blank:


Weird question: Any advice? :laughing:


I'll hold you to that conversation. I still think sex should just be a normal topic of conversation. I have no clue why everybody freezes and look in disgust. It's a perfectly natural thing. You have to let me know how the ice cube bit goes down (queue anybody with an Ice Cube pic)


Personally, I would probably say use your imagination to get you going if you don't want to offend her. If she's open to stuff, and by the sounds of it, she is, watch videos that you both like (well, that you like even more for obvious reasons). Maybe that could help you.


There was a bag search at Waitrose once when I had lube in there. My area manager was there (super hot). I was young and it was all very embarrassing.



Ball gags ain't no thang, don't worry G. People can be incredibly rude about fetishes, and it's pretty ignorant actually. It's all sexual preferences so really, your friends looking down on you for that is the pretty much the same as going "You're gay? Ewww, gross".


I have never been embarrassed with stuff like that. I remember the first time I ever bought condoms and my mom's friend served me. She pissed herself laughing and said "Does your mom know?" and I said "Who doesn't?" and she stopped laughing. Bought ribbed condoms like a boss.


I agree with @ReZourceman though. I think it's ignorant of people to do things like that. Although, in saying that, I will never, for the life of me, get rape fantasies. That's just confusing to me.


So you probably remember me saying a few pages ago the circumstances surrounding why my ex girlfriend broke up with me? Well since then I have received verbal abuse from her and her mother. I replied to a letter by my ex girlfriend basically saying "What financial advantage would I have gained by having children with you". In any event I gave her two options namely (1) We meet up to discuss things or (2) We dont contact each other again. I actually didnt mind what option she chose, I just wanted the nightmare to end. I sent that letter two weeks ago and have yet to receive a reply.


Thing is I do miss her, a lot :( Ive not really been gaming or on here all that much, just really been watching Netflix as my head is all fucked up.


Anyway, my mates have encouraged me to get back on the dating scene. I kept saying I was not ready but they were of the opinion that I will enjoy it and at least it will be some female company. I met a lass on a night out a couple of weeks ago. We have been on a couple of dates since and we get on well but dont seem to have much in common. Ive enjoyed dating though as it is good to have some female company.


Also went on a first date last night with another girl. We got on really well with each other and share the same values etc but again I dont know we have lots in common. She hates gaming (thinks its a waste of time) hates football, and is indifferent to the films that I like. I do keep comparing these dates to my ex who didnt like these things at first but then really enjoyed them whilst she was with me. Ive arranged to see this girl again tomorrow night.


What do people think?


Why is your ex and her mother harassing you? Her mother has nothing to do with your relationship with her so tell her to stick her big nose out of it. Also, verbal abuse, if not provoked, is still abuse. Tell her its harassment and you'll call the police. As for you giving out them two options, I wouldn't have done that. I'd have just told her to do one, move on and stop being a complete knobhead. You're worth more than her, dude, and she'll realise that when she meets up with a lad on the estate wearing a stained Umbro tracksuit, smelling to the high heavens of weed, hanging round bus shelters with his mates drinking White Lightning looking like a Jeremy Kyle reject. You'll be driving by with a fit bird on your arm, laughing.


You will miss her a lot though because you've been in a relationship for a while and the break-up is still fresh. Netflix has healing abilities.


It's like Kav has said though, don't go into a relationship but do go out there and have some fun. Why not? You're young and it seems like it's easy to you. Never settle for that girl who has nothing in common with you though, ESPECIALLY IF SHE HATES GAMING! Ditch that bitch right thurrrrr!

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God sake, life why you torture me!


Went to a carpet shop today, fancied the carpet salesman i spoke to. It felt like he might fancy me too. We were chatting, and getting on. I know i only spent like 10 minutes with him, but i enjoyed his company and found him attractive.


He gave me his card at the end, and as he was writing the phone number down, he paused halfway, and scored it out, saying “I almost gave you my home number then… that would’ve been embarrassing. And i don’t think my wife would be too amused”, and corrected it with the work number instead.


I just inwardly sighed, disappointed that he was already taken. To me that was him saying “Don’t get any ideas, i’m married”. Or maybe he was reminding himSELF not to get any ideas, cos he’s married! Who knows eh. Either way it was a disappointment! :cry:

Edited by Pancake
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God sake, life why you torture me!


Went to a carpet shop today, fancied the carpet salesman i spoke to. It felt like he might fancy me too. We were chatting, and getting on. I know i only spent like 10 minutes with him, but i enjoyed his company and found him attractive.


He gave me his card at the end, and as he was writing the phone number down, he paused halfway, and scored it out, saying “I almost gave you my home number then… that would’ve been embarrassing. And i don’t think my wife would be too amused”, and corrected it with the work number instead.


I just inwardly sighed, disappointed that he was already taken. To me that was him saying “Don’t get any ideas, i’m married”. Or maybe he was reminding himSELF not to get any ideas, cos he’s married! Who knows eh. Either way it was a disappointment! :cry:


and you should have said "give me your mobile and your wife will never know *wink*" :heh:

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God sake, life why you torture me!


Went to a carpet shop today, fancied the carpet salesman i spoke to. It felt like he might fancy me too. We were chatting, and getting on. I know i only spent like 10 minutes with him, but i enjoyed his company and found him attractive.


He gave me his card at the end, and as he was writing the phone number down, he paused halfway, and scored it out, saying “I almost gave you my home number then… that would’ve been embarrassing. And i don’t think my wife would be too amused”, and corrected it with the work number instead.


I just inwardly sighed, disappointed that he was already taken. To me that was him saying “Don’t get any ideas, i’m married”. Or maybe he was reminding himSELF not to get any ideas, cos he’s married! Who knows eh. Either way it was a disappointment! :cry:


Why wasn't his work number already on his business card? Maybe he got cold feet halfway through?

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This morning I took the bus home.


Before I got out I bumped into a (very hot) lady as the driver braked (man, this word just looks and sounds weird) too strongly. Obviously I apologised and we laughed over it, nothing special.

Then I went to the next bus station and this lady had to go there, too. She started a conversation.

I didn't really want to but I kept it going, as it seemed rude not to. After a minute (we already had arrived at the station) I noticed a badge/pass for the Fédération Equestre Internationale Europe Championship - which is currently being held in my town - on her.

Easy peasy lemon squeezy, perfect way to talk about stuff.


I asked her: "On your way to the stadium? Do you just work there or are you generally interested in riding?"

Her response - I shit you not...: "I work there and yeah, riding is fun, but not on horses." She looked at me and her eyes said the rest.




I did not expect that :laughing:


Well, nothing I could do. My bus arrived and I played it cool and said: "Enjoy your day at work, then." Giving her a wink while entering the vehicle.



It must be some kind of chemical thing. As soon as you are in a relationship women jump at you left and right. When you're single...nothing.

Edited by drahkon
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Remember she's your ex for a reason.


Yeah, I feel ya.


The thing is though, we parted whilst still loving each other in a way but we felt some time apart would do us good in figuring ourselves out.

Now I feel like I've changed a lot, but she's still on my mind and I fear it might cripple yet another relationship with this girl I'm with now...

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Remember she's your ex for a reason.


Yeah, because they broke up...


Often you are in a relationship with someone and you end up splitting up because things had got stale or the grass looked greener elsewhere. Then a few months down the line you realise it was a mistake and actually the grass was never greener at all, sometimes you need a break from someone in order to realise exactly what you actually had with them.

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Yeah, because they broke up...


Often you are in a relationship with someone and you end up splitting up because things had got stale or the grass looked greener elsewhere. Then a few months down the line you realise it was a mistake and actually the grass was never greener at all, sometimes you need a break from someone in order to realise exactly what you actually had with them.


If things got stale once then they most likely will again. If I'm with somebody who broke up with me on a whim that she might be better off single/with somebody else then that's not somebody I would want to be with.


Obviously there are circumstances where it might not apply. My last relationship ended because she had to move back to Egypt and didn't want a long distance relationship. If she moved back to the UK I would definitely consider getting back with her. But that's not the case with most break ups.


Besides I didn't say that one should never get back their ex, more that there is a reason they broke up. Therefore they should remember that reason and consider whether it will affect/cause issues in a future relationship. The vast majority of the time it will.

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If things got stale once then they mist likely will again. If I'm with somebody who broke up with me on a whim that she might be better off single/with somebody else then that's not somebody I would want to be with.


Obviously there are circumstances where it might not apply. My last relationship ended because she had to love back to Egypt and didn't want a long distance relationship. If she moved back to the UK I would definitely consider getting back with her. But that's not the case with most break ups.


Besides I didn't say that one should never get back their ex, more that there is a reason they broke up. Therefore they should remember that reason and consider whether it will affect/cause issues in a future relationship. The vast majority of the time it will.


If you still have feelings for someone then it's far better to regret giving it a second chance than to regret never giving it a second chance and always looking back and wondering 'what if?'

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That would probably be true if he weren't currently with someone. He could dump her for the ex, then regret that and spend the rest of his life wondering "what if?" about the girl he dumped, especially if history repeats itself with the ex.

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