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I saw it and thought it was great.


Also makes sense that film critics and the Academy Awards would love it because it deals with some of the origins of film so...


I wouldn't complain about how many nominations it got, I mean.., it got nominated for best sound editing and best sound mixing.




So I don't know why people count these things.


Quite a few sound mixers would disagree with you. Loudly at first, then quietly. Then all at once.

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Hugo was immense and had so much more to offer than just a children's film with deeper messages contained with in, it is a brilliant love letter to cinema as a whole and focuses on the importance of preserving film. :) (although for me something was missing.)


Basically what I was about to say as well. Hugo is a wonderful movie! The only thing that let it down for me was Sacha Baron Cohen's character. All of the characters in the movie had some kind of meaning, even the characters who played a minor part, but his character hardly added anything to the movie and didn't do anything for me.


Battle Royale was looking at me on my DVD pile last night so I decided to watch it and, again, really enjoyed it. It must be my tenth watch and still gets me everytime.



I was about forty minutes into watching The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring this morning when my DVD blew up...bad times! I still have my Xbox so it's all good and hopefully today, I may see The Artist.

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Hugo was immense and had so much more to offer than just a children's film with deeper messages contained with in, it is a brilliant love letter to cinema as a whole and focuses on the importance of preserving film. :) (although for me something was missing.)


What have I been watching:


The Duellists - So many Duels! I enjoyed how it became less acceptable over time but the two main men were to stubborn to quit, the last shots are beautiful. (Recommend)


The House of Yes- An intoxicating performance from Parker Posey as a Bi-polar woman (jackie-o) who has a fascination with Jacqueline Kennedy and the Kennedy assassination and includes that sexually with her brother. It's dark humour quickly takes you through the story leading you through this family's odd nature and the with Jackie-o at the centre. It kept me hooked.(worth a look)


Legend- Tom Cruise looks silly with long hair, Unicorns are lame but the rest is good fun and well thought out. It all looks a bit 80s but it's an intriguing take on the fantasy genre and actually manages to mix things up a bit. (Worth A Look)


Someone To Watch Over Me- Interesting idea to begin with and it starts off exciting but then it becomes a bit limp as it goes on and never really recovers. (Approach With Caution)

Our Idiot Brother A "nice" film. Paul Rudd is always amusing to watch and the rest of the cast is good but the film misses the mark and it plods along in a familiar manner. (approach with caution)


CJ7 - THIS FILM IS SO CUTE and brutal. A weird squidgy alien thing comes to life and gets abused basically. Zany, wacky kids film that is a bit silly but a joy to watch. (Worth A Look)


The Holy Mountain- Trippin' Balls. 1 hour and 52 minutes of heavy handed symbolism, it definitely opened my mind and got me thinking and challenged me but it all felt a bit gratuitous rather than grand. Not sure if it's good but it's something people should definitely watch. (worth a look)


A Goofy Movie- Fun Disney movie that doesn't try and be anything better than it is. (worth a look)


This Is Spinal Tap- - Great Mockumentary, ridiculously funny. (recommend)


Thanked for mentioning CJ7 and A Goofy Movie. Although...A GOOFY MOVIE IS WORTH MORE THAN A LOOK (my favourite Disney movie ever ever ever) :shakehead

Edited by EddieColeslaw
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The thing that annoyed me most about Hugo, (apart from the awful child acting) was that it was set in Paris, but no-one in it even had a hint of a French accent. I suppose you could argue that because they all spoke with an English accent (i presume Sasha Baron Cohen's was english???) it was like what would happen if they were speaking french and a french person was listening.


Anywho, that was the only negative point when i watched it.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Managed to finally watch Sylvain Chomet's "L'Illusionniste". Love his style of animation, everything looks so beautiful, so enchanting. There were only a few parts I didn't like (unnecessary use of 3D models), but overall it was lovely.


Won't be for everyone because the film is pretty much void of any dialogue (but if you've seen "Les Triplettes de Belleville" you should be used to this), but I liked the story and the way it was told.


Also smiled when I noticed two old characters appear, one being the gendarme from "La vieille dame et les pigeons" and the other being the mouse-man mechanic from "Les Triplettes de Belleville". Wondering if maybe I missed any others heh. =)

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Watched Money Pit a few nights ago after beign told it was hilarious. It wasn't. Yes, I got a couple of laughs out of it but it just wasn't all that. Some may say going into a film with the banner 'hilarious' hanging over my have heightened my expectations for the film so that it couldn't meet them but I was pretty open minded about watching it and yeah, just didn't think it was as good as I'd been told.


Certainly wasn't one of Hank's best performances (but that may well have had to do with the script more than him as it seemed to lack some substance beyond the continuous use of the "2 weeks!" gag which wasn't great to begin with).


So disappointed as I'm a big fan of Hanks.

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I loved The Illusionist! I saw it in the very cinema in Edinburgh the character goes into in the film - it was so surreal.


I wish I could've seen it in the cinema, it would've looked amazing on a big screen I imagine! And lucky you for seeing it in that exact cinema haha!

Our television really didn't do the film any justice as it was just all a bit too small. I had to sit on the edge of the sofa to even be able to see the facial expressions.


Still loved it though! Mmm.




You're new sig and avatar blows me away. It is Beauté.

Thanks! It's the result from a daily drawing challenge in the Creative forum and I liked it so much I needed it as my signature. =)

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Small update from the film festival, which ended yesterday. Ehm, I’ve seen some films (and a documentary), but I’m only going to mention the ones I really liked.


Ace attorney

Already commented on it in its thread.


L'ultimo terrestre

Italian sci-fi about a guy who who isn’t so much concerned with the arrival of aliens, as he is with his crush on his neighbour.


Now forager, a film about love & funghi

Nice drama about the end of a relationship, but with lots of cooking and shots of cool looking mushrooms. Funded with Kickstarter apparently.


Take shelter

This was the surprise film. A bit slow, but great story. About a guy who fears he’s going schizofrenic like his mother before him. With the agent from Boardwalk empire.


On a sidenote, a volunteer of the festival proposed to his girlfriend (also a volunteer) right before the film in a packed theatre. Aww..


Actually, that’s it. Well, I saw Kill list, which @ReZourceman posted in the consumer thread, but I didn’t really enjoy it. Looked like it could’ve been a promising horror near the end, but the ending was just so unsatisfying. To me anyway.


I also had a ticket for King curling, a Norse film about, indeed, curling. Should be funny, but due to circumstances I had to miss it. Perhaps @Tales can let me know if I missed something great.

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Sorry, I'm on a general basis sceptical to Norwegian/Scandinavian films. The last one I saw didn't change my mind on that. I have heard it's good though. Now that you mentioned it, maybe I should add it to my Lovefilm que and I'll watch it one time in the future.

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Just back from seeing this I enjoyed it. Didn't really know much about it going into, just saw a few adverts on TV but didn't see enough to know fully what it was meant to be about other than survival.


Gonna make a spoiler tag here so if you intend to see the film do NOT open this tag yet as I will give away the ending.


I knew there was a plane crash and something to do with wolves but didn't know the wolves were the main "obstacle", trying to imagine myself in that situation I'd prolly shit myself. Be like "woot survived a plane crash.... WTF giant hungry pissed off wolves.... *shits pants*"


The bit with the "jump" I liked... mostly I guess because if that did happen to me, I just know I'd be the crazy SOB to do the jump, haha. I had sweaty palms and shaken nerves watching that.


Neeson was awesome I thought, not quite on the same level as Taken but still awesome.


Loved near the end when he starts giving out to God

"Fuck Faith...EARN IT... PROVE YOURSELF. I need help NOW not LATER"

... "Fuck it I'll do it myself"




I didn't like how Diaz just gave up though, like "fuck it, I'm gonna stay hear, look at the view and wait to be eaten. After all the bullshit he spewed earlier in the film I wanted to see him go out fighting.


The end was awesome. That "Oh for fucks sake moment" when you realise he spent all that time only to end up at the bloody wolves Den.... I actually thought it would have a good ending with him finding a town or something.


Then when he starts to tape the bottles to one hand and a knife to the other I was like... "Oh fuck yeah... now he's become "Taken" Liam Neeson, this is gonna be awes...."






I left the cinema thinking it was a good film but I felt a little let down by the ending in that I didn't get to see a big Man vs Wolf fight or find out if he lived or not.


Though I did discover after getting home while trying to find info on the original short story the film was based on that there is actually an After-Credits Scene... oh FOR FRAKKS SAKE.


Never thought to stay till the end *facepalm*



Oh and if you are planning to go see it, FYI, there is a post-credits scene which I only found out about a few mins ago after getting home... so yeah I didn't think to wait till the end... I thought it was only comic book movies that did those :heh:

Edited by Mokong
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Martha Marcy May Marleene (or whatever)

Was great. Stunningly shot. Kind of wish I hadn't seen the trailer every time I'd been to the cine in the last few months, as it had most the best scenes. Kind of felt slightly lacking in plot I guess, kind of how I felt about Take Shelter, you knew where it was going the whole time I felt. But the peromances / directing / atmosphere was great.


Think I already mentioned this on here but


Is spookily brilliant. Pretty stunning performance by whoever that actor is, amazing scene.


As a side note, actually quite like the look of life in a commune thing for a year or something... or living in her sister (i think?)'s house on the lake. Aside from all the messed up shit, obvs..


Also saw The Descendants which I really enjoyed, even if looking back I'm not sure why. Thought his whoever played the older daughter was absolutely brilliant, nailed the role of child of a sick parent.


Oh and finally Girl with the Dragon Tattoo. Thoroughly enjoyable as an action romp. Thumbs up.

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I'm a big Natalie Portman fan and generally like any movie she's in. I managed 15 minutes of Black Swan before turning it off. It may well have gotten better but for the 15 minutes I watches, it felt like pretentious bullshit.

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The other day I took out a few films that I always meant to watch but always forgot about.


The Fifth Element


One of those ones where you're kinda like "..." while watching, then you realised you loved it once it's over. I love how it didn't take itself AT ALL seriously. And Chris Tucker's character was sensational. Such a joke. Milla Jovovich's hair was so annoying with it's roots, but she stuns me so it's fine. Gary Oldman was very entertaining too.



I loved this! It was really good, well acted and written, yet felt so concise and to the point. Like the point of making it was just to prove you can do this stuff well if you just try. Some genuinely disgusting bits (as I'd heard) but relatively tame by today's standards. I can't tell if I liked Geena Davis' character or not, but she felt well done so it's ok. I really enjoy how unpretty she is, she just looks like a normal woman. (I watched Thelma and Louise for the first time too the other day and was blown away by it/her)


Yeah I recommend this. Also watched The Fly II as it came in the same dvd case. HMMMM! is all I'll say. / I'll add that it's not worth watching and I wanted everyone in it to burn in hell.

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I loved this! It was really good, well acted and written, yet felt so concise and to the point. Like the point of making it was just to prove you can do this stuff well if you just try. Some genuinely disgusting bits (as I'd heard) but relatively tame by today's standards. I can't tell if I liked Geena Davis' character or not, but she felt well done so it's ok. I really enjoy how unpretty she is, she just looks like a normal woman. (I watched Thelma and Louise for the first time too the other day and was blown away by it/her)


Yeah I recommend this. Also watched The Fly II as it came in the same dvd case. HMMMM! is all I'll say. / I'll add that it's not worth watching and I wanted everyone in it to burn in hell.


You might want to find another image for The Fly. This one doesn't appear to work.

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