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Super Smash Bros. 3DS / Wii U


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I want Lucina rather than Chrom. Mix it up a bit; can be a more speedy character, with faster, but less hard hitting attacks. Plus another female character for the roster.


Does she fight with Rapiers? She could potentially have the fighting style that Marth & Roy should have (that is, fencing, stabbing, instead of the fancy slashes they use in Smash Bros)


Does anyone else think Ike's sword looks smaller?


Yeah, it does, but it was that same relative size in Radiant Dawn. I'm chalking it up to Ike being taller, making the sword seem smaller by comparison.

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I want Lucina rather than Chrom. Mix it up a bit; can be a more speedy character, with faster, but less hard hitting attacks. Plus another female character for the roster.

Tharja has a figure, and Cordelia will be getting one. Would be a nice chance for some cross promotion.

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Would also be nice to have a female mage in there.

Smash needs more MAGIC!


Especially Tharja!




She could rival Zero Suit Samus in.....well, you know.


Or what about the dragon race that keeps reappearing (meltdowns if she can turn into a dragon and ridley isn't playable) in the franchise or Panne :D

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Ike is now up there with Zelda in "Veterans whose new look I enjoy the most". Pretty spiffy, considering they're my two best characters in Brawl :heh: Though Samus also looks awesome.


Seriously considering changing my avatar if a better picture of Ike pops up.

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I'm glad he's back in the game - I enjoy playing Falcon but I have to admit, I seem to play a lot better with Ike, and have just as much fun too. Going with his RD design does make a lot more sense for how they portrayed the character as a relatively slow powerhouse which is more inline with the sequel rather than PoR where he was brilliant in every cateogory except Magic understandably. That said, I still prefer the PoR look.



I wonder if his Vanguard promotion will appear as an alternate costume.




Well they could try going the whole hog and include his Awakening design too. And maybe if they were feeling extra generous, they could give us a clone in Priam.


Sod it, they need to make Super Smash Bros: Fire Emblem Edition or get Namco to do Soul Calibur: Fire Emblem Edition - anything to get FE more attention and expand on all that history and potential.

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Pic of the day. Here's a look at the revival platforms. The color of the bottom mechanism changes from yellow to red to warn you how much time you have left before you drop into the fray.

Edited by Serebii
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I don't know why there is positive discussion in here.


You know, it's not like there is going to be voice chat during the fight or anything. :p


If they confirm there isn't prepare for me sounding off in a rage! ;)

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I don't know why there is positive discussion in here.


You know, it's not like there is going to be voice chat during the fight or anything. :p


Now now, no need to get catty. People don't get negative until Nintendo give them reason to be. Once they confirm the inevitable then the negativity will start ;)

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More like anger. :D I hate the smug douche. Much like how you hate the French at this moment in time. :heh:


Well you could always play as a Reggie Mii in MK8, then let Redshell batter you with his namesake. Two birds, one stone!

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What the hell is with all the Reggie hate?

Did he molest someone close to you or something?


Reggie just does what he does best: Lie using cheap marketing words and such...it's not like he's the only one on the planet who does this. On the contrary, our system is based on acting as if your product is better than the other in order to stay in business.


I quite like to see him squirm out of things, because he's a master at it.

Great buy all 'round.


Have some:



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Haven't seen or read anything about this for months.


All I will ask is this:


Is Ness confirmed yet? Surely he is? With his cheeky sideways hat and yoyo? Somebody please!


I won't think bad of anyone who lies to me just to tell me what I need to hear.

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Haven't seen or read anything about this for months.


All I will ask is this:


Is Ness confirmed yet? Surely he is? With his cheeky sideways hat and yoyo? Somebody please!


I won't think bad of anyone who lies to me just to tell me what I need to hear.

Sure, why not.

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