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Love? Relationships? Boy girl stuff? Complaints and appraisals! Gifs be welcome.

Kurtle Squad

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Come on, guys. Where is the love?



So me and the girl have been talking...a lot. As I said, we pretty much wake each other up and talk throughout the day. She wishes I could cuddle her in bed and hold her (I wish I bloody could too ;)), she calls me 'babe' and we're on 'xxx' now and no, @dr4hkon, I don't mean XXX-rated, you dirty man! :p


I'm thinking she'll definitely want to meet up very soon, probably this week or next. :)

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6 months for me and the boy.


I wasn't sure I'd be able to be with someone for a long period of time. It's different. I'm still very unsure of myself. We spoke of perhaps going away for a weekend.


It's all adult-like and scary.


10 months here. It's kind of strange that there are long-term memories - or anecdotes that come up - of us.


Being an adult is weird.


6 years here in less than two weeks. Now I feel ooooold. =P


Sheesh. I was in a kind-of-maybe-relationship for two months and felt proud of myself :heh:


Alone and sad :(


But I had sex last night, so I got that going for me...which is nice.


But I thought you were in a six month relationship...




I've been on this forum for over 8 years. :blank:


12 for me. BRB, crying.



Whiiiiiiile I'm here. Went on a nice date on Monday. Drinks, food and cinema. Was nice to have a proper date for a change.


Of course they're leaving London soon, because that's how I roll! This time for uni...because they're 18. My mother is married to someone ten years her junior so it's not weird, it's genetic ;)

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So I'm incredibly lonely and because of my depression it makes it a 1000 times worse. Its been eight years since my last relationship ended and I just haven't done anything about it since but its getting really fucking unbearable a lot of the time. But because of the depression and the added anxiety which makes it hard to be around my family some times, I have no fucking chance of doing anything about it right now.

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So I'm incredibly lonely and because of my depression it makes it a 1000 times worse. Its been eight years since my last relationship ended and I just haven't done anything about it since but its getting really fucking unbearable a lot of the time. But because of the depression and the added anxiety which makes it hard to be around my family some times, I have no fucking chance of doing anything about it right now.


Meds and therapy?


Hate to be the one to say it but life isn't going to live itself for you. Try and give it a go and fail, at least?


(sorry, this sounds like an absolute dick post, I don't mean it to at all)

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I'm on meds but they only really take the edge off so to speak. And I would try but right now its kinda hard when your heart beats so fast in uncomfortable situations that it then starts make your breathing irregular and down right hard to do (first time I had an anxiety attack I thought my heart was gonna explode lol). It takes a lot for me to calm myself down right now. I'm a long road of trying to feel better, its just going to take some time.

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@bryanee Have you been through Cognitive Behaviour Therapy? I get the feeling if you're having trouble with invasive, shitty thoughts, that could help a lot.


Been with my girl for a year and a half and she's leaving to move back to the motherland in approx. three weeks (after her Masters finishes). I feel like this is a recurrent narrative in my life; get with exotic asian chick, they leave, rinse, repeat.

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I'm on meds but they only really take the edge off so to speak. And I would try but right now its kinda hard when your heart beats so fast in uncomfortable situations that it then starts make your breathing irregular and down right hard to do (first time I had an anxiety attack I thought my heart was gonna explode lol). It takes a lot for me to calm myself down right now. I'm a long road of trying to feel better, its just going to take some time.


As Bard brings up - you didn't address the therapy side of my question.


Second, what exactly is it you think I'm suggesting you do when I say try and give it a go?

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@bryanee Have you been through Cognitive Behaviour Therapy? I get the feeling if you're having trouble with invasive, shitty thoughts, that could help a lot.


Been with my girl for a year and a half and she's leaving to move back to the motherland in approx. three weeks (after her Masters finishes). I feel like this is a recurrent narrative in my life; get with exotic asian chick, they leave, rinse, repeat.


Reckon you'll be staying together or will that be it? And presumably you mean Pakistan right?


At least you'll have epic goodbye sex. Oh yehhh.

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Reckon you'll be staying together or will that be it? And presumably you mean Pakistan right?


At least you'll have epic goodbye sex. Oh yehhh.


Yeah, but it's a little different with this one - I've known her since she was three and we've been really close for ages, so even if the relationship stuff fizzles we've still got that to hang back on.


Don't know where to drop by next on the ethnic pussy sample dish. Might just throw a dart at a map and go marauding :heh:.

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As Bard brings up - you didn't address the therapy side of my question.


Second, what exactly is it you think I'm suggesting you do when I say try and give it a go?


I'm seeing a psychiatric nurse to work through stuff.


I think you're suggesting I go out and try and meet some one, which aint happening for a while.

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Yeah, but it's a little different with this one - I've known her since she was three and we've been really close for ages, so even if the relationship stuff fizzles we've still got that to hang back on.


Don't know where to drop by next on the ethnic pussy sample dish. Might just throw a dart at a map and go marauding :heh:.


Go European, brah. I recommend Belgium. There's some fine piece of arse over there.


In fact, fuuuuck Asia. Europe is awesome. French chicks, hnnnnng. Spanish girls, hnnnnnng. Belgians, HNNNNNNG. Italians, hnnnnnnnggggg. SWEDEN, hnnnnnnnnng. Germanies, better ask Brahkon for that.


Or are you solely on dat dere asian woman time, brah?

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Go European, brah. I recommend Belgium. There's some fine piece of arse over there.


In fact, fuuuuck Asia. Europe is awesome. French chicks, hnnnnng. Spanish girls, hnnnnnng. Belgians, HNNNNNNG. Italians, hnnnnnnnggggg. SWEDEN, hnnnnnnnnng. Germanies, better ask Brahkon for that.


Or are you solely on dat dere asian woman time, brah?


Depends Baboooor, are you willing to share???


Not on an Asian kick or anything, it just happened to be coincidence that my current is a Paki, the one before was Singaporean. I suppose they might have been a reaction to the one before who was from Wigan.


I like chicks from everywhere really. Except Wigan.

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Depends Baboooor, are you willing to share???


Not on an Asian kick or anything, it just happened to be coincidence that my current is a Paki, the one before was Singaporean. I suppose they might have been a reaction to the one before who was from Wigan.


I like chicks from everywhere really. Except Wigan.


I'm not into sharing my womans, sorry. I have two sexy as fuck brothers though. They've got facial hair and everything. I recommend. Premium specimens. You know what they say? Once you go gay, wa-ha-hay!


Ah, so you don't discriminate, very good, very good. Good luck on your endeavours and sorry that your woman is departing for the mothership.

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