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I told my bosses I got another job yesterday. The one was absolutely fine, the other wasn't.


I went into work and saw my main manager and my other manager. I approached them and said "Is it okay if I have a word with you both?"

The secondary manager was like "Okay" but my main manager was a bit of a cow. She said "Let's see if what YOU have to say matches with what I have to say! WE'LL discuss it further OUT BACK!".

Admittedly, I looked at my boss and was like "I know she didn't just speak to me like that as soon as I entered the shop" and he was like "Just take deep breaths and let it go, she's been like it all morning"

So I went out the back, still a little pissed that she was like that with me but I had far better news anyway.

So she looks at me and I'm looking at her and I'm like "Right then, I'll go first I take it...I have another job. However, the other job know that I'm here and know that I have this job and they said that they would totally work around the hours on this job because they're seriously flexible so if you needed me in the evening, they'd put me in in the morning and vice versa and what not."

So she looks at me and says "Good! As long as they understand we come first!"

Right now, I'm seriously biting down my tongue quite hard because of the rudeness but I carried on ignoring it.

So I said "Also, it's not like it'll take me ages to get here, the job's literally next door to us so it'll only take me ten steps to get here"

"It's not ideal for us!" she says so I bit back.

"I'm not being funny here but you're both 40 hours. I'm 12 hours. Yeah, I get overtime but the overtime will go soon and then what? You know I have bills to pay, a car to run and money to save up. I wouldn't mind if you could guarantee and contract me more hours but I have to think about me and my future"

My other boss was completely sound with me and he even said "It's right in what you just said. I'd do the same thing in your position" but the main boss simply said "This would mean your chances of being put on Level 3 would be unlikely, you know that right?"

I just replied "Like it ever was a possibility in the first place? I'd have been on it by now otherwise. As I said, I have to think about me"

So then she said "You can't give away trade secrets because that's in your contract"

And I replied "Yeah I know and I can't tell you anything about their trade secrets either because it's in their contract too. Also, they're a card shop, I doubt they'd be in competition with you. Sports Direct, fair enough, but the card shop would likely be in competition with retailers who sell cards like the 99p store and Tesco"

So anyway, I got to the bottom of why she was acting like that. Apparently, the shop was a shit-tip and nothing was done and she was trying to blame me. I more or less was saying that I was following orders. There was a girl who come from another store to help out and spent 8 hours doing something that should've taken 2 at most and she messed up all the labels and the other supervisor told me to clean it up even though it was my time to go.

I told the managers that I want to be paid for the time I stayed over because it wasn't my job to do and it wasn't my fault either. I said "I don't mind staying over to help but that was just taking the mick!"

Needless to say, I am getting paid.


Still, her reaction has got to me a bit. I'm just going to avoid them completely today!

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Had one hell of a palpitation lasting about 90 minutes. For a while I just thought it would go away but after half an hour or so it didn't stop so it kinda started to scare the crap out of me. Its fine now though.

Might go to a doctor or something i guess, this has been happening for a while.

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Blitz Game Studios Goes Under.


Know some people who worked there. Sad times.


Oh no, I don't know how we will cope! Blitz Games Studios - the purveyors of atrocious shovelware goes under! How we will live now the developer of Bad Boys Miami Takedown, Bratz The Movie, The Biggest Loser: Ultimate Workout and SpongeBob's Surf and Skate Roadtrip are now I gone I don't know!!


If anyone was shocked these guys went under, they just need to read the list of games they developed!

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Oh no, I don't know how we will cope! Blitz Games Studios - the purveyors of atrocious shovelware goes under! How we will live now the developer of Bad Boys Miami Takedown, Bratz The Movie, The Biggest Loser: Ultimate Workout and SpongeBob's Surf and Skate Roadtrip are now I gone I don't know!!


If anyone was shocked these guys went under, they just need to read the list of games they developed!


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Oh no, I don't know how we will cope! Blitz Games Studios - the purveyors of atrocious shovelware goes under! How we will live now the developer of Bad Boys Miami Takedown, Bratz The Movie, The Biggest Loser: Ultimate Workout and SpongeBob's Surf and Skate Roadtrip are now I gone I don't know!!


And the employer of hundreds of people that woke up this morning without a job after years of service.

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And the employer of hundreds of people that woke up this morning without a job after years of service.


I feel a certain amount of empathy for those who lost their jobs.


However, seeing the ludicrous responses to their closure (especially on Eurogamer) makes me laugh. The stench of insincerity and forced sadness is all around!


I highly doubt any of us played any games developed by Blitz Games. They produced third rate crap that won't be missed by anyone. No one here will miss their output.


What's more, Eurogamer (and other sites) would have reviewed games produced by Blitz Games in an utter mocking fashion and would often have termed their output 'shovelware'. For them to do some tear jerking analysis of why the company failed, but actually neglect to mention the products they sold were rubbish is really missing the point!


I could understand sadness over a studio closing if they had produced critically acclaimed and highly inventive and playable titles that simply hadn't sold. For example, when Cing closed I was sad because they had just produced Little King's Story which was an amazing game that just didn't sell. I felt there was a sense of injustice in a Studio like Cing shutting its doors when studios like Blitz Games continued to turn a profit spewing forth utter garbage!


So whilst yes, it is sad that people will have to wake up without a job. But the passing of Blitz Games is not a sad day, they are a developer who have routinely churned out utter rubbish and have finally paid the price. Outside of those losing a job, I doubt anyone will miss them.


Let's put it like this: If a week before the closure Eurogamer had run an article on Blitz Games and their output, the comments would all have been about the fact their games were crap. There would also have been a healthy amount of discussion over how developers like this are bad for the industry. Now they're gone it's all 'RIP' and 'aren't we sad'. As I said, the stench of insincerity and forced sadness is all around!

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@Zechs Merquise It doesn't really matter what quality games the company makes. The point of Goafer's comment wasn't so much the company, but the people he knows who are now out of a job.


If there was a thread posted in general gaming reporting on the news, then sure, state your opinion there. However, this situation was not really appropriate for that kind of comment.


If a bad actor died, you wouldn't go to his wife and hell her that her husband sucked.

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However, seeing the ludicrous responses to their closure (especially on Eurogamer) makes me laugh.


Well...don't tell us, tell the people over at Eurogamer.


Goafer explicitly said that he knows people who worked there - which I think is the bad stuff -, and I'm pretty sure nightwolf's response was in reference to that.


Here's a tip: If you want to post a first response to something, think about what you want to say, and don't make it sound like you're an asshole (not implying you are one)

Yes, your second post explained a lot, and you kinda apologized, but you wouldn't have needed it, if you thought for just a moment.


Edit: Yeah, thanks @Cube, now I look like an idiot



Edited by drahkon
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Right, that's it. I've kept particularly quiet because I don't usually care. However.


@Zechs Merquise you heartless little bastard. Either shut the hell up or get off the damn forums. I do not care if BlitzGames did not make triple A titles, @Goafer posted that he knew people from that studio and it is beyond irritating and rude to speak the way you have.


Perhaps you should try keeping a studio alive for 23 years and then we can discuss you when you go under, I don't care what Eurogamer thinks about them, it takes a lot of hard work to keep a studio in this day and age alive.

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I think this has been blown a bit out of proportion.


It is sad that they have lost their jobs. The personal lives are probably ruined. I felt my life was ruined when I was made redundant earlier this year. Everything appeared to crumble away. Yeah their games looked wank but losing your job is awful!


What I dont like is seeing posts on here wishing Zechs to die or calling him a bastard and throwing personal insults around just because he expressed an opinion that some here did not like. I think that kind of behaviour should be reserved to private messaging or if you think it contravenes any forum rules then message a mod. Otherwise it creates a hostile environment which quite frankly is bang out of order.


In future if you dont like his posts then ignore them.

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I have not broken any of the rules of the board. I have no insulted anyone. I have simply offered an opinion - which is that Blitz Games basically ended up where they deserved because of the appalling products they released!


However the childish and insulting responses mixed with the ridiculous hysteria is frankly bewildering! I am not laughing at people losing their jobs, I am not directly insulting anyone who has lost their job and to equate my post to going and laughing at a widow who has just lost husband is absurd!


On a gaming forum I have made comment that I don't believe the closure of a gaming studio is a loss to the industry.


It's funny how so many people on this forum are so easily wounded by something as small as a difference of opinion or someone holding a point of view that doesn't nestle comfortably within their bubble.

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It's not simply a difference of opinion. Are you so ignorant? Goafer posted saying he was sad his friends were out of a job and you're saying 'nevermind, their job didn't matter in the first place'. For once can you just consider someone's feelings before you post. You belittle everyone else on this forum. No you don't use insults but you are rude and you are offensive.

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