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I reckon in the douchebag grading scheme, he would be awarded a D for douche.


Guy sounds like a grade A douchebag.


Yeah, he pretty much is now. There was a time when him and I got along brilliantly. Like, literally, we'd joke around and he wasn't bitchy or nasty or anything like that whatsoever. However, for about a few weeks now, he's been a bit of a cunt to me.


Like two weeks ago, for example. I sort of suffered a minor panic attack. I couldn't breathe and when I did, my one side felt like I was being punched hard and I couldn't take a lot of breaths. So I went to him and told him I couldn't breathe and asked if I could go outside for fresh air. He just laughed at me.

At this point, I got fucked off and said "I CAN'T FUCKING BREATHE, WHAT'S SO FUNNY!?" and he was still smiling and told me to go outside.


Anyway, all through my shift, my side was in agony but I still carried on working and in the end of it, I left and got home and it got worse. So I called in sick because I couldn't move, breathe or sleep at all. I basically had a torn muscle on the side but when I breathed in, I felt this really horrible stabbing pain so it caused me to take little breaths and I'm asthmatic so it wasn't the best of combinations.


I return back to work to have him taking the piss out of me. I said "That's really funny, taking the piss out of me. How low can you actually get?" and he was all "It was funny" and everything and then went on to call me a pussy.

I just called him a little prick with little man syndrome.

About a few days later, he has a cold and you never hear the end of it. So I laughed at him. He said it wasn't that funny and I said "I had a full-blown asthma attack and didn't bitch as much as you did AND I carried on with my work. NOW who's the pussy?" and just laughed.


Funniest thing is, the management I never really got along with before, I get along with now. I understand that they get stressed and stuff so I tend to try and back away when something important happens.


Today was the best one though. Totally avoided him all day and I had three of the members of staff come up to me, asking me if it was true that I wasn't organising the meal. I said it was and that I wasn't going either way. They said "Eurgh, if you're not going, I'm not going. We should organise something just for us and leave them out of it". I don't really like excluding the others but I really don't want to go with Douche so...yeah...


He's also in charge of the rotas at work and I'm pretty sure he's trying to make it impossible for me to work my other job. I thought it was just me but my other work even noticed it as well without me even saying anything. They said "It's funny how you never used to work afternoons and suddenly out of nowhere, you're working so I can't put you in the morning, afternoon or evening without you being late. Don't worry though, I'll excuse you for 5-10 minutes so you can get changed and ready for work here". Nice people at my second job, shame there isn't a permanent contract there though! :(


@Animal is retail something you want to stay in? It appears you dont enjoy it that much. Probably does not help having wankers has employers but have you looked into trying to get into a different sector?


I enjoy retail. I like the customer service aspect of it. I like selling and know how to sell, how to talk to people and how to treat them. I just don't like the people who run it sometimes. I'm not saying it's all bad but it's not good either. I've thought a lot about whether I want to climb up the ladder and, at the moment, there isn't really a lot of options for me. However, the way I see it, as long as I'm happy in life, I'm okay with staying in the same position. I did want to move up to supervisor and I'm more or less doing supervisor duties even though I'm a sales assistant and I've done it for three months and it's put me off. I'm in charge of a department and I have my targets I have to meet as well. I don't know whether I should keep at it or call it a day.


The card shop is the first job I've had where it's really chilled, everybody's friendly and get along with each other and the first job where I've really liked the management team. There's not one person in that shop whom I dislike or have had disagreements with. Everybody's nice, such a laugh and yet professional.


Retail isn't exactly what I want to do but if it was, I'd hope it'd be like the card shop. I want to write but unfortunately, that isn't going to put any bread on the table. I just have no idea what I could do.


I've just learned that Marcia Wallace, the voice of Edna Krabapple in The Simpsons, passed away yesterday Friday 25th. Her character will be permanently retired in the next season out of respect. It's just weird because it's a minor thing and yet on reflection there's a part of me that feels shocked.


I'm glad they've done that. That's an awesome thing to do. I do know what you mean though. It's shocked me as well. Same thing happened when Cory Monteith (Finn from Glee) died. It felt so strange knowing I'd never see his character again, knowing he wouldn't return on the show or even sing.

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I've just learned that Marcia Wallace, the voice of Edna Krabapple in The Simpsons, passed away yesterday Friday 25th. Her character will be permanently retired in the next season out of respect. It's just weird because it's a minor thing and yet on reflection there's a part of me that feels shocked.


It feels less weird as when Phil Hartman died (Troy McClure among others) his characters were written out, instead of recast (which can be kinda weird)

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It feels less weird as when Phil Hartman died (Troy McClure among others) his characters were written out, instead of recast (which can be kinda weird)


I can't believe he died in 1998! So Troy McClure etc havent appeared in episodes for 15 years!


Will they have to bring in a new teacher?

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Was meant to run the Luton half marathon this morning, but I've been feeling under the weather the passed 2-3 days. So I decided against it. Was also meant to be going to see The Blackout tonight but they've cancelled the rest of their tour..


Not looking forward to the third thing to go wrong today.

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Was meant to run the Luton half marathon this morning, but I've been feeling under the weather the passed 2-3 days. So I decided against it. Was also meant to be going to see The Blackout tonight but they've cancelled the rest of their tour..


Not looking forward to the third thing to go wrong today.


Well there's a storm comin'...

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So this storm flooded the railway around my area, 2 cancelled trains and i'm unable to get to work. Now, you may be asking as to why this is in the bad thread as you know i don't particularly like my job. Surely this is a good thing, right. WRONG.


Called the necessary lines to report i'll be late/unable to come in today. Guess what i am told, keep trying to get in. Hmm, i wonder which part of "The trains are cancelled" are they not understanding. They said no-one else has reported this in, that's because no-one else lives 30-40 miles away numpties. So i can't get the day off, gotta keep trying to get in. Another prime example of "rule for one, rule for another". As i know someone who is living much nearer to work has reported they can't come in (all over facebook i might add) in a gloaty/smug way. And one of the manages has "liked" it, left a reply etc.

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So this storm flooded the railway around my area, 2 cancelled trains and i'm unable to get to work. Now, you may be asking as to why this is in the bad thread as you know i don't particularly like my job. Surely this is a good thing, right. WRONG.


Called the necessary lines to report i'll be late/unable to come in today. Guess what i am told, keep trying to get in. Hmm, i wonder which part of "The trains are cancelled" are they not understanding. They said no-one else has reported this in, that's because no-one else lives 30-40 miles away numpties. So i can't get the day off, gotta keep trying to get in. Another prime example of "rule for one, rule for another". As i know someone who is living much nearer to work has reported they can't come in (all over facebook i might add) in a gloaty/smug way. And one of the manages has "liked" it, left a reply etc.


Maybe you should screenshot that and raise an official complaint as you have proof of it.

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Maybe you should screenshot that and raise an official complaint as you have proof of it.


I've got a screenshot of the National Rail website and 2 pictures of the train board showing the half 7, half 8 and half 9 trains being cancelled due to flooding. I don't take chances with this place, and i've handed a copy of them to my manager and to the union rep.

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The past week or so has been really heavy week with me and my depression, I think this is the worst it's been since I really started engaging with it. It's not stopped me from going to work but I've basically spent the last several days feeling totally hogtied. One morning I literally couldn't get up until I made the concious decision not to have breakfast - I couldn't believe I was even in that position. Just lying there for a couple of hours, trying and failing to summon the emotional energy to combine milk and muesli in the same bowl. Another time I decided to watch some TV but I couldn't find it in myself to actually turn the thing on, so I just sat there, another couple of hours down the drain.


I feel like I'm coming it out of it now and I actually had a pretty upbeat week right before, so fingers crossed that comes back. It feels exactly the same as wrestling with heavy flu but without the specific physical effects. At least I don't have any deadlines or specific extra commitments right now, so I've only got to worry about how I can push on and deal the best I can.


You might find having deadlines and specific commitments help you focus and give you some direction though.

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I've got a screenshot of the National Rail website and 2 pictures of the train board showing the half 7, half 8 and half 9 trains being cancelled due to flooding. I don't take chances with this place, and i've handed a copy of them to my manager and to the union rep.


I actually meant more the Facebook one where your colleague wasn't given any grief at all.

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I'm going to assume you meant well by that comment.


Yes, sorry, of course i did!


My girlfriend was suffering from depression over the summer, and she found that the best thing was to give herself little deadlines and tasks each day which she could then complete and feel a bit better.


Obviously everyone is different....but there you go.

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During GameCity last week I recorded these power lunch things they were streaming live on the Guardian site when it was on (1pm) and then I uploaded it when I got home. I did this from Monday-Saturday. Today I'm being told that there was some closed media policy which wasn't mentioned anywhere and I have to take the videos down.


If there's something like that I can vaugely understand. But I haven't been subtle about filming it, it's not as if I've been filming in the back of a cinema. I've been at the front each day, phone on table positioned nicely, lifting it up to focus on the TV screens if they've shown a trailer in front of all to see. No one has said one fucking word about it. Each day I uploaded it, tagged the presenters/the festival/the location/the guests and haven't heard a word to me about it not being allowed, asking my intentions or asking for it to be taken down. And that's what's really pissed me off about this whole thing.


I've sent a weak permission asking thing to the Guardian and an email to some other chap asking what length is acceptable as "posting full videos = not fine", because it took me fucking ages sorting those videos out and I'm not just going to break down straight away without some chance for compromise.


Not sure how long they'll be able to stay before I break to the pressure, so please check them out before it's too late! http://www.derek-wheatley.com

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I saw someone have a seizure in Tesco while food shopping on Sunday, it was horrible, felt really useless and had no idea what to do. It happened literally 2 meters away from me.


I was putting my food on the till, and I looked back and he was stood in the aisle, and he was like resting / leaning on a shelf, I just carried on loading the till, then heard a crash and he’d dropped his basket, then he kinda moaned, hit the floor really really hard, You could hear the crack / thud sound as the back of his head hit the floor, and started shaking.


Ugh it was horrible, people just sort of stopped, the women on the till was just staring… I just said get the first aider, and she tanoyed to get the first aider and store manager to the aisle, fortunately a few people around reacted and knew sort of what to do, so got him into the recovery position and were checking his head etc…


But damn it was scary. But like.. you kind of had to carry on with what you were doing, so people are looking after him, but while that’s happening, the women is scanning my stuff, person behind me is loading her shopping on the till.. and I’m just stood like… what’s happening lol.


The worst part is that the time that happened, the first aider got there, me packing and purchasing my food, and walking to my car there was no sign of an ambulance, and it must have been at least 10 minutes from the first aider getting to him to me sitting in my car, and yeah no sirens could be heard, no paramedics or ambulance in site. The Ambulance station in my town is literally next door to Tesco, you can see Tesco from the ambulance depot.


Hope the chap's okay.


Call me naive but I really don't know the severity of a seizure, don't know how they are caused or how dangerous they can be if someone has one. Just know that this chaps head hit the shop floor so hard. :hmm::sad:

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Eh - went to write a post and n-e decided to log me out. ¬_¬ bah!


Basically, my mum has worked for a small construction company for the last 15+ years, but now the executives have decided to close the company as they wish to retire.


No biggy, my mum sort of knew this was coming, but I hadn't wished for it to be so soon, it means that my parents are now accelerating the move to France, which I had hoped was another 3+ years away. (They have the house, but use it as sort of a holiday thing for now).


Its not terrible news, my parents are, for the most part happy. But selfishly I had made some plans to ensure I could be closer to them for a little while before they moved, which now seems to be mostly pointless. Bah.


Currently my job doesn't allow me to see them as often as I'd like, its not that much of a stretch (usually about 4-6 months seeing them) but when they move to France, due to the amount of mileage (600+) it'd be less.


It isn't bad news per say, my mum is stressed and things are a little like WTF, but it just made me a little sad. I'll miss them! (More than I already do.)

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Call me naive but I really don't know the severity of a seizure, don't know how they are caused or how dangerous they can be if someone has one. Just know that this chaps head hit the shop floor so hard. :hmm::sad:

They're awesome. Your tongue aches for days after due to biting it and it hurts like hell getting food out your teeth... actually, they're not so great.


As long as you don't fall a fair bit and hit something hard, it's normally a good day. And as long as you keep obstacles out of the way [tables etc] it's best to just let them fit it out.

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One of my friends who works at the Tesco store text me saying that the man's wife came into the store today to thank the first aiders and to review the CCTV at the request of doctors to see if he tripped or just collapsed. It was just a collapse.


And the whack he suffered to his head put him into a coma.

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