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Kurtle Squad

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srsly wise up would you, your ATTITUDE is why no girl will talk to you. You're so miserable and only willing to blame it on everyone else but the cause of it, which is YOU. Chill out and actually enjoy life, rather than worrying about why you can't seem to find a girl at this moment in time.



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say what you want, I'm not really that bothered, just giving you some sensible advice that I'm sure quite a few people agree with. No one will be attracted to someone that's always miserable and down on themselves. And being in a relationship is not the only fulfilling thing one can do with their life. You need to find happiness before love will find you.

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say what you want, I'm not really that bothered, just giving you some sensible advice that I'm sure quite a few people agree with. No one will be attracted to someone that's always miserable and down on themselves. And being in a relationship is not the only fulfilling thing one can do with their life. You need to find happiness before love will find you.


Seems a bit Catch-22. I don't find anything overly fulfilling, or fulfilling whatsoever.

I read and play games while waiting to grow old and die, or just for other things to happen I have no control over, and while working I'm just waiting until I can go home to read and play games. Yay!

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Kurtle, just curious: what are you looking for in a relationship? Do you want to be in one just for the sake of it? If you're not happy with yourself right now, you need to improve. Find goals other than reading and playing games and work towards them? Can you think of what you can give in a relationship, rather than what you'll get out of one?

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Paying an insane amount for figures which aren't even painted already.... :nono:


It's like buying water...:hmm:


Awww. Poor baby.


The second and third post are from the Warhammer thread, which I just saw and thought it would be worth bringing up in here.


You don't really help yourself. Bleating like a lamb that you're lonely and then posting shit like that in the Warhammer thread and in here is very counter-productive.


Raining is trying to help you out, like others are. But first of all, you need to work on your attitude. If you don't, then I'm going to bottle you up and sell you as some sort of Woman Repellent, because that's all that attitude is useful for.


Listen to what the women are saying here. Ine, Eddie and Raining have all posted, so take the advice on board.

Edited by Fierce_LiNk
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I don't find anything overly fulfilling, or fulfilling whatsoever.

I read and play games while waiting to grow old and die, or just for other things to happen I have no control over, and while working I'm just waiting until I can go home to read and play games. Yay!


This is me p.much. Though no job and I prefer tv.


I also have friends which you seem to not do :hmm:

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So yeah. In London. Had a couple fun encounters through clubs / Grindr and whathaveyou. Also met a friend of a friend / I've followed him on Twitter for ages, so I feel like I know him, and I'm really drawn to him.


He's Irish (from Dublin) and he is 28. He works in a gay sex shop in Soho and -- hear me out because this sounds weird, but isn't -- this is the hottest thing. He's surprisingly *normal* elsewise, doing a masters in Journalism and whathaveyou; you might not suspect this, given I always assumed you'd have to be quite weird / wired in a particular way to sell fetish gear for a living. HOWEVER, he's not. And it's hot, because he knows a shit load about sex. Like, he knows the best lube to use, the best way to orgasm, how to tie bondage safely etc etc, and it's all a bit heroic, and I'm into the fact he's a standard person, but has that queer element that he makes his living from telling repressed nervous old Chinese men which dildo is best to use.


So yeah, I charmed him with my brown eyes (which he made into a thing, I didn't exactly propagate this feature), and consequently we had great sex, in my friend's brother's bed (whoops).


And my favourite thing is, I can just be Miley, because he's followed my twitter for ages [where I pour my heart and soul and being out onto], and he loves it, and is 95% the reason he sexed me, given he can probably do better than me. So all is full of love. And we're going to get bagels together tomorrow as a wee date.

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The second and third post are from the Warhammer thread, which I just saw and thought it would be worth bringing up in here.


You don't really help yourself. Bleating like a lamb that you're lonely and then posting shit like that in the Warhammer thread and in here is very counter-productive.


Raining is trying to help you out, like others are. But first of all, you need to work on your attitude. If you don't, then I'm going to bottle you up and sell you as some sort of Woman Repellent, because that's all that attitude is useful for.


Listen to what the women are saying here. Ine, Eddie and Raining have all posted, so take the advice on board.



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Damn, Kurtle, people are trying to help you out here dude! No need to cause a drama and be so rude. Girls do not like guys who are rude, arrogant and miserable. It's honestly no wonder you don't have anybody if that's your response to people who are nice to you.

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I haven't dated for a while and everyone keeps trying to get me with 'a friend they know' or telling me to go on a date with (for the sake of privacy, lets name him Kurtle) but I'm quite happy being single right now.


People find that really hard to believe though. WHAT'S SO WRONG?! I guess after being in a rather long relationship I just want some space to breathe but I keep getting told that I should "get out there", "find someone new". I JUST WANT TO BE ALONE FOR A WHILE. Geez.

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I haven't dated for a while and everyone keeps trying to get me with 'a friend they know' or telling me to go on a date with (for the sake of privacy, lets name him Kurtle) but I'm quite happy being single right now.


People find that really hard to believe though. WHAT'S SO WRONG?! I guess after being in a rather long relationship I just want some space to breathe but I keep getting told that I should "get out there", "find someone new". I JUST WANT TO BE ALONE FOR A WHILE. Geez.


Because people always feel it's their business.


I've not dated anyone since last July, if I recall rightly, but the amount of people my friends have tried to set me up with, I had to demand that they stop 1. talking about it behind my back and then shoving people towards me 2. Leave me a lone.


Which lasted all of two months and process and repeat, they even tried to get me with someone whilst I was sort of with someone - slightly disastrous..

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I haven't dated for a while and everyone keeps trying to get me with 'a friend they know' or telling me to go on a date with (for the sake of privacy, lets name him Kurtle) but I'm quite happy being single right now.


People find that really hard to believe though. WHAT'S SO WRONG?! I guess after being in a rather long relationship I just want some space to breathe but I keep getting told that I should "get out there", "find someone new". I JUST WANT TO BE ALONE FOR A WHILE. Geez.


I lived with an older lady who constantly did this, especially with any *friends* I brought over.


Well the girl I like has told me today that she's been seeing some guy and that he doesn't like our friendship and so she's cutting me out of her life completely.


To say I'm pissed doesn't even come close...


Either the guy she's seeing is a selfish asshole, or she's lame and not worth your time~

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Well the girl I like has told me today that she's been seeing some guy and that he doesn't like our friendship and so she's cutting me out of her life completely.


To say I'm pissed doesn't even come close...


Wow man, that's cold.



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Well the girl I like has told me today that she's been seeing some guy and that he doesn't like our friendship and so she's cutting me out of her life completely.


To say I'm pissed doesn't even come close...


But in fairness, you don't want to be friends, no? He's got the right to not want you around if you want to be with his girlfriend.

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