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"I have a boyfriend" ::shrug:


Well at least you tried Ike and now you know, nothing worse than not knowing. : peace:


Online dating isn't really going that well for me lately, matches are either far away, nearby but not interested or 'this account no longer exists' which is really helpful... :blank:


I've been taking on board all advice from here as well, I'm just going to take it as being a case of as @Daft said... 'Online dating doesn't work, until it does' and keep looking while at the same time possibly opening myself up to looking in real life as well if the opportunity arises. : peace:


For instance I've always said to myself 'keep work and home life separate' but I do think there may be a possibility of a few people at work 'liking' me yet I've always either shrugged it off or tried to tell myself 'no' especially since the one time I actually tried to ask someone out from work it really didn't go well at all... :indeed: we get on a lot better now because of it though which is both odd and nice. :)

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So, first Tinder girl doesn't seem to text me anymore (which I find odd, 'cause she gave me her number and I didn't write anything weird :p).


"First" Tinder girl, you ask? Yes, got another match and again I went with:


"Just going to be blunt: You are a very pretty woman. May I ask where you're from?"


It worked again : peace:

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So as you guys know, I have been messaging this girl back and forth for about two weeks now and I just went for the kill and said "If you want to text me, here's my number if you're interested in me" and left it at that. Five minutes later, I got a text. We've been texting back and forth for a couple of days now and she's started adding 'x' at the end of every message and she messages me good morning.


That's good, right, guys?


In other news, the 'possessive' girl is back. She's messaged me a couple of times and said "Ugh! I feel bad!".

I asked what was wrong and she said "I'm sick of people messaging me for sex"

I didn't really know what to say so I said "Creeps!"

She then asked "Do you like me?"

I just replied "In what way?"

She's not said anything since. I'm not crying over it though because of what happened previously with those messages asking why I was ignoring her when I was at work.

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No putting x's at the end of messages is a bad thing. Steer clear!


Also, you're on a dating site, if a girl asks if you like her - why ask in what way? Is it not obvious? Bit of a poor reply Animal, you can do better!

Though on the other hand her asking that is just pure attention seeking.

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Though on the other hand her asking that is just pure attention seeking.


Yeah, when I saw that it made me think she was pretty shallow and self-absorbed. Seems like a really silly thing to say to someone else on a dating website, probably they're an attention seeker and not worth the trouble.

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No putting x's at the end of messages is a bad thing. Steer clear!


Also, you're on a dating site, if a girl asks if you like her - why ask in what way? Is it not obvious? Bit of a poor reply Animal, you can do better!

Though on the other hand her asking that is just pure attention seeking.


I thought he deployed "In what way" as a subtle means of warding off her attentions.


@The Bard is right. I messaged that for that reason. I did like her right up until she was messaging stuff like "Are you ignoring me?" and shit like that when I was at work and this was on the second day of me and her exchanging messages. Ever since then, I've been feeling bad mojo vibes from her. She felt possessive and I've only spoken to her for 10 seconds. Also, she's been changing her answers to her questions on her profile such as she'd date someone who's a super-racist and stuff like that.


As for the girl I actually do like (the girl putting 'x' at the end of each message): We've been messaging each other for almost a month and it's only been this week that she's started to do that, which says to me that she isn't one of those people who endlessly puts a 'x' at the end of messages to everybody. How come it's a bad thing? I'm not experienced at internet dating so help would be cool.


Yeah, when I saw that it made me think she was pretty shallow and self-absorbed. Seems like a really silly thing to say to someone else on a dating website, probably they're an attention seeker and not worth the trouble.


Yeah. I mean, I'd understand if she said "Do you like me?" after talking for a while but straight away? And she also messaged me how all men want from her is sex? It just seems like such a random thing to say to someone who you've just spoken to. I've had offers from girls but I wouldn't say "Girls want my cock" to someone random who I don't know...

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Sorry my x comment was completely sarcastic! How can it not be/ why would you even question it?


As for the second part, my bad. Completely didn't get that you were warding her off. I thought you were genuinely asking her :p


Sorry, I'm so shit at getting sarcasm! One of my many crappy traits! haha.

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Me and my lady don't use x's. I really, really, think they're overused and entirely meaningless in every which way. It's texts ending with c's that are a bad sign! Lazy fuckers.


I want to stab a ho every time I see somebody going over the top with kisses and exclamation marks.


Bitchfuckers. One of my friends puts an exclamation mark at the end of EVERY FUCKING THING and I swear to god, one of these days I'm going to tell her that...it's not something she should be doing.


Adding more than three kisses is absolutely pissening. I love u x x x xx xxxx x xx x x x x x xx x x x x x x x x x x x x xx x x x x x


Brb, being sick in a bucket of sick.

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I never used to put x on the end of my messages to my girlfriend, but then someone commented on it being odd that I didn't, so I started just to avoid any hassle. Problem is, the girlfriend is pretty much the only person I text, so its become habit. I'm not going to lie, mistakes have been made...



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but it doesn't - that's the point! xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx is not passion it's pressing a button, and I don't think it's the best way to transmit any meaning of love or sympathy. The best way to do that is to do so in a meaningful way - and most meaning is derived from the cost spent in time on the message in question.


i.e. I mean what I say because I just spent a paragraph saying it.

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I suppose, but if I'm sending my fiance a text to say I'll pick up a lettuce on the way home, I don't have the time to craft a meaningful message containing much passion. I'll just rattle off a text with five x's on the end.

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It's just a token way of communicating a level of affection in a text, especially since with that format you don't have much opportunity for nuance. Literally every time I forget to put an x after a message my girlfriend assumes I'm being pissy; there's a difference between "Ok." and "Ok x." The second one is a way of saying that you're not being short, it's just that it's a fucking text and you can't be bothered crafting a sonnet to describe your manner of agreement in the worlds most clumsy method of communication outside of drunken office party charades.

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but it doesn't - that's the point! xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx is not passion it's pressing a button, and I don't think it's the best way to transmit any meaning of love or sympathy. The best way to do that is to do so in a meaningful way - and most meaning is derived from the cost spent in time on the message in question.


i.e. I mean what I say because I just spent a paragraph saying it.


Think of it as punctuation. Just like the exclamation mark it serves a purpose and conveys something to many even if doesn't to you.


It all comes down to whether you assign meaning or value to it.

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So, first Tinder girl (the one who gave me her number) responds only infrequently.

When she does, her responses keep the conversation going, though.


Tough to get information about her without a real 'flow'.


But she has intrigued me. :laughing:



Second Tinder girl stopped texting. Yeah, bye :p

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You know how they say dating is a numbers game? In the last ten months I've met twenty different people (maybe just more, terrible memory). Not sure if that's a good number or not... Plus about three or four no shows.


Think I'm just having one of those afternoons.

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