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Had an accident at the Gym yesterday. Long story short, I've torn a load of muscles in my lower back..I'm in so much pain it's unreal. I can't believe how pathetic an injury can make you feel..I couldn't get out of bed this morning and so my girlfriend had to spend about 20 minutes trying to help me up whilst I was screaming in pain. She's pretty much had to dress and feed me all day (took the day off work too) and when I went to A&E she was literally carrying me. Jeez.


The only good thing about this whole ordeal is that I can get through Metroid Prime for the first time ever, but the painkillers are so strong and I can barely keep my eyes open. Bugger.


Sorry to hear that. What caused the injury?

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Toothache returned yesterday. I was in constant pain last night and maybe got about an hours sleep overall. Booked an emergency appointment for today so hopefully they'll at least help with the pain and get some antibiotics for what I assume is also an infection then I think in a week or so when thats gone im just gonna have the tooth taken out. Really should have had that done to begin with but by the time I went in for my follow up it was feeling fine and stupidly just left it.


Got the antibiotics today and booked to have the tooth removed on Monday....fun times

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My step dad had his surgery yesterday and they could only remove the right tonsil, the growth on his left was too big to get out so they had to take a little off and we are awaiting the results of the biopsy for that and we are still waiting for the MRI results to see if its spread out through his body because of the lymph nodes but he'll defo be in this cancer saga for some time as he'll need at least 6-12 months of chemo and radiotherapy and even then the doctors don't know if he'll be ok at the end of it, too early to tell. Luckily I'm unemployed (odd thing to say I know) but I'll be here to care for him officially.


Next Friday on the 13th there will be a meeting with the doctors I can go to with my mom and step dad and get all the info I need.



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Sorry to hear that. What caused the injury?


I was doing squats (currently doing StrongLift, so 5 sets of 5) and on my last rep, I couldn't get back up. Instead of just pushing the barbell off behind me, I tried to force the last rep...I ended up leaning forward, bending my back and falling down to my knees with the barbell still on my shoulders.


It's was a sickening feeling..Thankfully I'm feeling much better now, although that's probably the painkillers working their magic.


My step dad had his surgery yesterday and they could only remove the right tonsil, the growth on his left was too big to get out so they had to take a little off and we are awaiting the results of the biopsy for that and we are still waiting for the MRI results to see if its spread out through his body because of the lymph nodes but he'll defo be in this cancer saga for some time as he'll need at least 6-12 months of chemo and radiotherapy and even then the doctors don't know if he'll be ok at the end of it, too early to tell. Luckily I'm unemployed (odd thing to say I know) but I'll be here to care for him officially.


Next Friday on the 13th there will be a meeting with the doctors I can go to with my mom and step dad and get all the info I need.




Sorry to hear :(

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So mad at work right now. Because some idiot at day work suddenly realized a few years before retiring that he hadn't saved enough for pension, I might to be forced from shift to day work, losing me over 350£ a month. It's so unfair I have to take the fall because the idiot didn't think of his pension earlier. Appearently he is allowed to do this because he got more work experience(in the company, not shift work which pays more), and I have to be the one to switch because I'm the newest employee. I don't think I will enjoy the work they do over there at daywork and I definitivily don't like the people. I could understand if there was logical reason for this, company's economy, a person's heath etc. But might lose over 4200£ a year because the idiot realized working 80% wasn't such a good idea after all.

Edited by Tales
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What a load of shitfuck!


I've been ill since Friday night and spent almost all of Saturday in bed, which is unusual for me. Yesterday was a bit better, but felt dizzy towards the evening and I've felt ok so far this morning.


I've lost my appetite but am trying to get it back. Made myself breakfast and destroyed it all with the force of a thousand Nintendo virgins. I thought I'd get some rice cakes, sit on the sofa with a hot water bottle and play some inFAMOUS. So, I do that. Boil the kettle, pour it in and place the bottle on the sofa.


Left the room for two minutes and I came back to a fucking ocean of water all over the sofa. Almost burned my hand when I pulled back the blanket. Seriously, wtfff. Why now?! The bottle had ripped itself open like a xenomorph bursted its way from the inside.


I had to take everything off. Blanket and duvet cover into the machine, pillows on the washing rack next to the dehumidifier, hairdrying the sofa and floor to get everything dry again and now the heating is on. Just, ahhhhh.

Edited by Fierce_LiNk
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A quick update to my step dads cancer saga. Its a type of skin cancer in his throat that I forget the name of. He's been given a 50/50 chance of survival (like that movie). He's got to start having chemo 5 days a fucking week for 6 weeks to see if they can shrink the cancer. Urgh.


Fuck cancer.

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What a load of shitfuck!


I've been ill since Friday night and spent almost all of Saturday in bed, which is unusual for me. Yesterday was a bit better, but felt dizzy towards the evening and I've felt ok so far this morning.


I've lost my appetite but am trying to get it back. Made myself breakfast and destroyed it all with the force of a thousand Nintendo virgins.


I think you must've given it to me. I woke up early Monday morning and was sick a few times. Did not eat a thing all day Monday and didn't leave my bed at all. Tuesday was slightly better but still pretty bad. Wednesday I went into work but came home and worked from home in the afternoon because I was feeling really rough again.


From Sunday at 8pm until this morning I had eaten 5 slices of Dominos pizza and half a tub of chicken stir fry leftovers. Eaten somewhat normally today but could barely finish my lunch.

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One of my tasks at work is literally just entering numbers into a computer system and pasting in the same information over and over again, so to break up the monotony I recently started watching The Golden Girls while doing it, but now someone's told my manager on me and I've been told to stop.




(One sad smiley per golden girl.)

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I've been having some troubles with my throat over the past 5ish days. It's got that usual hurts-to-swallow when you have a regular sore throat, but it feels a little further back, and a little to the right, so could be my tonsils? Lozenges and the like aren't doing shit. The main concern is that it likes to get worse when I'm lying down, especially on my left side, it starts throbbing until I turn over again.

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Doctor (who was rather fit) had a look and said the right gland was bigger than the left and there was some pus action going on. Steamy.


So I got some of dat penicillin action I've heard all those good things about. With my current meds I'll be popping 12 pills a day, technically 13 but I skip one.

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My brother-in-law has leukaemia :blank:


It's not clear which type (acute, chronic, or others) but he's started chemotherapy already.


My brother had leukemia, Myelodysplastic syndrome to be precise. He went through hell, he was 28 at the time, took 2 years of treatment with all sorts of operations. He needed a bone marrow transplant but unfortunately none of us were a match which made things more complicated for him. He'll never be the same again, he's been affected in so many ways and will be for the rest of his life. Even at this minute he's in hospital the past couple of days with a bug. But he's positive, he's gone back to college because he was a carpenter beforehand which he couldn't continue with really. He's training to be a school teacher and he's back playing football though I don't think that's the best idea.


I hope your brother-in-law makes a full recovery. Treatment today is so much better than it was before. Not going to lie, it's a long road but just lend your support in whatever way you can.


One of my tasks at work is literally just entering numbers into a computer system and pasting in the same information over and over again, so to break up the monotony I recently started watching The Golden Girls while doing it, but now someone's told my manager on me and I've been told to stop.




(One sad smiley per golden girl.)


You need one of these.



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One of my tasks at work is literally just entering numbers into a computer system and pasting in the same information over and over again, so to break up the monotony I recently started watching The Golden Girls while doing it, but now someone's told my manager on me and I've been told to stop.




(One sad smiley per golden girl.)


Almost all monotonous work can be automated. Where are you pasting from/to?

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I was going to suggest writing some sort of macro, but then realised you'd basically be writing your own P45.


Also it'd be even more boring, no Gilmore Girls and now no work.


No one said you had to let them know you'd automated your own job. Frankly, if someone could save hours each day/week they'd be kept on if the boss had any sense whatsoever as they could make huge savings elsewhere too.

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