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I know that mentality. I've seen it time and time again. The reason always seems to be that its easier to mold someone who is 19 and not very good, over someone who is an adult, very opinionated (in a good way) and very good at their job.



Additionally, if they lose you as a sales assistant, then there stores sales will fall, and they might not reach their targets.


Safer for them to keep you as a sales assistant, and train the other guy up as a super.



Remember, few retail environments are meritocracies.

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I know that mentality. I've seen it time and time again. The reason always seems to be that its easier to mold someone who is 19 and not very good, over someone who is an adult, very opinionated (in a good way) and very good at their job.


In this case I'd be surprised if you were promoted, if you're not, start looking elsewhere. There will be some company who appreciates you and wants you as a supervisor I can guarantee it.


I agree entirely.


I've been applying for jobs but let's put it this way, my job search has just spiked up. I can't be arsed for these games. I don't think I'll get the Supervisor job because that 16-hour position has been open for literally months now whereas the position the 19-year-old was given had JUST been opened (like literally, the girl only left yesterday and he was told he had it two days before). If they were going to give me it, they would have done by now. My dad said the same thing as you, @nightwolf: He said they'd rather have a yes man over someone who's spirited, who sticks up for themselves and knows their own mind and won't volunteer for everything they don't want to do. I'm not going to change myself for a job so it's either promote me as I am or don't. I've decided I'm not going to be bothered. If I get it, I get it. If I don't, I don't. Either way, I'm still looking for another job.


I'm not mad at the dude who got the position though. Quite the opposite, we're both mates and I'm happy for him. I'm just a bit mad at the company. As I said though, I'll hold fire until I see if I get the 16-hours but I'm 95% sure I won't get it.


I've applied for a Supervisor in the same shopping centre. It's 16-hours and it's in a health and beauty shop. They need someone who's good with customers and can build a rapport with them, which should be on my side considering A LOT (and that's no exaggeration) of shoppers who shop there every week know me by my first name or "Shoe Boy" and they like me. They also need someone enthusiastic about sales and can motivate their team, which I do in my shop anyway. It's perfect!


Additionally, if they lose you as a sales assistant, then there stores sales will fall, and they might not reach their targets.


Safer for them to keep you as a sales assistant, and train the other guy up as a super.


Remember, few retail environments are meritocracies.


I know what you're saying. I do feel like leaving so much. It's been near two years that they've promised me this position time and time again. I doubt I'll ever get it. I just really need this particular job that I applied for to pull through! It would be ace! It's just going to be strange taking orders from a 19 year old, haha!

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That was exactly what I was thinking.


It's far easier to have 'yes' men. It's why someone who bullied me for 14 months in a job got promoted because he would always say yes, rather than looking into promoting someone worthwhile because they'd want better hours/more pay. It's the way things work, but certainly not for all companies. Obviously in this case whilst the guy is lazy, it's not his fault, so I'm glad you're not mad at him.


I'm glad to hear you're moving on though, there's only so much you can do and this screams 'you'll never go any further with us' mentality and that's a shame. Because you'd do really well and probably make them more money than they do now off you.



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That was exactly what I was thinking.


It's far easier to have 'yes' men. It's why someone who bullied me for 14 months in a job got promoted because he would always say yes, rather than looking into promoting someone worthwhile because they'd want better hours/more pay. It's the way things work, but certainly not for all companies. Obviously in this case whilst the guy is lazy, it's not his fault, so I'm glad you're not mad at him.


I'm glad to hear you're moving on though, there's only so much you can do and this screams 'you'll never go any further with us' mentality and that's a shame. Because you'd do really well and probably make them more money than they do now off you.




Yeah, exactly. I think I'm missing something. You'd think that you'd promote someone who has done well and earned it. Okay, I'm not exactly the fastest at tidying the shop but at the end of the day, what keeps the business? Tidying or putting money in the tills?


Don't get me wrong, the guy who got the promotion isn't lazy. He does deliveries and stocks shelves but if I were to tell the truth, his sales figures are awful and even though he has a low target, he can't hit them most times. I've been teaching him to help him and he's got a little better but still, it's not as good. He's a great guy though and I wish him all the best with it. I do.


I went into the shopping centre today to see about the other job I told you about when the assistant manager sort of called me into the store to see him. He told me that he knows I know and he wanted me to know he had no part in it. He actually told me I found out before he did. He found out today that he got the promotion. No discussion or communication was to be had between any of the management, the new manager just did it on a whim. I was curious so I asked why she picked him and he said, and I quote "well, he's finished uni so he can work more hours". ¬_¬.....so basically, she promoted him because he's free to do more work? I'm not in education and I'm older and I ask for overtime...Internetz, where is the logic?! Anyway, my assistant manager tells me the lad was scared to tell me because he knew I wanted it and he feared I'd deck him. Bless! haha. My assistant manager thinks she did it because she's panicking on hiring someone...glad to know that I was in her thoughts. OH! Best of all, the kick in the bollocks and the bitchslap across the face? Just as I thought, I'm NOT getting the 16 hour Supervisor position, she's gone and offered it to some woman in Town who wanted a transfer!


Everyone tells me I can get them back very easily. They all said "Just do your target you're meant to do and don't exceed it. Don't put more money in their pocket than you need to. They look good because of the extra you pull on the till. They'll notice it go down if you just do the minimum essential". Don't tempt me, I'm toying with the idea!


So everyone on here, PLEASE KEEP YOUR FINGERS CROSSED FOR MY OTHER JOB! It sounds amazing, I just hope I get it and I hope it is amazing! :)


Thank you all, you know the right things to say to make me feel better. I'm just glad I'm not the only one thinking it's unfair. I know life isn't fair but it's good to have a nag. Sorry if I've bored anyone! Still angry by it though! ¬_¬

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Everyone tells me I can get them back very easily. They all said "Just do your target you're meant to do and don't exceed it. Don't put more money in their pocket than you need to. They look good because of the extra you pull on the till. They'll notice it go down if you just do the minimum essential". Don't tempt me, I'm toying with the idea!




The kicker would actually be you leaving. I wouldn't be surprised if they tried to keep you on then. :awesome:

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The kicker would actually be you leaving. I wouldn't be surprised if they tried to keep you on then. :awesome:


Oh yeah, totally! However I don't want to leave unemployed. As soon as a job comes up, I'll be out of there faster than you can say "Slut heels" ;)

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I will play devil's advocate here (despite agreeing that the right thing to do is to move elsewhere), but I would suspect that your previous altercations with management were not executed in a way that left management assured of your ability to middle-manage, plus the fact that you have a secondary job (for circumstances due to the current job not rewarding you enough), which may lead them to think you're looking elsewhere anyway.


The fact that you're good at sales is obviously not enough. Great at sales = keep them on sales. Let them initiate and train the newbs, sure, but why take them away from the front line? Obviously I have no real idea about your day-to-day business, but being on the side of management really doesn't mean you have to be a yes man, it just means that you have to present a valid argument when you say no -- and you have to be mindful of how you present it as well.


As Moogle said, purely being good at the job is not a guarantee of promotion. Keep with your supervisor program, and keep hassling them about moving on with the next step (segue: When I worked at argos they brought in an initiative to have everyone trained to do each department, and I hated tills, so I managed to luck and connive my way out of each 'training' session. They always forgot and put it on the back-burner because it's less important than... pretty much everything else day-to-day. Then they started a program to get people ready for promotions, but all 9 of us selected were constantly having to chase up the supervisors because it was not the most important part of their own job).


But yeah - look elsewhere, and take your success at sales and target performance and consider other fields as well in order to broaden your horizons. Telesales sounds dreadful (it is) but it's a liveable hell for a period of time, pays better than retail, and can lead to better jobs.


My shitty two cents.

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Battling with my own head again today, I've felt /so/ down all day and don't really have a reason to be, other than being utterly unmotivated for life in general :p but I haven't been this pathetic and helpless in as very long time,

I just can't do anything to snap out of it.


It's one of those days where I just wanna curl up in a ball and sleep for a few weeks, which is weird because id felt fine and dandy all week. I think maybe I just need to get a day for myself again, this usually happens when every day for the way few weeks has either been at work, some social thing or both. A day locked away playing stuff and listening to music is probably all the defragmenting I need - just gotta wait till Tuesday for that to happen!

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I was hungover today and when I went for a poo the smell of it drove me to throw up! The kebab from the night before was bad stuff!


Two kebabs mate...fat bastard


The sound of you spewing was my bad stuff today.

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Battling with my own head again today, I've felt /so/ down all day and don't really have a reason to be, other than being utterly unmotivated for life in general :p but I haven't been this pathetic and helpless in as very long time,

I just can't do anything to snap out of it.


It's one of those days where I just wanna curl up in a ball and sleep for a few weeks, which is weird because id felt fine and dandy all week. I think maybe I just need to get a day for myself again, this usually happens when every day for the way few weeks has either been at work, some social thing or both. A day locked away playing stuff and listening to music is probably all the defragmenting I need - just gotta wait till Tuesday for that to happen!


I've been feeling a bit like this recently, really can't put it down to anything specific but I did end up googling various 'depression' and 'anxiety' conditions... let's just say that it was frighteningly enlightening for me at least in some areas. :blank:


It's by no means conclusive though plus I'm going to do my best to just try and dig myself out of this 'rut' as I like to think of it, usually writing for a good bit while listening to music helps so I'm going to catch up with my reviews today but just this past week I really haven't felt like doing much at all so I can empathise with your situation Josh.


Anyway, I hope things look up for you soon. : peace:


*goes off to write some reviews*

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I will play devil's advocate here (despite agreeing that the right thing to do is to move elsewhere), but I would suspect that your previous altercations with management were not executed in a way that left management assured of your ability to middle-manage, plus the fact that you have a secondary job (for circumstances due to the current job not rewarding you enough), which may lead them to think you're looking elsewhere anyway.


The fact that you're good at sales is obviously not enough. Great at sales = keep them on sales. Let them initiate and train the newbs, sure, but why take them away from the front line? Obviously I have no real idea about your day-to-day business, but being on the side of management really doesn't mean you have to be a yes man, it just means that you have to present a valid argument when you say no -- and you have to be mindful of how you present it as well.


As Moogle said, purely being good at the job is not a guarantee of promotion. Keep with your supervisor program, and keep hassling them about moving on with the next step (segue: When I worked at argos they brought in an initiative to have everyone trained to do each department, and I hated tills, so I managed to luck and connive my way out of each 'training' session. They always forgot and put it on the back-burner because it's less important than... pretty much everything else day-to-day. Then they started a program to get people ready for promotions, but all 9 of us selected were constantly having to chase up the supervisors because it was not the most important part of their own job).


But yeah - look elsewhere, and take your success at sales and target performance and consider other fields as well in order to broaden your horizons. Telesales sounds dreadful (it is) but it's a liveable hell for a period of time, pays better than retail, and can lead to better jobs.


My shitty two cents.


I see what you're saying but that's the funniest thing: The supervisor I don't get on with actually said to the manager I should be promoted (I heard him say it when he didn't know I was there). The assistant manager also put me on the supervisor training as well so I know he wanted me to be one as well. Also, my other job is zero-hours and totally bend the contract around this job I have now so when it comes to hours, I can do any I want. On top of that, I'm doing most of what a Supervisor does anyway in a sense that I'm in charge of a department, I do well in sales and I help motivate and train the team. It's probably why they won't give it to me. I'm okay with the lad getting it considering it's only 8 hours but it's the 16 hours one I'm gutted about.


I think, if anything, it would actually be because when they're rather funny with me, I don't take it. I don't laugh and say "Ah yeah, good one", I'll actually say "Don't act like that" sort of thing. I stick up for myself, I just believe in common courtesy and respect. I've always treated people how I'd like to be treated so I can't see why others can't do the same. It's not hard to be nice and polite. Besides, I think they've realised she's made a bad decision now. The lad who got promoted has an interview today for another job and furthermore, he's thinking about not taking the promotion now. I said he should but he was like "I don't know...". I did say if it was because of me, not to be stupid and he was still "I don't know...".

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Tomorrow I've got to give a 45 minute - 1 hour end of year talk about the progress of my PhD research so far and anxiety/panic levels have jumped up massively in the last day or two.


It's really important as it forms part of the basis of me getting passed on into the second year of my PhD so yeah a bit nervous. Even more so because obvious the department/university is funding me and my research and no one in the department does this kind of work so it almost feels like I'm doing this talk to justify not only the validity of my own work but broadening the spectrum of research in the department and the field in general.


My saving grace is that my talk is at 4pm and none of the lecturers are really aware of it as it hasn't been included on the events calendar of our website so hoping that there won't be a huge turn out as it just means more stress and more questions as some of the stubborn old hands try to poke holes in my work/theory.


So not going to sleep well tonight :hmm:

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Tomorrow I've got to give a 45 minute - 1 hour end of year talk about the progress of my PhD research so far and anxiety/panic levels have jumped up massively in the last day or two.


It's really important as it forms part of the basis of me getting passed on into the second year of my PhD so yeah a bit nervous. Even more so because obvious the department/university is funding me and my research and no one in the department does this kind of work so it almost feels like I'm doing this talk to justify not only the validity of my own work but broadening the spectrum of research in the department and the field in general.


My saving grace is that my talk is at 4pm and none of the lecturers are really aware of it as it hasn't been included on the events calendar of our website so hoping that there won't be a huge turn out as it just means more stress and more questions as some of the stubborn old hands try to poke holes in my work/theory.


So not going to sleep well tonight :hmm:


You'll be fine in the moment, it's the anxiety leading up to the deed that's the killer. Maybe take some inderol. You've got some serious stones doing an hour lecture though, I had one ungraded ten minute presentation to give this year for my Masters and I fucked off abroad :heh:.

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Giving presentations is easy, what's the deal? :heh:


Do what I did when I had to present some findings to academics at my last job - wear your tightest trousers and a belt buckle that points to your crotch.


Good luck!

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Tomorrow I've got to give a 45 minute - 1 hour end of year talk about the progress of my PhD research so far and anxiety/panic levels have jumped up massively in the last day or two.


It's really important as it forms part of the basis of me getting passed on into the second year of my PhD so yeah a bit nervous. Even more so because obvious the department/university is funding me and my research and no one in the department does this kind of work so it almost feels like I'm doing this talk to justify not only the validity of my own work but broadening the spectrum of research in the department and the field in general.


My saving grace is that my talk is at 4pm and none of the lecturers are really aware of it as it hasn't been included on the events calendar of our website so hoping that there won't be a huge turn out as it just means more stress and more questions as some of the stubborn old hands try to poke holes in my work/theory.


So not going to sleep well tonight :hmm:


When I gave my end of PhD final seminar, only 5 people turned up, and only one of those was a professor (my supervisor). It ended up being a really chilled discussion about my work and really enjoyed it.


Good luck!

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@Ganepark32, you'll be totally fine! Just remember that you are a fierce bitch that'll take no shit and you'll be awesome! Oh and I'm told imagining the people naked taking a shit helps as well...I can't remember who told me that one but it worked for me.


Anyway, good luck and I hope it goes well, like I'm sure it will!




So as if not promoting me wasn't insult enough, I get insulted more by getting told that I'm definitely not going to be Senior Sales Advisor, which was the job I was after in the first place. The company scrapped the role two years ago and it was me who was going to take over it. However, about a few months ago, I was told that I was going to be their 'tester' in seeing whether the role was needed again. Awesome. They put me on a course (it's the management one I'm on now) ready for the position when the time comes. However, I got told yesterday that it's been given to someone else. This time, I told them. I said how it was planned for me and stuff and they just said "New manager, the plans have changed". I've just accepted it and moved on. Looks like I'm not going to move on from a Sales Assistant from here on out now. They've given it to someone there who is one of my closest mates in there. She's quite a few years older than me and I hope she does awesome in it like I know she will but she can't always handle high-pressured situations like very angry customers who demand refunds when they've been refused and stuff. I have faith in her though and I'd rather the job had gone to her than someone with hardly any experience.


Anyway, after being told that, the manager starts being rude. I'm sorting out the till point, making it look neat and tidy because it looked a mess. I moved a few things around to make it look a lot neater when she comes along, picks up some papers, slams them where they were and said "They were there for a reason!" in such a tone. I just said "Okay" and walked away from the situation. The copper who comes in to check on us saw the whole thing, she came to me and asked me if I was okay. I said "Yeah, why?" and she said "Is she always like that with you? No wonder everyone doesn't like her. How do you put up with it?" and I just said "I get paid...not enough evidently". She just told me to find another job because it's not worth taking the flack for minimum wage. So it comes to something when even a copper asks if I'm okay. I'm just happy it's not me being over-sensitive or something.


It's fine though because it's just given me a lot more of a reason to get out of there! I've looked all night and this morning from 6am onwards to now. Tonight, I'll be looking again when I get home from work. I've applied for over 20 jobs so far and today, I need to drop a couple of forms off so fingers crossed for them! Sorry for babbling on, guys! Just feels good to offload!


Anyway, I better go to you-know-where now! @Ganepark32, again, good luck! :)

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Found out yesterday that my grandad has liver cancer. There's not much they can do and so he's probably only got a few weeks.


I probably wouldn't feel too bad (he's had a good life etc) but I can't stop thinking about how my gran is feeling. They've been married for 73 years...

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I know this may not be what you want to hear right now, but can I strongly suggest that you listen to the song "Animal" by Def Leppard. It rocks, and so do you.




Today, I found out, for sure, that it's because the manager doesn't like me. It's no secret- I don't like her either. However, I worked out that I have the upper hand now. I was put on the management course and there's no way she can take it off me so I figure I may as well finish it and grab my qualification. That way, I get a better chance at getting a new job as part of management. Also, she's trying her best to sack a couple of people because she's taken a dislike to them (she's using targets as an excuse). I've done my minimal sales target and as long as I've done that, I'm meeting my job contract and I am untouchable in that respect. So with all the extras I get, I've given the rest of my sales to the ones being targeted by her between them and now they've met their targets. This way, the manager gets no extra credit that should be given to me anyway, everyone meets their target and gets to keep their jobs so whatever little victories I can get against her, I'll take them with both hands...I use my man-bitch powers for good, mwahaha!


Found out yesterday that my grandad has liver cancer. There's not much they can do and so he's probably only got a few weeks.


I probably wouldn't feel too bad (he's had a good life etc) but I can't stop thinking about how my gran is feeling. They've been married for 73 years...


Aww, mate! I am so sorry to hear that. I know how it feels to have a relative go through that. If you needed anyone to talk to...:)

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Sorry to hear that Bob. *hug*


This way, the manager gets no extra credit that should be given to me anyway, everyone meets their target and gets to keep their jobs so whatever little victories I can get against her, I'll take them with both hands...I use my man-bitch powers for good, mwahaha!


You're the best. This is so up my alley.

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Aww, mate! I am so sorry to hear that. I know how it feels to have a relative go through that. If you needed anyone to talk to...:)


Thanks dude :)


I'm heading over there tomorrow to see him and my gran. It's going to be a rubbish weekend..

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