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Rewatched this absolute treasure of a film recently




i watched it in italian though (La Pentola Magica!!), it´s just as good as i remembered. there´s such a charm to the entire film, it´s unbearable. lluuuve the animation too :3




ALSO watched Tarzan and Dinosaur recently. I love how nearly all the dinosaur´s have such black voices :hehe:

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When are Disney gonna get round to releasing The Black Cauldron on Bluray...god I hate how slow they are on letting things out of that vault of theirs




Annoyingly, there's still no details about the release of the Finding Nemo Blu-Ray in the UK.


Edit: According to a quick google, the special edition DVD never got released even though all the extras were made. The 1080p remaster of The Black Cauldron is also finished. So everything for the Blu-Ray release is done. They're just holding on to it for no matter how long.

Edited by Cube
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District 9 - was it meant to be a joke?


Really enjoyed Pan's Labyrinth though.


Oh god, tell me about it.


I bought it as it's known as being a film "everyone" should see. Don't be fooled by those many 5-star ratings on the box! It's a bunch of tripe.

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Oh god, tell me about it.


I bought it as it's known as being a film "everyone" should see. Don't be fooled by those many 5-star ratings on the box! It's a bunch of tripe.


No waiiii. I loved District 9. Unorthodox at times, a strange kind of humour in certain areas, but it's brilliant viewing. One of the best Science-Fiction films in recent years, imo.


I've recently watched The Virgin Suicides and Rain Man. I love both. Pretty sure I've seen others in between then. Great acting in both.

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New trailer for the awesome looking Wreck It Ralph.





Why is this the first I am hearing of this!!!!



Looks awesome (if just for the cameos...as mentioned by others)



Wonder how much Disney ended up paying out to the various Devs and Publishers for all those characters.

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Noroi: The Curse | Kôji Shiraishi. (2005)

This is definitely the best horror film I have seen.


Admittedly I haven’t seen many so I am not too familiar with the genre but this seemed to do everything right. This is the closest a horror movie has coming to actually scaring me and the mask genuinely creeps me out. (especially combined with the ritual dance) The way the movie is set out documentary style fits really well with the tone of the movie and for once adds that extra depth of believability to the story which is sufficiently creepy when you find out exactly what is happening.





Summer Wars | Mamoru Hosoda (2009)


I thought the entire thing was excellent and the animation was shiny. The overall message about whether we are in the past, present or future we should always being able to have dinner with our families no matter what was made poignant by the Grandma’s amazing character and her message wasn’t hammered home relentlessly. The movie gave you food for thought and it had a heart warming emotional core to it that I wasn’t expecting, I teared up a few times.


The character designs in and outside of Oz are great and even though it’s a big family they all felt unique and distinct in their looks and personality and it felt like a real family complete with all the quirks. I loved how there was no real villain but more of an uncontrollable virus setup through peoples mistakes which was refreshing. The action is beautifully animated, the entire film is worth viewing alone for its visual spectacle its just a bonus that it happens to have a touching, well crafted and exciting story about the dangers of moving into modern times and always making sure you put what is most important first, family.

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No waiiii. I loved District 9. Unorthodox at times, a strange kind of humour in certain areas, but it's brilliant viewing. One of the best Science-Fiction films in recent years, imo.


I've recently watched The Virgin Suicides and Rain Man. I love both. Pretty sure I've seen others in between then. Great acting in both.


ew - you will henceforth lose so much respect from me. It's awful, duh

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I just watched the Ace Attorney film, and I was actually quite impressed with it. It did have some hilarious WTF moments, but that's to be expected, and given the source material I actually think they struck a fine balance between serious and silly. I also think they handled the necessary re-Wrights rewrites very well, and overall I really feel they did the story justice (no pun intended). Sometimes the acting and pacing felt a bit off, but that might well be due to the cultural barrier.

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My thoughts on Anna Karenina (2012):




+ Loved the set, was confused by the theatre set-up at first, but it became intriguing.

+ The acting is good, Keira Knightley's performance amazing but I still don't like her :p (I blame Atonement...bleurgh) Count Vronsky was very good, too. I LOVE IT when people cry convincingly in movies!

+ I LOVED the ball scene, that dance is amazing...if I only ever learn one dance, it must be that one!

+ Loved the costumes and dresses.


- Why did everyone have an English accent?

- The soundtrack didn't seem Russian enough. Though I guess that might make it less accessible?

- The first train death was gross!

- Jude Law was good, but weird. He looks so old and bald o__o;;

- It was slightly depressing, but I realised that the message is not "love = insanity and ruin" as @Frank suggested (:p), but "cheating = insanity and ruin" - Anna cheated, so Count Vronsky cheated on her.




To butt in: District 9 was ok-to-good, I thought the whole scenario was quite convincing and realistic...and the kid aliens were cute! The accent of the main guy was distracting, though.

Edited by EddieColeslaw
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ew - you will henceforth lose so much respect from me. It's awful, duh


What's wrong with it? It's different, but at least it dared to be so.


I watched Transformers because there was nothing else on telly today. It really is an appalling film. The dialogue is terrible. Not even corny or cheesy, just terrible. Most, if not all, of the action set-pieces are so disorientating that they de-immerse you from what is taking place. Plus, it's too over-the-top, so you soon become de-sensitised to what is taking place, such as a battle with multiple robots from another world fighting in a small city and destroying every car or building in sight.


First time I've managed to watch it all the way through without going "urgggh" and turning it off.

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I watched Transformers because there was nothing else on telly today. It really is an appalling film. The dialogue is terrible. Not even corny or cheesy, just terrible. Most, if not all, of the action set-pieces are so disorientating that they de-immerse you from what is taking place. Plus, it's too over-the-top, so you soon become de-sensitised to what is taking place, such as a battle with multiple robots from another world fighting in a small city and destroying every car or building in sight.


First time I've managed to watch it all the way through without going "urgggh" and turning it off.


And the first one is much better than the second and third.

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I watched Contagion last night, having paid no attention whatsoever to the movie pre-release. I was regularly pointing and exclaiming "oooh it's [so and so]!!"


Half-way through teh movie we had to pause for a birthday-cake-cutting to happen. Some (idiot) said


"are you enjoying contagion? Why? Everyone dies!" ...



now admittedly having finished the movie an hour later we realised she had actually forgotten what happens, but it was a good example of how a movie can be spoiled even if the movie plot wasn't ACTUALLY revealed; it totally changed the feel of the film for me. I was enjoying the novelty of literally knowing nothing of the movie. Sure, I may've thought that what was said was a possibility but having it 'confirmed' changes things. The sheer wondering element is fun.

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I just watched the Ace Attorney film, and I was actually quite impressed with it. It did have some hilarious WTF moments, but that's to be expected, and given the source material I actually think they struck a fine balance between serious and silly. I also think they handled the necessary re-Wrights rewrites very well, and overall I really feel they did the story justice (no pun intended). Sometimes the acting and pacing felt a bit off, but that might well be due to the cultural barrier.


......how on earth did you watch this?! :(

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