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@Daft hope everything is ok <3


So yesterday I went to the hospital for the first time since I was about 7?


It started with my stomach feeling a bit hard the last few weeks, I chalked it up to a bad diet (and regularly I have a bad stomach anyway) and tried a few different med things and drinking lots of water. At this point I was feeling ok. But I booked a doctors appointment for yesterday anyway.


My GP (who had never met me before yesterday) felt my stomach and immediately started calling the hospital, saying that I needed a catheter straight away and had a serious bladder infection. So I start to cry, my stomach was a bit bloated, but the hopsital?!


Needless to say, 7 different people gave me ultrasounds, pressed my stomach, took blood and even gave me a heart monitor test. I walked out 6 hours later with a catheter and no real understanding of what is happening to me, only the hope that it IS an infection (that they couldn't find) and to take some penicillin for seven days.


Oooft, so I'm off work for the week until I get better, but man this sucks. How the hell does anyone live with these things for months? I've barely gone 12 hours..

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@Daft hope everything is ok <3


So yesterday I went to the hospital for the first time since I was about 7?


It started with my stomach feeling a bit hard the last few weeks, I chalked it up to a bad diet (and regularly I have a bad stomach anyway) and tried a few different med things and drinking lots of water. At this point I was feeling ok. But I booked a doctors appointment for yesterday anyway.


My GP (who had never met me before yesterday) felt my stomach and immediately started calling the hospital, saying that I needed a catheter straight away and had a serious bladder infection. So I start to cry, my stomach was a bit bloated, but the hopsital?!


Needless to say, 7 different people gave me ultrasounds, pressed my stomach, took blood and even gave me a heart monitor test. I walked out 6 hours later with a catheter and no real understanding of what is happening to me, only the hope that it IS an infection (that they couldn't find) and to take some penicillin for seven days.


Oooft, so I'm off work for the week until I get better, but man this sucks. How the hell does anyone live with these things for months? I've barely gone 12 hours..


You must have had a distended bladder, thats quite serious! Feel better soon m'love xo

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You must have had a distended bladder, thats quite serious! Feel better soon m'love xo


Your guess is as good as the a&e because they couldn't find anything wrong with me.


I'm currently trying to figure out how to get this catheter removed, my GP:


Them: You'll have to ring back Tuesday, we only have one female GP who can remove it, we can't give you an appointment right now.


Me: So if I can't get the appointment Tuesday?


Them: You'll have to get to a&e


Me: How?


This is what happens when none of your friends drive and your parents live in another country.


Thanks R_A I'm just looking up distended bladder stuff now, joy, to have to google it instead of the 7 doctors who looked me to tell me this was a possibility...

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Due to limited venue capacity and overwhelming demand, the 2016 Pokémon World Championships will be closed to the general public in the interest of providing the best possible event experience to our qualified players and their families. While the event has been open to the public in years past, only invited players and their families will be permitted to enter the venue this year, and everyone must have an official event badge.


Each invited player will be given a Player badge. Each invited player under 18 years of age will be guaranteed one Guest badge at check-in, to allow one parent or guardian into the event venue. We will do our best to accommodate additional family members of invited players, but attendees should note that additional Guest badges are not guaranteed. Any additional Guest badges will be available on a first-come, first-served basis, and supplies are limited. An email with these details is being sent to invited players.


Fans who want to follow the action from the 2016 Pokémon World Championships can head to Pokemon.com/Live, where we'll be broadcasting Pokémon Trading Card Game, video game, and Pokkén Tournament matches all weekend long. Thank you for understanding the changes to the event's attendance in 2016.




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Why is this in this thread?

Because my girlfriend and I are spectators.


Lots of people are out thousands because they left this to the last minute.


Can you not get any kind of press pass?


We're going to compete in the Pokkén LCQ to get access to Day 1 but word is it won't get access to the weekend :/

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Your guess is as good as the a&e because they couldn't find anything wrong with me.


I'm currently trying to figure out how to get this catheter removed, my GP:


Them: You'll have to ring back Tuesday, we only have one female GP who can remove it, we can't give you an appointment right now.


Me: So if I can't get the appointment Tuesday?


Them: You'll have to get to a&e


Me: How?


This is what happens when none of your friends drive and your parents live in another country.


Thanks R_A I'm just looking up distended bladder stuff now, joy, to have to google it instead of the 7 doctors who looked me to tell me this was a possibility...



Aye its the only medical emergency i can think of involving catheters / retention. The example i see the most often is in elderly folk who already have a catheter. It can fail (block dislodge etc) and then it stops the flow, but of course your body still processes your urine and it backs up into places it shouldn't normally be (back into your kidney) and it is typically a medical emergency and has to be sorted out within a short time-frame.


I hope its just a minor infection or something brewing in your system (isnt it lovely being female lol) and nothing else! Are you feeling any better now?





I am also feeling a bit worse for wear, after 7 years, my meds are absolutely hammering me into the ground. Get a cold and it floors me. Ugggggggggggggh.


And my poor kitty is sick too :-(

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I wouldn't necessarily say I'm feeling 'better' to be honest. The only symptom I had was that I was unable to go to urinate much in a 24 hour span. Otherwise I was pretty healthy! (and my stomach was bloated, but given the way my body is I'm bloated everyday or as soon as I eat food). The day before I had been eating/drinking/going to the toilet as normal. Amazing how quickly it changes.


I have the catheter for 7 days, well til tuesday with a box of co-amociclav to boot (aka penicillin stuff for an infection). They believe I have inflammation/infection hence the water retention and need for a catheter, but beyond that its all guess work as I had no other symptoms.


I'm ok with whatever happens as long as I don't have to live with this damn catheter, these things are beyond nasty. At the very least its working as I'm having to empty it every bloody hour!

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God damnit, somebody stole my bike during the night from my home. It was locked and stood right by my front door, yet somebody just snatched it and my neighbour's as well. Mine was only barely 6 months old. It is my main ways of transportation around the city and to and from work, they could not have stolen anything else from me that I use as much. I hope they are caught by the police.


I'm also posses because this is the second bike that was stolen from me this year, it has never happened to me before. So I'm a bit worried about the insurance not wanting to cover it if it happens again or to my wife.

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Sorry to hear that @Cube


I'm just about ready to throow the towel in on my marriage. The only thing keeping me from walking out this minute is that we work together and her relationship wuith the upper management will see me get fired.


As soon as I have a new job nailed down, I'm gone. It's sad to say, but I never truly realized how terribly, horribly selfish this woman was until this year.


My birthday - she took me out for dinner, complained about the price so I paid part of the bill and she tried to give me a woman's Coach purse that she had generically picked up last year as one of the many random thoughtless gifts she uses to butter people up with. I apologised to her and said "it's a little too feminine for me" plus it was about 20cm x 10cm so there was no way to fit it in a pocket, so I might as well just carry around a bag. Also, and I can't emphsise this enough: This was something she picked out among about ten other things that were on sale that she intended to give t whoever, whenever. Zero thought. Her response was a day of ranting and raving at me and sh flat out said "I'm not buying anything else for you." Which I didn't expect anyway.


Fast forward to her birthday: I bought her some Swarovski earrings in the US when we were there. Her response? "I don't like them, and they're too cheap. I want to change them for something else. It's another $50." I said okay, and didn't even get a thank you. The she said "I want to go on a staycation to Suzhou" I said fine, but I have a limit of 1000 RMB (about 120GBP). She promptly booked something for exactly that much and said "Where's the money for food, entertainment and petrol for getting there?"


I ended up paying double the amount I had originally intended. Then on the day of her birthday she asked "Why aren't you spoiling me? It's my birthday."


I give up. I really do. Yesterday there was no food in the house (I give her "support" money every month which covers the mortgage and 90% of of our bills, in addition to paying all insurance, taxes car services) and I had an appointment with my GP for a prescription refill early on so I went out without breakfast (she had eaten the last of the food). Got to the GP, and by the time I was finished, the typhoon had hit. GP is a ten minute drive from our apartment or a 30 minute underground ride plus 15 minutes walk to the nearest station. Called her... could you pick me up? Nope, she's looking at cosmetics on the internet. I get soaked to the skin walking to the underground station where I get a really shitty sandwich and cup of coffee.


Now I have a cold. And the urge to divorce. She's been pestering me about helping her update her WeChat and Facebook statuses because she wants an English translation. When I said "Can you wait, I'm actually doing something work-related?" the response was "You don't care about me you only think about yourself. You should feel lucky to have me."


No. I don't.

No offense (and I don't know her) but the urge for me to slap her has NEVER been this strong.


Oh my GOD! If a woman gave me a present like that, I'd flat-out tell her "I know that that purse better be filled with money for me to buy myself a nice-ass wallet otherwise I'm using your birthday money to divorce yo' ass".


Mate, honestly, your worth is so much and I just hope you realise it. Job or no job, I'd ditch the bitch. Then again, I don't know your situation but my priority would DEFINITELY be finding another job! I really hope you get your happy ever after with someone 4lse! :)




So I've had it all go on in the last couple of days. I felt weird at work. Stomach upset, vomiting, headaches, limbs not feeling like my limbs...went home and pissed all through the night and slept through the next day. I didn't want to sleep but couldn't help it. I woke up needing the toilet yet again. Felt seriously dizzy and the next thing I know, I wake up on the floor with my mom shouting my name, my back and head in pain and I'm burning up massively. Couldn't move at all. I was petrified. Parents rushed me to hospital where I have several tests to find I have an infection in my urine. I've had stuff to treat it but my back had to be xrayed because it's now screwed and hurts when I sit up or walk (I've had a back problem before when I was a kid), which is scary but hopefully I'll be okay soon. My head still hurts but it's not unbearable. I'm off work for I don't know how long but bad back with the urgency to piss every 15 minutes (literally) is annoying!

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Maybe you had an overload of Gains Animal? It sounds you've been pushing your anus quite hard over the past coupla months and yo' body is telling you to chill out.


@Iun, you know our (or mainly mine) feelings on your situation over in that Eastern place. Get your anus back to the UK. Fuck the marriage.

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So I've had it all go on in the last couple of days. I felt weird at work. Stomach upset, vomiting, headaches, limbs not feeling like my limbs...went home and pissed all through the night and slept through the next day. I didn't want to sleep but couldn't help it. I woke up needing the toilet yet again. Felt seriously dizzy and the next thing I know, I wake up on the floor with my mom shouting my name, my back and head in pain and I'm burning up massively. Couldn't move at all. I was petrified. Parents rushed me to hospital where I have several tests to find I have an infection in my urine. I've had stuff to treat it but my back had to be xrayed because it's now screwed and hurts when I sit up or walk (I've had a back problem before when I was a kid), which is scary but hopefully I'll be okay soon. My head still hurts but it's not unbearable. I'm off work for I don't know how long but bad back with the urgency to piss every 15 minutes (literally) is annoying!


Oh no! I hope you feel better soon. I also hope they didn't give you a bloody catheter. (effectively this is why I was in a&e on tuesday).


Get well soon buddy :heart:

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@Animal that sucks...get well soon. :hug:


It's my girlfriend's birthday tomorrow and because money is tight I won't be able to give her fancy gifts. It kinda makes me sad :(

I know she doesn't mind but still...


In case you're interested: I bought her a PSVita pouch:




(in red, though).


And I printed out three photos of us and bought a frame. She doesn't really like how she looks in photos so she can pick out the best out of the three and put it in the frame. :)

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@Animal that sucks...get well soon. :hug:


It's my girlfriend's birthday tomorrow and because money is tight I won't be able to give her fancy gifts. It kinda makes me sad :(

I know she doesn't mind but still...


In case you're interested: I bought her a PSVita pouch:




(in red, though).


And I printed out three photos of us and bought a frame. She doesn't really like how she looks in photos so she can pick out the best out of the three and put it in the frame. :)


Oh no! I hope you feel better soon. I also hope they didn't give you a bloody catheter. (effectively this is why I was in a&e on tuesday).


Get well soon buddy :heart:


Maybe you had an overload of Gains Animal? It sounds you've been pushing your anus quite hard over the past coupla months and yo' body is telling you to chill out.


@Iun, you know our (or mainly mine) feelings on your situation over in that Eastern place. Get your anus back to the UK. Fuck the marriage.


@Animal, hope you feel better soon. Think about the gains!

Thank you all for your well-wishes. Also, @drahkon, it's not the amount but the thought you put into your gift and I think not only a photo with a frame is thoughtful but you've also given her 3 to choose from so she can pick her favourite. I think it's a cool gift, personally. If you have a photo of when you first met or something significant, I'd go for that one. It's symbolic and would have meaning.


Oh and @nightwolf, I don't have one but I'm on some powerful antibiotics and painkillers for my back and head. Also, I need help being escorted to the toilet and back every 15 minutes. Fun times, lmao. I've only just read back. How's yours?


@Cube, terribly sorry to hear about your loss. If you ever need to talk, honestly, I'm here for you!


Sent from my GT-I9505 using Tapatalk

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Thank you all for your well-wishes. Also, @drahkon, it's not the amount but the thought you put into your gift and I think not only a photo with a frame is thoughtful but you've also given her 3 to choose from so she can pick her favourite. I think it's a cool gift, personally. If you have a photo of when you first met or something significant, I'd go for that one. It's symbolic and would have meaning.



You always find the right words :)


I went with photos we took on our first vacation together. :)

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Oh and @nightwolf, I don't have one but I'm on some powerful antibiotics and painkillers for my back and head. Also, I need help being escorted to the toilet and back every 15 minutes. Fun times, lmao. I've only just read back. How's yours?



You poor sod! I hope it'll help.


I'm on the mend, I think. The issue with catheter is they can give you another urine infection, so I'm hoping that its worked. Fingers crossed for tomorrow.

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You poor sod! I hope it'll help.


I'm on the mend, I think. The issue with catheter is they can give you another urine infection, so I'm hoping that its worked. Fingers crossed for tomorrow.

Yeah, my mom was just telling me that I hit the floor very hard so she isn't surprised. I don't remember it. I remember getting off of the bed but she filled in the blanks for me.


She said I was shouting I needed the toilet fast and stumbled everywhere and blacked out and basically blacked out and collapsed. She was shouting my name to try and wake me up and was worried but I came around and couldn't move. Skipping what you know, I had a very bad fever and thought it was a different day and was unsure of the month.


Who would have thought a water infection could do this?! I'm stronger as in I can actually grip and move but my back and head hurts like a bitch and I still can't stop weeing. Apparently it can take 3 days to a week to clear but I'm more scared about my back right now. :/


Catheters sound like a bitch. Is there no way you can't have it?


Sent from my GT-I9505 using Tapatalk

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Time for a nice first world problem.


Some time week before last a bulb went in the room we dub "the office", where my PC/painting desk is and where Kelly does all her makeup. A few days later, mid last week the hot water had all gone, the boiler seemingly unable to fire up. Two seemingly unrelated house ws... right? Read on...


Calling my building contact peeps, one of them manages to get a friend who used to work for British Gas to come and have a look, help us narrow down the problem. He replaced two parts to see if they would solve the problem but didn't. It seemed to be electrical as when we were isolating the power to the water tank to change the parts over what appeared to be the switch to cut power to the tank/boiler wasn't actually shutting it down, meaning I had to remove the main fuse from the mains. The boiler was getting some power by the lights being on, just not enough to fire it up.


Bought the bulb and having a sinking, yet optimistic feeling (as I wouldn'thave to fork out for boiler repairs) that it would help, crazy as it sounded, I replaced the bulb and the boiler started heating water. It's like it completed the circuit but what the fuck is a light fitting doing in the cable path to the boiler?! Now with the light turned off it stays on, a little dimmer and then starts going strobe, so it's staying on for now.


I've got one of my electrician friend peeps soon to check it out and hopefully split the two apart.

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