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I was introduced to a naughty website recently that allowed me to watch a few new films, and I plan to watch more (hopefully that doesn't offend anyone here)


Anyways, given that Oscar season's approaching I opted with some Oscar bait films first.


So far watched Birdman, Nightcrawler, Foxcatcher and a bit of light relief in Big Hero Six.


Birdman is meant to be the favourite for a few awards isn't it? I enjoyed it, but it took a while for me to get into it. 2nd half of the film was where I started to enjoy it more. Don't think I could watch it again for a while.


Nightcrawler was pretty damn awesome, enjoyed it from the get go. Reminded me of Drive in terms of style and the anti-hero character. Really good film.


Foxcatcher was amazing. Carell is so good in this, completely unrecognizable from that lovable 40 year old virgin. Tatum and Ruffalo are also really good too. Thought it ended a little bit abruptly, like the whole final 20 minutes alot happens across different time frames and is quite wooomph all at once. Still awesome though.


Big Hero Six was the light relief I needed after some pretty dark films. Another good Disney Animation studio's flick. Still on a roll after Tangled, Wreck it Ralph & Frozen. Would like to see Disney tackle other Marvel or Star wars franchises or characters like... Disney Animations presents "The Ewoks".



Want to see Theory of everything and American Sniper soon.

Edited by Murr
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I saw Birdman tonight. I can't quite describe what it's like... but I really enjoyed it!


Saw the trailer for Whiplash which I think I'm looking forward to more than any other film this year! American Sniper looks good too, love Clint Eastwood films.

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You mean Pixar? Disney have been great with their animation recently (Tangles, Wreck-It Ralph, Frozen, Big Hero 6).


It does seem strange that we're getting two non-sequel Pixar films this year (well, The Good Dinosaur will probably be next year in the UK). It's been ages since Up (yes, I know there was Brave, but it wasn't that good).

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Pixar and Disney are the same stable as far as I'm concerned. Tangled and Wreck-It-Ralph were both totally fine but not classics and BH6 & Inside Out seem like the first films they've made in a while with real ambition.


The less said about Cars 2 the better.

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Went to see The Theory of Everything tonight. It was nothing short of brilliant. It's one emotional roller coaster, the acting is superb and the music fantastic.


Nice one of the next films I want to see. Along with American Sniper (please be good)

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I sat in silence during the whole film and 10 minutes after the credits rolled.


Stunning, absolutely stunning.


Watched The Theory of Everything just now.


Went to see The Theory of Everything tonight. It was nothing short of brilliant. It's one emotional roller coaster, the acting is superb and the music fantastic.


Nothing to add really...


Have now seen 3 of the Academy Award nominees for best picture. They all deserve to win. Let's see how the rest of the nominees are.

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Uhhh just no no no no


McCarthy just is not funny, never heard of McKinnon and Jones, Wig is funny though


The thing is Ghostbusters was all about subtle sarcastic and dry humour, of that cast i can see one big problem (don't know two so can't comment) McCarthy doesn't fit with that, she does loud brash slapstic, Wig maybe could pull that off...it just seems this will be a very different type of movie, no doubt full of slapstic in your face humour not fitting with the franchise.

Having said that Feig said he wanted it genuinely scary, have any of them ever done horror? i'm just getting an image of scary movie from all this


What happened to all the other female leads linked to this in the past? Jennifer Lawrence, Tina Fey, Emma Stone, Elisa Duschcu, Amy Phoer you know people proven to be great actors and/or comedians? did Feig just choose his bridesmaids cast or did they all decline? if they declined why? bad script? didn't want to ruin a franchise?


I still don't get why a gender bent reboot, why not just have it as a direct sequel a passing of the torch movie as had been planned since god damn GB2?! it all seems very forced to be completely different and i just cannot see that working, how many other reboots have worked? let alone ones that spit in the originals face and only loosely keep the concept?


And the leaked script...this casting choice follows that so the whole dinklage ghost seems like it will be the main villain


it all adds up to me not giving a shit about this, so on that note i'll go back to fixing my own proton pack

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What happened to all the other female leads linked to this in the past? Jennifer Lawrence, Tina Fey, Emma Stone, Elisa Duschcu, Amy Phoer you know people proven to be great actors and/or comedians? did Feig just choose his bridesmaids cast or did they all decline? if they declined why? bad script? didn't want to ruin a franchise?


Those names would be great in a film together. I have no idea who any of the announced people are.

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Those names would be great in a film together. I have no idea who any of the announced people are.


I could have gotten behind that cast and perhaps gotten over some of my doubts and fears, but its basically the bridesmaids cast and that was a mediocre movie, adding ghosts to that....:mad:

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