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bad stuff thread.


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@nightwolf Dan read about your diagnosis, and passed it on to me.


I have pretty bad endo and ovarian cysts too. If you want to chat to me about it, feel free to PM me on here or Facebook. :hug:


A little positive- although my symptoms haven't vanished completely, I feel much, much better since my surgery and coil fitting. I'm not in anywhere as much pain, and I have far more energy than what I used to do. :smile:

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@nightwolf Dan read about your diagnosis, and passed it on to me.


I have pretty bad endo and ovarian cysts too. If you want to chat to me about it, feel free to PM me on here or Facebook. :hug:


A little positive- although my symptoms haven't vanished completely, I feel much, much better since my surgery and coil fitting. I'm not in anywhere as much pain, and I have far more energy than what I used to do. :smile:


Thank you Emma!


I'll do that now. :)


To everyone else: Thank you to everyone who sent a message here or elsewhere. Its definitely appreciated.


At the moment I am not in any pain, though the endo has likely (my doctors words) affected me for about 10 years, its now just putting a name to piece of my life. Thankfully, I don't seem to be as affected as some women are. But hopefully the surgery will change it for the better and obviously remove the very prominent lump that is in my womb right now.


My next appointment is the 16th, where I hopefully find out that I don't have cancer. Fingers crossed I suppose.

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Parents are away, however this isn't an issue. The issue lies with my sister, whom by 8pm last night i'd had an absolute guts full of her stinking attitude. I'll put it out, she does work as a chef so works different hours each week


Had Sophie over the weekend, sister complained she was over. Sister complained that we woke her up at 12:30am Sunday morning (i'll give it a little bit, and apologized for that as we were coming in from a night out). But seeing as she was up as we were approaching the house........


She complained that we woke her at 8:30 and 9am Sunday, which to be fair we were getting up. She complained the TV was too loud at 10:30am (we were watching the Remembrance service on BBC). Mainly watching it as my Dad was doing the march past the Cenotaph. I did ask her when she finally got up at 1pm to keep the kitchen tidy, and couldn't even do that.


Politely asked her if she's working today (so i can work out my getting up time for a shower) and she goes off on one by saying i never asked if Sophie was staying over, so she calls my parents to complain. I snapped at her as i couldn't take any more of her attitude. Basically told her i'm sick of her treating us all like crap, sick of her being a lazy person. She told me to get out, so i did. Packed a bag and went to Sophie's.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Text my Mum on Sunday there about going through to see her and the family for Christmas and along with a tirade of abuse (I don't get along with my mother at all and neither do my siblings and even her own mother has a strong dislike for her), I got informed that my dad had a stroke and that my grandmother, who was diagnosed as having heart failure last year at this time, has lung cancer and has been undergoing radiotherapy for it. She claims she got in touch to tell me but I've not heard from her since my birthday in may and before that, it was last Christmas that she was in touch, and so I'm only finding out things that happened a couple of months a go.


Having spoke to my brother, my dad was in hospital in March for his suspected stroke and my grandmother was diagnosed in August. So, my mother has had plenty of time to get in touch/come see me but she hasn't done so. Now she's spreading poison by saying I've ignored her, that I'm a terrible person for not coming through for either of these even though I wasn't informed. She didn't even bother to tell me when these had happened and having asked how my dad and grandmother were, she ignored it and tried the usual technique of guilting me over it despite, as I say, not being informed.


Luckily, it seems my dad only had either a TIA or angina (he's been on warfarin for years) and my grandmother has responded well to treatment. Fuming with my mother for telling me this months after it's happened and in a text as you just don't do it like that then try and guilt your son despite not telling him.


It's not quite hit me yet as I'm still feeling angry about how she's gone about telling me but I've managed to keep composed enough to tell my mother in a polite manner (despite all the nasty words running through my head) I won't be seeing her this Christmas and don't want any contact for the next couple of months while I wrap my head round everything.


Always seems to be something about this time of year with my family. Thankfully, the two are doing well and I'm organising to go through and see them without my mother's intrusion.

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Mines only minor in comparison to other issues, but i ordered a necklace for Sophie for Christmas online through H Samuel, had the email saying it was in store for pick-up on Saturday (luckily i was going to a Streetpass event that day, so not a wasted trip). Go in, and the store says it's not there despite the confirmation saying it was. I gave the store a call this morning, they confirmed it was in and has been since Friday.

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Think I failed that Japanese exam. Had a total blackout.


I could've told you everything on my way to the exam but the moment I completed the first assignment my brain decided to completely shut down any access to the knowledge I needed. :hmm:


I won't be able to continue the course if I fail. It's not that bad as it's just an extra course at university but it would still annoy me...:(

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I don't know if anybody remembered my dilemma with my family last year but to recap...


To cut a very long story short, my nan and my half-uncle (who doesn't even live there) has decided to kick my terminally-ill grandad out of his own home after almost 50 years of paying all of the bills, all of the food and drinks and doing things around the house. As we was moving his stuff out, she was laughing with her son and his family about having space and stuff. I shouted "HAR HAR, FUCKING HAR! LET'S LAUGH AT THE FUCKING DYING MAN BEING THROWN OUT OF HIS OWN BASTARD HOME". She never gave a flying shit and I told her she was dead to me because I could never associate myself with someone who could do something as heartless as that.


The thing is, guys, he wasn't hard to look after. He was easy. Give him a cup of coffee, put his favourite shows on and feed him, clothe him and clean him and he's okay. It's not even like she did anything anyway. The most she did was give him his medication and then she would go into the living room and shut herself away. She told him he can never go into the living room and he must stay in the kitchen. She screamed in his face countless times over stupid shit and she was saying how she got no help. Me and my family have always been there because she used to cause arguments and shout at him and he couldn't defend himself and he point-blank refused to move out (he was 'okay' at the time, if that makes sense). Ever since we've been there from him waking up to him sleeping, we were alright. She hardly took care of him properly, left him dirty, left him by himself and just caused arguments and shouted and screamed, knowing it would hurt him. She's threatened to call the police on me saying I tried to hit an elderly woman which, obviously, I would never do. The night before he moved out, she left him outside the toilet screaming he was lost and he didn't know where he was but luckily I was there to help him. When any officials came, she put on the act of she done everything but the night sitters and nurses used to ask if I did everything and I told her the truth of that I cared for him and she just cooked food and did minimum and even they said she could do more and can see through her act.


It's been almost a week since it happened and he has seriously declined since the incident. His speech is real bad, he's delirious and extremely tired and he's upset that she hasn't even called for him. He says he's very happy where he is and he's comfortable but he's just upset she could do it to him. We went round to collect the remainder of his stuff and she even included his knife and fork and a plate and then went on to say "Can I have his mattress? It was only bought three weeks ago..." and to twist the knife, "If you're not having the TV in his room, can you help me find the remote so I can have it?".




So this happened over a year ago now. Within this year, at the start of the year, I've had my aunt join my gym and start every class I attended (who wasn't directly involved BUT played a small part in trying to get rid of me as his carer due to my nan's (I hate calling her that) lies) but she left after a couple of months and we never spoke but we did make eye contact and nod. It was sad because I know she's SORT OF innocent but she was just lousy and could've been so much help. She's not completely innocent but at the same time, she was heavily involved.


The very thing that fucked me right off was that my cousin walked in to my shop. She was part of the son's family who was laughing that night. She was banging on about how she got her hair done and was laughing and giggling alongside my nan and my uncle like nothing was happening. I bumped into her and turned and she smiled and said "Hello, I didn't know you worked here!". I was extremely angry but I hid it behind a fake smile and said "Hey, sorry I have to go" and walked away and told my manager I was staying out back because she was in (she knows everything that happened because I had to inform her of why I left last time).


All I wanted to do was shout at her. I wanted to tell her how I thought it was disgusting that she was laughing and joking whilst my Grandad, who was dying of a terminal illness, was being thrown out of his home of over 40 years. I wanted to tell her how our manipulative grandmother had devised a plan to split our entire family up based on lies and how she was a dumb bitch for believing everything. But then why the fuck should I! This shouldn't even needed to be pointed out because it was so fucking obvious that it's not right to laugh at a time that's so bad. I'm not too bitter over her believing my nan because she has a way with words, unfortunately it's where I get it from. The only difference between me and her is that I don't lie and manipulate people.


Ugh, sorry for the wall but I'm just pissed off. It was the anniversary of his death over two weeks ago and this happened a couple of days after it. I'm just unsure what to feel or how to feel, I guess...

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  • 3 weeks later...

So that 7-year-old girl that was murdered in York, was murdered on the street I grew up on, on the field where I used to play football every day in the Summer, the way I used to walk to school and walked my dog every morning and evening when I was living back home after uni. Absolutely heartbreaking story, and all the details are obviously not yet fully known, but it seems like her sister was the one who killed her. Surreal experience seeing your street, your entire childhood, as part of such a tragic news headline. Thoughts are with the family and the entire community.

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I'm sorry to hear that martinist. :(


Best wishes to you and your family.


Also, it's sad to hear about that Nicktendo, I only just saw the news story about that, must be unsettling to know it happened where you grew up. :sad:




My bad stuff is nothing really, just getting over a cold, annoying when you've got stuff to do but can't focus because of it, a bit better today though. ::shrug:

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