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Foreign Music


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The main reason I post this is to find out what people in other countries think of German music. This wouldn't be a good foundation for a lasting thread so I decided to generalize it.


I don't like German music. Mainly because I really don't like our language (in comparison to others, like English :p).

But there is one band I like:


Ohrbooten - An Alle Ladies


Broadcast Yourself


Ohrbooten - Bewegung


Broadcast Yourself



Seldom there are tracks by foreign musicians that I like. It's mostly the language barrier that puts me off.


So, what do you think of foreign music? Can you enjoy it even if you don't understand the language? Do you hate it?

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Quite a lot of the mainland European bands I listen to feature English vocals regardless; presumably they're trying to appeal to a greater potential audience given that it's a second language to many nationalities.


That said I don't understand a word of Icelandic and really like Sigur Rós, a band that has a tendency to sing nonsense that merely evokes the 'feeling' of their mother tongue in the first place. I might not appreciate their songs on a lyrical level but I don't really need to: the mood is clear as day and the layer of ambiguity is actually rather welcome, allowing you to project what you think might be being said; it's fantastic for stirring the imagination.


Just to throw this out there, I think not being familiar with a language can help smooth over certain rough edges, too: if I'm listening to a Japanese voice track for a game I focus on what's being said as opposed to the questionable quality of the acting.

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I love lots of "foreign music". To name a few;


Sigur Ros (who sing in their own version of Icelandic), people like Camille who can sing in English but predominantly don't, people like Die Antwoord who sing in a mix of languages (English/Afrikaans and others)..others too, that's just off the top of my head.


I love a lot of foreign artists, though they tend to sing in english.

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I went through a phase of German industrial music. My favourites were KMFDM, Feindflug and Berlin Express. I seldom listen to them now, but I still like it. I don't know any other German musik :(


Seldom there are tracks by foreign musicians that I like. It's mostly the language barrier that puts me off.


So, what do you think of foreign music? Can you enjoy it even if you don't understand the language? Do you hate it?


I really believe that music can transcend language barriers. Even if I don't understand what is literally being said, I can get the feeling/emotion and meaning from the music. It's probably different for everyone though.


I love Japanese rock and Korean pop and rap, even though I only have basic understanding of both languages. I went through a spell of listening to French pop music too...

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African music is gorgeous. Especially Malian stuff. And to me, this song transcends language barrier. Fucking horrible quality, but it'll suffice.



Feels really sad.




^ Produced by Damon Alarn if that turns you on. I love striking vocals. No pretence. No effort made to accomodate you as a listener. There they are. Take or you can eff awf.

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I have always had a soft spot for Rammstein who mostly sing in German. Blind Guardian is also something that I have listened for 10+ years, but they only sing in English.

I think there are a couple of more but I think they all sing in English.


That said I don't understand a word of Icelandic and really like Sigur Rós, a band that has a tendency to sing nonsense that merely evokes the 'feeling' of their mother tongue in the first place. I might not appreciate their songs on a lyrical level but I don't really need to: the mood is clear as day and the layer of ambiguity is actually rather welcome, allowing you to project what you think might be being said; it's fantastic for stirring the imagination.


I love lots of "foreign music". To name a few;


Sigur Ros (who sing in their own version of Icelandic), people like Camille who can sing in English but predominantly don't, people like Die Antwoord who sing in a mix of languages (English/Afrikaans and others)..others too, that's just off the top of my head.


I love a lot of foreign artists, though they tend to sing in english.


In the case of Sigurrós, the lyrics are pretty much non-important (Except for the sound of it) seeing as most of it comes across as just nonsense.


Understanding them could be a bad thing because I know a lot of people who say they can't take Sigurrós seriously purely because of the lyrics.


Out of curiosity seeing as there are people who listen to Sigurrós here, any of you listen to Múm or Eberg?

Both bands that have much more popularity abroad but rarely get mentioned in Iceland



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My housemate plays a lot of Chinese and Japanese music. I think it's probably just the type she goes for (very pop-like and cheesy as hell) but it grates on me for some reason. It is very cheesy whatever she listens to...Jay Chou being one of them. Don't like that style.


I've been listening to Carla Bruni's stuff recently and it's very nice. Beautiful stuff. It's mandatory to also enjoy music by Sigurrós or Jonsi. There's one or two Belgium bands that I like, but the words are in English. I don't particularly mind what the language is, it's only a small part of the overall sound. I think the music that accompanies it is just as important.

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I think most of the music to is in English (apart from stuff like Jonsi and Sigurrós of course). Even the Belgian bands I listen to are in English heh.

Some of it may be in French though. I very much liked "Alors on danse" from Belgian artist Stromae.


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I always feel like I should listen to much more foreign music than I do.


Usually a day doesn't pass where I don't listen to some Edith Piaf though :)



Forgot to mention the great Jacques Briel! I feel I've neglected him for too long :(

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