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Honey Coated Coupley Couples


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Sometimes I want to shoot these people in the arsehole with my hero bow.


What I'm talking about are these sickenly...over-friendly couples. You go to a restaurant, and they're the ones sat on the same side of the table eating each other's faces, or something of the sort.


It seems that when you become one of these couples, your voice change. It becomes more whiney and you start to use words such as "honey." I really, really hate that word. I also hate it when the word gets drawn out, in that high voice. Or, sinfully, when it gets mispelled in messages or on facebook. Hunni!


Actually, that doesn't just apply to couples. But, also when friends use that word. Does anyone else hate that word as much as I do?


(Note, thank god Ine isn't like this or I would thrown her over the moon by now)

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I know the ones you mean! They are too sickly. I usually think that they must be fairly new couples, or that they're going to be a fairly short-term couple. The long-term couples I know never feel the need to express their undying love publically, and I love that aspect in a relationship. The ability to just be together in a mixed crowd.


I don't know how couply I appear. We walk arm-in-arm or hand-in-hand most places but not all the time. We're not all over each other's faces.


What's weird is that in the last few months we've acquired another couple/. We do stuff together as a foursome. It's an odd dynamic that I'd not encountered before but it's really quite fun, if a bit grown-up for me.


As for pet names - what do you have? I was instructed early in the relationship that we were not to have pet-names, so I try and call her something different each time. I don't know if she knows this. We have one stalwart one though; "you" ... It's cool as we can use it in public and nobody knows. That sort of secret language is definitely in the definition of a relationship.


She's probably going to read this and tell me I'm completely wrong.

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What I'm talking about are these sickenly...over-friendly couples. You go to a restaurant, and they're the ones sat on the same side of the table eating each other's faces, or something of the sort.


I was out with the girl I'm 'seeing' on Sunday night and we were probably one of those couples, but it was the first time I'd been properly out with her so I'm using that as excuse. I'd never normally pull a girl in a public place, especially somewhere other than a club or maybe a bar.


As Jayseven said, it is usually the new couples who are doing it and I don't see anything wrong with it if they aren't bothering me. Although there was this one time that I was walking back to the car in a multi-storey and I saw this couple, pretty young looking getting it on... The car they were up against? Mine. Talk about awkward. I unlocked from a distance in the hope they'd notice.

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I've never been like that with a woman. Normally, they call me babe or something cringeworthy like that but I don't call them that. I don't necessarily mind the couples, the worst kind are the ones who literally embarrass themselves sometimes. The "I Love You More" couples are quite bad too, the ones who can't just say "I love you" once but feel the need to have an on-going conversation about who loves who more.

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I've definitely been doing the sitting on the same side of the table thing recently - sorry. None of the other stuff though, that's definitely cringeworthy.


I've never minded the odd kiss in public but I wouldn't suck on a girls face unless drunk, though I'd pretty much do anything when drunk.

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I'd like to say I do none of those things out of principle but its been so long I can't tell you whether I do/did anyway but they do annoy me.


And as far as pet names. I'm not dating anyone who doesn't accept stuff like 'shithead' and 'wench' as nicknames :heh: I don't mind being called similar too, naturally.

Edited by Ashley
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And as far as pet names. I'm not dating anyone who doesn't except stuff like 'shithead' and 'wench' as nicknames :heh: I don't mind being called similar too, naturally.


I sometimes call my girlfriend son of a bitch. It's actually funnier in German: "Madame Hurensohn". Yeah, it's awesome. :D

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I'd like to say I do none of those things out of principle but its been so long I can't tell you whether I do/did anyway but they do annoy me.


And as far as pet names. I'm not dating anyone who doesn't except stuff like 'shithead' and 'wench' as nicknames :heh: I don't mind being called similar too, naturally.


weird. These are my rules as well. :p


took me ages to get my friend to call his girlfriend a whore.



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I am totally one half of a honey coated coupley couple. But not when in the vicinity of other people, for fear of nauseating them.

I'm not dating anyone who doesn't except stuff like 'shithead' and 'wench' as nicknames
In this sentence, "except" is meaning the opposite of what you're trying to say. Just sayin'.
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I'm not keen on the love you, no I love you more approach. It's like needing validation. You'll get validation when you just spend time with me.


I use words like kiddo, trouble-maker, rebel, bad influence or amateur. It's just on the right side of condescending and seems to work a treat, keeping things playful.


My mate has a LTGF and they always txt a million 'x's' and say 'miss you' at any opportunity. It's cute but over-cute IMO and if they ever split he'd be the one worse off I'm sure (as he always starts the texts/messages).

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I never liked PDA. I've always felt it should be done in private rather than in front of everyone, but that's just my opinion :/


I'm not crazy about the whole "honey" thing either. I don't think I'd mind something more creative. I love the idea of calling each other "shit head" though :laughing:

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