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bad stuff thread.


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Imagine doing your shopping in Tesco, Asda, Sainsbury's etc and a theme tune constantly plays. This is what my local super market does in Japan and some one for some unknown reason thought it would be a good song to upload to Youtube.



Why is this in the bad stuff thread?????


I imagine it's like going into a Pokémart!

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My cousin posted on facebook "Thinking of you on your birthday Nan. I'm sure you're up there with Pop peacefully x"


And my mind was racing.


Nan died? When? Why didn't anyone tell me? What's going on?


Then I realised the with Pop bit. Holy shit wtf have I been missing?!


Then I realised that most people have two sets of grandparents.


After I posted a comment saying, essentially, "wtf"


And that clearly I've forgotten my Nan's birthday.


In my defence, it's unusual for both sets of grandparents to have the same 'names' - especially pop for the grandfather. But still... awwwkwaard. [/wesleymoment

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My cousin posted on facebook "Thinking of you on your birthday Nan. I'm sure you're up there with Pop peacefully x"


And my mind was racing.


Nan died? When? Why didn't anyone tell me? What's going on?


Then I realised the with Pop bit. Holy shit wtf have I been missing?!


Then I realised that most people have two sets of grandparents.


After I posted a comment saying' date=' essentially, "wtf"


And that clearly I've forgotten my Nan's birthday.


In my defence, it's unusual for both sets of grandparents to have the same 'names' - especially [i']pop[/i] for the grandfather. But still... awwwkwaard. [/wesleymoment


Are you sure that it couldn't be the grandparents that you don't share? Either your aunt/uncle's parents aren't related to you in some way, so you might not have missed anything.

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Are you sure that it couldn't be the grandparents that you don't share? Either your aunt/uncle's parents aren't related to you in some way, so you might not have missed anything.


That's what he's sating - they are his cousin's other grandparents and that he's realised that he has no idea when his Grandma's birthday is.

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I am feeling like shit right now...


Our car broke down again this morning. Third time in like, two months. It has to go to the garage again. Stupid car... Wasting our money on repairs...


Because of this I was late for work so I now have to stay longer (which is fine). But I just received a call from my bank about fraud, but because I am at work I couldn't pick up the phone (listened to the voice mail). They want me to call them back but I have no credit... And I also can't top up because apparently my card is blocked now or something. :(



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What a shiiiiiit day. On so many levels.


Yesterday, the road that leads to my work was flooded. The car had to swim through water, and another car had broken down on the way there as it couldn't handle the water. Today, my car wouldn't start. I predicted that the starter motor had gone, and it had done. AA came out, started me up, after which I drove to the garage.


Today was important as we have our class assembly, as well as the Harvest assembly in the afternoon. I missed the class assembly, meaning the class had to do it by themselves. They did well apparently, but I would have liked to have been there.


When I took the car to the garage, I ended up having to walk home about 30 or so minutes. I then got a phonecall from a work friend who offered to drive back and pick me up, which was nice. I had enough time to get another shower as I needed one, to wash away the rage.


Got into work and there was absolutely no point in me being there today. We did fuck all apart from rehearse. I did no teaching whatsoever, nobody had a clue what they were doing, and it was chaotic. So, that was annoying.


I picked up the car after work, only to find that when driving up-hill, the engine warning light started flashing. Only on hills. I took the car back to the garage, to which they said that it needed more work (after looking again) and that it would cost me an additional 90 quid, as well as the 136 for the starter motor and labour.


To top it all off, I lost my final Xpert11 match of the season against Ellmeister, which meant I finished second instead of first. A lovely way to kick a guy when he is down.

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Another party until about 7am last night. Urgh. At one point (around 6) I opened my door and said "I'm trying to fucking sleep".


When I got back today (left around 9am so suffice to say they were sleeping) she said sorry and I just said "but it's not the first time, is it? And it won't be the last" and she thought forcing a hug upon me would make it up. Her excuse? "You know I can't help it when I'm drunk" to which I said "you can, you're an adult".


Just come to realise I don't like my job, I don't like my home environment and I'm becoming a sad and angry person because of it.


Plus I was going to apply for a new job at a company I really want to work for this weekend. Checked their site today and the job is no longer listed.

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Another party until about 7am last night. Urgh. At one point (around 6) I opened my door and said "I'm trying to fucking sleep".

You're such an old man, Ashley. Which is why when you say "around 6", I can't help thinking you're talking about 6 PM.


Maybe next time you get an opportunity to move out, you'll take it. :p

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6am :p I'd be forgiving if it was now and then, but it's been the majority of Fridays and Saturdays for the last three months.


The main reason I didn't was because it would cost more, I wish to leave my job and didn't want to end up in a situation whereby I couldn't afford not to.

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