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Birthday Saturday, I will be 30. Depressed about that, but what is most saddening is the hope that I'd have a big bash or something to take the sting away... I looked through my address book and realised that well, I actually have no friends. Everybody I know are people I work with/my staff.


New Years Resolution: Get some friends, you sad fuck.

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Turns out some tosspot in Japan has attempted to log into my Facebook account. Strange I've always left myself logged in so I never have to input a password so no idea how they managed to gain access to it. Possibly malware/spyware on my computer.


Does leave me a little worried about whether they've accessed any of my other accounts, like my University stuff or my online banking. Gonna have to get that checked out rather swiftly.


edit: Should say that if anyone has received any messages, PM or otherwise from this account, can they let me know. That way I can sort of see how far this person has gotten in terms of accessing my accounts/stuff :)

Edited by Ganepark32
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Hooray, we have been told today that basically our jobs will be moved to Turkey and Romania over the next 6 months, meaning we will lose our jobs. They are currently saying that there will be no redundancies and people will be resourced to different projects... but there is about 150 or so people who will need to be resourced and I don't see that happening.



So now the job hunting starts again... yet there doesn't seem to be anything going at all. =(

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I have a house mate who is named Dave. He's a trainee accountant. Extrapolate everything you need to know from there as to why I don't like him.


Ah, I understand.


Accountants are well known for their love of dragon-breath as a pencil-sharpening aid, so I'm guessing he's got a small-to-medium-sized dragon locked up in his room. Also, dragons are ALL about playing the banjo: so I bet the dragon is up until the wee hours strumming on its banjo and singing off-key American folk songs.


Furthermore, EVERYBODY knows that accountants only eat the freshest leprechauns, better if killed on the day of consumption. Leprechaun blood is a BITCH to get out of the carpet so I wouldn't be surprised if he's always using up all your fabric stain remover.


God, I feel terrible for you, man. We're all here for you.

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At the Autosports Car Show yesterday, I just so happened to stumble across one artwork/prints stand that had basically stolen and were selling one of my motorsport photo's as canvas prints [there were two on the stand and probably more out the back].


They'd either downloaded the image from RedBubble and photoshopped out the watermark, or bought a copy of it and scanned it in. They've done a bit of photoshop on it (a helmet, lightened the blur in places), but yeah...







The Sellers




Somewhat confronted them about it, but I was pretty stunned and didn't really know what to say at the time [i've thought of stuff since], plus they were pretty hard. Basically told me to fuck off.

Edited by Retro_Link
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You have photographic evidence. Did you take a photo of the sellers themselves? you could easily take them to court.
Yeah I photographed them, the rest of the stand and the stand name.


I could take them to court but I don't really know where to start, and they were two pretty aggressive men, I'd be a bit concerned about it.

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Yeah I photographed them, the rest of the stand and the stand name.


I could take them to court but I don't really know where to start, and they were two pretty aggressive men, I'd be a bit concerned about it.


Best starting point would probably be the Citizens Advice Bureaux.

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CAB will not be much assistance here as they do not specialise in IP law. Where are abouts do you live? You may wish to seek advice from a firm that specialises in intellectual property and hopefully can advise you regarding an injunction. Im a lawyer myself but unfortunately do not specalise in that area.

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So an intellectual property lawyer is the way to go? I might look into that. Are there costs, or do you get them refunded or?


And also what would I stand to gain, obviously they stop selling it (you'd hope), but would I get a look at any profit they've been making off me?


I was SO pissed off yesterday by it, it couldn't believe it.

That should be me there selling prints of my work if anything, not some fuckers who said they get their images off the internet etc...

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