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Moral of the story - don't buy Beats haha.


I would never buy them myself, they seem like overpriced earphones and I've had so many customers email/ring us to say they broke (it usually is one of the ears that just stops working). And this usually seems to happen quite early too. You'd expect something so expensive to be a bit more durable... =/

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I've pretty much given up on headphones and just use my inbuilt laptop speakers these days. At least they don't break every few months. :indeed:



@Aneres11 How did you not rant all this off to me before when we were having coffee? lol.


I suppose I was talking a lot... :hmm:

You should consider yourself lucky! :p

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@Aneres11 How did you not rant all this off to me before when we were having coffee? lol.


I suppose I was talking a lot... :hmm:


Lol I did mean to mention it actually!

But I kept forgetting ha. And like Magnus says - prob a good thing haha.


That seems like bullshit. Surely you can complain about the poor service and apparently faulty batch of headphones?


Yup - I certainly will be.

Not to Currys - they just sell them and we're great yesterday when I exchanged.


But I'm gonna call Monster tomorrow and I am gonna kick THE FUCK off haha.

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Awww, any plans to return? My memory apparently doesn't last 11 weeks, did work put you there or did your contract there end?


I was working there temporarily for some project, but now its come to an end. I don't know if I'll come back, unless its a holiday in the future. But I'll be ok, just one of those feelings, like when you have a really awesome holiday.




They (evil IT) blocked Spotify at work. Felt low this morning. Discovered Rdio (sorry @nightwolf - but please hurry up with the Spotify web interface) and feel better now.


Bless you! Just bug them to allow it through? Buggers.

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I'm not sure if it's a good or bad sign that a police helicopter is flying round pretty low at this time of night.


Especially with the nearby tragedy earlier today - the two policewomen getting killed - and how the monster is in the police station near me, which has received threats from the killer's associates.

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Moral of the story - don't buy Beats haha.

I was tempted to buy some headphones which were over £100, but then thought how stupid that would be.


HOWEVER! Rappers only use one headphone when they're singing bullshit anyway, you should know that already. They're trying to give you the true rapper experience and you're complaining thinking they were normal headphones?

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I was tempted to buy some headphones which were over £100, but then thought how stupid that would be.


HOWEVER! Rappers only use one headphone when they're singing bullshit anyway, you should know that already. They're trying to give you the true rapper experience and you're complaining thinking they were normal headphones?


That doesn't really make any sense what so ever.


Beats are not trying to give you a 'rapping' experience - they may be worn by rappers or other musicians in videos etc, but I didn't buy them so I could listen to or look like 50 cent. No thank you! Ha.


Like I said I used a pair before mine originally broke for around 10 months and they were the best headphones I have ever used and well worth their price tag. However after them breaking and me having another 2 pairs that have also broke it would seem they are poorly made and not built to last.


Buying expensive headphones is not a silly thing to do if you listen to music a lot and you want to get the best possible listening experience.


My next set are £200 - once I have enough money for them, they're mine!

I have researched for about 3 hours before deciding on this pair as they seem perfect for the kind of music I listen to, and the reviews are nothing but glowing from consumers and 'tech experts' alike.


For those interested:




The reason you pay so much is the technology used and the materials they're made from. In the Beats case - it's just the name, as evidenced in my experience. But those above are made of metal, kevlar and gold ha. The kevlar stops the wire tangling, fraying and breaking and the steel buds mean they wont break if dropped / stood on etc. The biggest thing though is the sound quality. And everyone is unanimous in saying they will blow you away.

The ear pieces have 2 speakers per bud which is not something often used in headphones like this. The reviews speak for themselves.


I went for ages using the Apple standard headphones and when I got my Beats I was stunned at how poor the Apple ones are. Like seriously. It is offensive for me to listen to my music through those now and anyone who uses cheap headphones but listens to music a lot owes it to themselves to buy a decent pair. Ha. I'm not sayin all go and spend £200 - but you can get a decent set for £60 or so if you do some research beforehand. I'm taking the plunge with the expensive set coz I have my money back from the Beats I bought and these seem too good to ignore.

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Even £30 earphones give you fantastic audio quality and you can get noise cancelling ones too.


I think a lot of people just don't really care about the quality of the music (as long as it isn't really poor, obviously) and don't want to have to pay more money for earphones. Plus the Apple earphones are iconic.

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Yeah I agree with all the above.


Anything is better than the Apple headphones ha. Although they have changed them for their new iPhone / iPod! Better - but still shit according to the early reviews ha.


I am a bit OCD with my music - I don't illegally download, nor do I rip from youtube or anything like that. I buy it all - preferably physical copies, as a dodgy MP3 file can sound like shit through decent headphones.

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Like I said I used a pair before mine originally broke for around 10 months and they were the best headphones I have ever used and well worth their price tag. However after them breaking and me having another 2 pairs that have also broke it would seem they are poorly made and not built to last.


Buying expensive headphones is not a silly thing to do if you listen to music a lot and you want to get the best possible listening experience.

I do listen to music alot, and I believe that my current collection of headphones provide more than an adequate quality of sound delivery. I daresay that were I to try some of these Beats headphones I may, just may notice a slight increase in quality - but nowhere near something which deserves paying a price tag in the triple figures. But if you want to piss away your money like this - have at it.

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I do listen to music alot, and I believe that my current collection of headphones provide more than an adequate quality of sound delivery. I daresay that were I to try some of these Beats headphones I may, just may notice a slight increase in quality - but nowhere near something which deserves paying a price tag in the triple figures. But if you want to piss away your money like this - have at it.


What I do with my money has fuck all to do with you. Making comments like that just makes you look even more of a dick and you did a great job of that before that comment anyway. So well done. :)

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What I do with my money has fuck all to do with you. Making comments like that just makes you look even more of a dick and you did a great job of that before that comment anyway. So well done. :)

When you start a discussion on a forum about how your purchases IE what you do with your money - have affected you, don't expect every reply to be sympathetic. Yes, you may get dicks like me disagreeing with someone spending stupid amounts of money on a pair of headphones but if you don't want to get comments like this, don't post in the first place.

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So i've been having a few problems at night, i think i might be starting to hallucinate when i wake up which is pretty wierd.


A few nights ago i was in bed and woke up around 3:00am and saw a floating, glowing box a few feet from my door. I stared at it for a while and then it just disapeared, scared the crap out of me though. The other instance happened just this morning.


I was asleep in my bed and woke up around 6:00am and saw this guy sitting in my chair across from my bed, he had his back to me and didn't move. I was obviously freaked out and turned on my light but when i did he disapeared.


scared Martins is scared.

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A few nights ago i was in bed and woke up around 3:00am and saw a floating, glowing box a few feet from my door. I stared at it for a while and then it just disapeared, scared the crap out of me though. The other instance happened just this morning.




Seriously though, that might be worth a check up.

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