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Jobs: The Dream vs The Reality


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Current Job: Staff writer at a Apple/Mac/iPhone etc magazine


Dream Job: Editor of a magazine, like GamesTM (which is in the same office as me) or even iCreate where I work now.


How? Well, I started at iCreate last week, so I reckon I should just focus on doing well at this first, then move up through the company.


Evil Spider's Curse Wait... there's a spider?


Would you mind saying more about all this? How did you get the job as magazine writer? Do you need alot of experience? What degree / qualifications do you have? What are the hours / pay like? Kind of interested in magazines, careerwise.

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Yes! :grin: When I saw that at the end of your post Scoop I prayed no one had said it.




Please don't make me post the You Funny Kid picture, again.


Don't over use it!


Also in actual answer to the threads main topic. :)


My current job is a student but that's not really a job, so I guess in the holidays I usually work in the cinema! :D I wish to one day be an author and that is my only driving ambition in life. I plan to write my book to get me there which stands at 28, 000 words at the moment.

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Current Job

I have a job on Sunday which just consists out of taking fax orders and putting the data into the computer. It gives me a bit of spending money every month, but wouldn't call it a proper job (though I do it during the summer holidays too).


Dream Job

Illustrator of children's books, illustrating for magazines etc. Just general illustration work.

Maybe be an art teacher too, but not in a secondary school. I like to teach to people who actually want to do art, not the ones who are forced to.



Illustrator: to be honest I'm not doing much for that at the moment. Finished my Master Degree in Illustration last year, but haven't really done much since then.

Art teacher: currently doing my one year teacher training. I start two placements this month. One in a secondary school (urgh) and one in an after-school art school (yay). Will see if it's something for me or not.


But yeah I hope that after this year I can start focusing on my illustration work a bit again. Thing is I've been a bit put off art due to my last degree. Need time to get my passion back I think.


To break the evil spider's curse, what must you do?

Just step on the spider and squish it?

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At the moment I work at GAME as the lowest of the low, a Sales Assistant. It's not all bad, but it's not something I want to be doing for long - as a matter of fact my new year's resolution is to get out of retail and start on my way to doing... something... not retail related.


My dream job would be was to run my own independent recording studio, but my failed Music Technology degree really put me off the whole music thing. So now I honestly don't know what I want to do.. I'd love to be in the games industry, but I'm starting to question whether or not it's a reliable option when studios are closing left right and centre. Regardless, I think I'd love to be part of say EA's marketing department. I know nothing about marketing but that's the kind of thing I want to do. I can't code for shit, so that's not an option. I'm in a bit of a rut at the moment.. it's been my biggest worry as of late.

How do I get there? Shit, that's just the problem. If anyone has any ideas, I'd love some help.

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At the moment: I work in my SU shop/ study a Law degree. I start a job as an auditor for one of the top auditing companies in the world once I leave in London.


Dream Job: Professional skier


What am I going to do to get there?

Simples! Nothing. For me it really is just a dream! I already compete in university ski races, but I never actually sought out a trainer to make me better/ take it seriously. My real future job is pretty sweet anyway so hopefully that should last for a long time to come.

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At the moment: finishing internation affairs course.


Dream Job: Like pretty much everyone that's already posted, something that's not really a job per se: film director.


What am I going to do to get there?

Studying to leave my country. Where it is literally impossible to get a career in film started. Like, completely unachievable.

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At the moment


Un-employed because of how screwed up this country is. Hours are awesome, but filling them is a different issue all-together.


Dream Job


You won't believe me, but i have already been in my dream job. Which happened to be at Fairfields (or Mabey Bridge as it is known now) as a Programmer. I know, it didn't sound like much but it was awesome. Great staff, hours were brilliant (8am-4pm Monday to Friday, with over-time available) and it had awesome promotion prospects. I could have been set for life in the same company, honestly. But alas, it wasn't meant to be. I was only there for 2 years before being made redundant due to what is known in the trade as a "cock-up" by management. Black-spotted the company, there was no work coming in and people were being released slowly. I have tried countless times to get myself back into the company somehow, but alas i have failed on every attempt.


What am I going to do to get there?


As i said, i've done my dream job. So i should really call the above


What Next?


Keep looking for work, perhaps one day i could get back into the company that i loved working for.

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Would you mind saying more about all this? How did you get the job as magazine writer? Do you need alot of experience? What degree / qualifications do you have? What are the hours / pay like? Kind of interested in magazines, careerwise.

PM'd you in order to not derail the thread too much :)

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I am so up for doing that' date=' it's a new thing on my list of goals - the first N-Europe racing team![/quote']


I'm so up for this it's not even funny, that would be brilliant! They're open to anyone as well...I think someone should get on doing some research on it :heh:


Anyways, current job: Hollister Model (well I say model, it's basically a sales assistant, I don't do the whole casting crap). It's a zero hour contract though which is good for me as i'm a student so can earn some money over the holidays. It's also good as shifts are no longer than six hours so I can hit the gym before/after shifts.


Dream Job: Owning my clothing brand aimed at University students, similar to Jack Wills but slightly cheaper. The thought of seeing people wearing jogging bottoms with 'Parmar' written down the side is pretty good to imagine but in reality I would probably name the brand something more British. Obv I'd give discount to N-europe guys ;)


How to get there: Well, you need about £20,000 to start it up so I'd have to use my chemistry degree to get a good job and fingers crossed I could start things up from there.

Edited by Goron_3
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I'm so up for this it's not even funny, that would be brilliant! They're open to anyone as well...I think someone should get on doing some research on it :heh:
Awesome! :D We're getting our team together!


Fling it my way, if you could! :)
Me too please! Edited by Retro_Link
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What's san fransisco like to live in? I have a vague ambition to move to the states post uni, I went to San Fransisco briefly a few years ago and it might be my city of choice. How's the weather ect also?


It's absolutely brilliant here. Lots of bars, clubs, activities to do, really nice people, a lot of exciting things happening here with the whole tech industry pretty much based here. It's very easy to get it on with nice American girls, which I like very much.


Weather is ok, being surrounded by water doesn't help though. It's pretty much the UK only very foggy and a little warmer.

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