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Urgh. Landlords.


I was told that I needed to change my wallpaper due to the cat damaging it, which was fair enough. However, I removed it and was left with this:




On top of that, other walls have other part of wallpapers and loads of small holes. It's a mess and would take up way too much effort to sort out. The landlord has also mentioned some other problems, which are due to how shitty the place is and not my fault (I still don't think the leaky roof is properly fixed.


My Dad said to just leave it and ditch the deposit, my new place has already been accepted and the deposit isn't much. I never counted on getting it back, anyway.

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Still, I know that I just need to let it go because he's obviously not losing sleep over the fact he used to be a complete knob!


He probably doesn't even know that he was a complete knob to you back in school. He was following the lead of his friends and the thought of what he was doing to you was wrong hasn't even crossed his mind.

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@Cube just run! I had this with my last place and I just let it go.


On that note, I spent yesterday (about 5-6 hours) cleaning this apartment as we had an inspection today.


I found out that my housemate - who only had his room to clean, didn't bother. So of course we got a note saying about mould/dust and asked us to keep an eye out. It wasn't a bad note per say, just a 'can you please?' but it still pissed me off.


Takes you five minutes to dust and keep an eye out for mould, come on!

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Pretty much everyone has told me the same thing. Even my boss, who is also a landlord, has said so, and he knows it from their point of view.


She came in today to check a window frame which has rotted from the outside. She had a go at me for "playing games" because I had a browser window open (I was waiting for her to arrive so I could cook tea before starting on anything) and now wants to do a inspection daily. She hasn't given me written notice and inspections like this aren't allowed anyway, so I can refuse.


I'm tempted to say that I'm now not moving out until the week after (I've already paid for it) and leave anyway.

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Continuing on from before, my landlord just sent me an email saying that they've booked to have the flat flea cleaned on Friday and that I need to get the cat out of the house for the day. I replied saying that it can be sorted on the Monday after I leave, but she said some rubbish like the fleas "go into hibernation".


Of course, I can tell the company that it will be illegal for them to enter my flat. A tenant can actually refuse entry whenever they want (even for repairs if they wish to).

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Continuing on from before, my landlord just sent me an email saying that they've booked to have the flat flea cleaned on Friday and that I need to get the cat out of the house for the day. I replied saying that it can be sorted on the Monday after I leave, but she said some rubbish like the fleas "go into hibernation".


Of course, I can tell the company that it will be illegal for them to enter my flat. A tenant can actually refuse entry whenever they want (even for repairs if they wish to).


Landlords are also obliged to give 24 hours notice if they ever want to come into the flat.

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She's given me the notice, but the tenant can still reject it if they wish.


Anyway, my dad will be round tonight. We're telling them that I've delayed the move and that we've both got the week to sort every thing out. The cat will be picked up by my mum so she's out of the way.


Then the removal van will arrive anyway and I'll be gone.


Edit: Fuck them, I'm leaving this weekend.

Edited by Cube
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I've at least paid, what 1000 punds, 1200? More? I don't even know. It was a lot. All I know it is non refundable. I have bought tickets and hotels to visit 4 capitols in two weeks, and it may never happen because the company I bought to carry me to my first destination for 70£ may go on strike on Monday. I can buy tickets for different air companies, or hotels if I arrive late at Paris(my first destiniation) but you have any idea what that cost two weeks prior? I have never been affected by plane companies strike before, but I have always hated them for what they do to people.

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I was in the gym with my friends and it was shoulder day so we were using the assisted weight bench and my other friends were on the free weights which is right beside the assisted weight bench. Anyway so me and my mate took turns in doing the shoulder presses when the friend on the free weights asked for a spot because he was doing squats and he wasn't too confident in doing them on his own. My friend who was with me told me to do my set and have a rest and he'll be back in a second so I said "Okay" and did them. After my set, I sat there for what I would gather 30 seconds and my mate was still helping out a little.


Anyway, this woman comes over to the bench and starts laughing and says "Are you going to do something or are you going to sit there?"

I laugh back and say "I'm having a bit of a rest, my friend is helping our mate out and he'll do his set"

She laughs again, this time more sarcastic, and says "Yeah but you've just sat there for ten minutes doing nothing and you're hogging the machine"

I laugh back, being over-sarcastic, and said "That's obviously an exaggeration because I've not long just finished my set and I am having a rest period, which is what I'm allowed"

At this point, my mates are looking at us both talking, wondering what was going on.

She's laughing a little more, saying "There's others in the gym too, they want to use the bench"

I look around, the gym is absolutely empty so I said "Yeah, and I'm sure if Casper wanted to use it, he would ask politely how many more sets I have. The poster says no longer for 30 minutes, we've been on here for 5"

So she says, seriously now, "Well, I'm just saying you shouldn't hog the benches"

So I just said "I am allowed a rest if I need a rest. Is that okay, Miss. Hitler? Besides, my friend is helping out our mate or would you rather him get badly injured..."

Anyway, she walks off and my friend comes to the bench and asks what happened so I told him and he was like "Feeling like doing a bit extra now?" and I said "You know what, suddenly I do..." so we stayed on there longer.


Bitches just need a lesson in manners. If she had asked how many more sets we had, I'd have said "We're on our last one, we'll be done in a few minutes and it's all yours" like we usually do but be a bitch and I'll just do you over. You might think you're a player, bitch, but I invented the game. Swivel!

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Yeeeesss Animal. Get your spite on.


The saga continues...


Today, my friends and I are at the gym and it's chest day. This time, there's about 4 or 5 of us and each of us take turns. Now, just a quick note to say that nobody rested because whilst we were waiting our turn to go on whatever we go on, we were resting so the machine was constantly being used.


So we're on this chest press machine and we're halfway through sets and in walks Problem Girl from yesterday but she's wearing glasses and that. Anyway so me and my friends were exercising and she keeps on looking at us.

"Dude, she's looking over...why is she glaring at us?" one of my friends asks.

"Ah bollocks to her, she's probably staring at me or something" I said and we're carrying on.

Anyway, she's there doing walking lunges and jumping on a box for 20 odd minutes just staring us out. We finish our sets and we walk over to the assisted weight bench and carry on doing our reps on that.

I'm not really very confident when it comes to weightlifting anyway because cardio is more my thing but my mates assure me I'm doing great so I carry on. Anyway, I'm doing my reps and she's just looking at me, looking like "What the hell are you doing here?". So I look at her back like "Yes? And?" and she looks away.

My friend is like "She has some major issues with you" and I said "I'm totally over it but if she wants to continue it, she can in her own mind because I'm not interested"

Anyway, we do our sets and I have to leave for work so I say goodbye to them and I'm just about to leave when she says "Do we have a problem?"

I said "Me?"

She said "Yeah, I was wondering if you had a problem with me about yesterday"

"Let's not" I said.

"Nah, I just wanted to know if there actually was a problem" *queue fake-ass bitch-covering giggle*

I said "No, I don't have a problem. Do you have a problem because you seem to be staring at me?"

She said "No but it does feel like there's a problem" with that fake-ass giggle again that's used to cover up bitchiness. It grates on me when people do that. If you're going to be a bitch, be a straight-up bitch.


At this point, I feel like completely letting rip, telling her to take her skanky-ass hoe self out of my face and take her winking camel-toe with her but I didn't want to give her the satisfaction of getting to me...


"We only have a problem if you cause one. We said what we had to say yesterday, I'm leaving it there but if you want to bring it up again then you can talk to the brick wall about it because I'm sure he wasn't told about yesterday's events"

...and I just walked away from her. I wave goodbye to my friends and they were wondering what I said. I think one of them heard because he was laughing and nodded at me.


The most irritating thing of all of this is that she used to be alright with me. I knew her from gym classes we took together and me and her had a laugh. Lately though, she's turned into a right rude cow. I know that her man is the manager though so maybe she thinks she's the manageress. If she honestly thinks the world works like that, I'll just go and shag one of the head office women and tell her to piss off out the gym, haha. I could just TELL she was spoiling for an argument and I just wasn't going to give her it. I signed up to the other gym today so I'll use that tomorrow, give myself a break from being harrassed from a hobbit with little-woman syndrome thinking she has big enough tits to say what she likes.

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Had been off from uni for 2 weeks thanks to being oh so lucky and getting back to back flu and glandular fever, and so this week is the first time I've been in since the start of May and I've been trying to get back up to speed as I have my next TMC coming up (I've already had to delay it because I've been off ill) and today I have a meeting with my supervisor for the first time in 2 months and he tells me that with just over a year to go on my PhD, he's going to retire :blank:


Definitely what was needed at this time as now more time is going to be wasted trying to get a suitable new supervisor to take over in August and, given the current state of the department with other staff leaving, there's no one that I'd be happy to work under as none of them do research in the area in which my thesis is based (emotional memory). This of course will affect my plans for experiments where I'll no doubt have to dial back some of my ideas (looking at autonomic responses, such as pupil dilation, skin conductance and heart rate).


I realise it is a bit selfish to moan about my supervisor retiring but it has come at the worst time as going into my final year, I do need my supervisor to be supportive particularly with my thesis chapters and I was hoping to be able to send some of them to my current one this summer.


It wouldn't be so bad if my supervisor was actually helpful and supportive but he hasn't been this semester and has shunned me for his undergrad dissertation students when it comes to meeting and when I was off ill, he says he meant to email me to see what was what but didn't bother doing it :shakehead


So yeah, not what I needed coming back to work, especially on top of the double hitter of illness. And that doesn't even take into account my grandmother being on home hospital because she's rather unwell, my sister being diagnosed with MS and brother being in hospital as well. Should've taken more time off but can't really afford to :(

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That sucks Ganepark. When I had a year and a half left on my PhD my supervisor left to go to Singapore for good and start a lab there. It was super disruptive and he started stealing equipment bought on our grant to take with him. He screwed us over pretty badly, and his behaviour has always been pretty strange anyway (antisocial / possibly even a little autistic).


You will get through it though. Just like I did. :)

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I started a PhD but quit and managed to come away with a masters. Part of why I quit was because people in academia (at least in statistics) are no fun to be around. It's so much more rewarding to work with people that you like.

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Definitely agree that academics tend to be arseholes.


The state of the department I'm in up here in Dundee is appalling largely thanks to the previous Dean who was rather happy to piss away money and screw people over on contracts (the current demonstrator was told she'd be on a contract earning more than she did in her previous job but is making less and doing twice as much work as the heads of 1st and 2nd year just dump their work with her and tell her to figure it out essentially. That's just an example of what's going on behind the scenes). We've got a lecturer leaving this week who is one of the top eye tracking people in the UK and is well known worldwide for his work and a few others leaving on top of my supervisor going. But there's not really money to hire new lecturers due to the university being in debt :shakehead


It's all just a bit shit really and puts me in an awkward situation of now having to find a new supervisor who I can work with and who will not only be able to get up to speed on my research but provide the proper support that I'll need in my final year.


As you say though @Sheikah, just got to get on with things as I am and that's all I can really do. Hopefully everything else will resolve itself and work out, perhaps for the better so long as I don't end up getting lumped with one of the lecturers my supervisor suggested as being my new supervisor (she convened my first year TMCs and essentially patronised, condescended and insulted me and tried to threaten me with being removed from the PhD as she didn't deem doing a rather large literature review (given my research, I have to cover attention, memory and emotion and any other smaller interconnecting topics in everything) on top of an experiment as enough for the first 6 months of my research. So I'd rather not be lumped with her) but I should get the last say on it from the sounds of things so that should be alright.


Can confirm, academics are arseholes.


Is there any chance he might provide post-retirement support to his remaining students?


I'm his only current student as his only other PhD finally submitted in March, 18 months after she was originally supposed to submit. I'm hoping he'll be open to offering some advice but the way he was speaking makes me think he's trying to get shot of it (he said we've got 3 months to get things in place for me to keep going :blank:).


What's the chances of transferring to another university with a supervisor more aligned to your research for the last year?


Have been considering that over the weekend as there is another university up here in Dundee, Abertay, but I'm not too sure whether my research fits with what they do. But there are 2 members of staff here who worked there previously who'd be able to help me find out/get the ball rolling there if I decided to look at it.


If I had the chance to go back to when I was applying, I'd have applied to Manchester or UCL as they do a lot of research in the area I work in (Deborah Talmi up in Manchester works with the Greater Manchester Police on emotional memory and such and Tali Sharot's work, out of UCL, is the basis for my work) but never mind.


Just got to keep a positive attitude and push on with what I'm doing and it should all work out fine. Thanks everyone :)

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I've had a bad chest for about two weeks now. It started off as a bit of an annoying cough, but I was honestly dying in work last week. I pulled a back muscle when coughing and spent much of Tuesday and Wednesday in agony. I went into work on Thursday and got told not to come in on the Friday and to rest.


I went to the doctor and got told that it's a mild infection but it should clear itself up soon. Plus, they don't usually give out stuff until you're three weeks into your sickfest.


I was fiiiine all weekend until about 10pm yesterday and now it feels like I've gone back 10 steps. I'm so fucking bored of this. I'm sick of coughing, I'm sick of my chest feeling like shit, my throat hurts from coughing and meeeh. I've not lifted a weight for a week and feeling pisseed off now.

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Have been considering that over the weekend as there is another university up here in Dundee, Abertay, but I'm not too sure whether my research fits with what they do. But there are 2 members of staff here who worked there previously who'd be able to help me find out/get the ball rolling there if I decided to look at it.


If I had the chance to go back to when I was applying, I'd have applied to Manchester or UCL as they do a lot of research in the area I work in (Deborah Talmi up in Manchester works with the Greater Manchester Police on emotional memory and such and Tali Sharot's work, out of UCL, is the basis for my work) but never mind.


Just got to keep a positive attitude and push on with what I'm doing and it should all work out fine. Thanks everyone :)


It happens quite a bit at our place and it's a pain in the arse for us (:heh:) but worth doing if you can find someone that will be able to help you finish this off.

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