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Just a brain fart' date=' really. Cow, pig, dog, donkey, monkey, rat, rabbit. Love how they each have different connotations when you're using them to insult [i']people[/i]. I wonder how easy it would be to try and introduce different ones, like rhino, hamster, koala. Hard to see koala as a negative though.


In Cantonese, babies/kids are called koalas when they're very attached to their parents and cry when they're separated - e.g. clinging onto them like a koala clings onto a tree. It's not an insulting term though XD

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While I had a pretty good day, there is such little annoyances in my mind.


- Can not seem to find ANY sort of accommodation for college even though it starts this monday and I have been searching since, at least, April ;______; So I am a traveling gypsy sponging off my friends for a while until I find somewhere..


-I was supposed to meet up with the guy I´ve been sorta seeing for the past few months today. He cancelled because he was with his friends, he did this last week too. I dunno, I haven´t seen him in 2 months so I thought he´d be pretty excited to meet up but he sounds hesitant. bleurgh, it could be all in my head though. he´s studying medicine etc. so he´s always busy (/moan)


I have some wine to share with my friends anyway to forget about this for a night. class, eh?

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-I was supposed to meet up with the guy I´ve been sorta seeing for the past few months today. He cancelled because he was with his friends, he did this last week too. I dunno, I haven´t seen him in 2 months so I thought he´d be pretty excited to meet up but he sounds hesitant. bleurgh, it could be all in my head though. he´s studying medicine etc. so he´s always busy (/moan)


I have some wine to share with my friends anyway to forget about this for a night. class, eh?


Pffft, Medicine students party hard...if you're smart enough to get into the course, it's not busy or difficult - popular misconception! :) Maybe he's just feeling shy or nervous?

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Medicine is probably the most "busy" course you can do at university in terms of the sheer content you have to go through. There's a lot more memorisation that you have to do. I had a lot of friends at uni who rarely came out because they were on a medicine degree and had early morning lab assignments every day of the week followed by clinical rotation in a hospital. So don't worry, it might just be that ;)

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Medicine is probably the most "busy" course you can do at university in terms of the sheer content you have to go through. There's a lot more memorisation that you have to do. I had a lot of friends at uni who rarely came out because they were on a medicine degree and had early morning lab assignments every day of the week followed by clinical rotation in a hospital. So don't worry, it might just be that ;)

That's why I always get the Chinese people coming in at work when I'm on nights.

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Oh Ine I am sorry to hear you're having a rough time! Customer service is tough, never matter what the medium is and you're always going to have the odd person who can't be polite.


Definitely take some deep breaths and make yourself a big cup of tea, ask for 5 minutes out and then come back.


Works for me every time, also don't be afraid to ever tell your manager that you can't take a call, if they are being offensive or rude in any way, that's what your manager is there for!



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Right, you've talked about it before. Are there any solutions or other jobs in sight?


No other jobs around that I'm suitable for.


Oh Ine I am sorry to hear you're having a rough time! Customer service is tough, never matter what the medium is and you're always going to have the odd person who can't be polite.


Definitely take some deep breaths and make yourself a big cup of tea, ask for 5 minutes out and then come back.


Works for me every time, also don't be afraid to ever tell your manager that you can't take a call, if they are being offensive or rude in any way, that's what your manager is there for!




My manager/team leader told me to make that call as apparently I made a mistake (after a misinterpretation) and had to fix it, then left straight after to go home.


And after the call I had to go straight back onto chat as I was the only one on the late shift who can do chats. =(

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Just do what my wife does; have no job, live a life of leisure and spend all of the money you and Jim have on unnecessary clothes. :)

But seriously, can you survive financially if you quit? A job shouldn't make you miserable all of the time.


Nope, we wouldn't have enough money if I quit my job, that's the sad part. I'm basically stuck with it until I hopefully someday find something else. Not even sure what I would be looking for anyway, it all seems to be equally crap...

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Nope, we wouldn't have enough money if I quit my job, that's the sad part. I'm basically stuck with it until I hopefully someday find something else. Not even sure what I would be looking for anyway, it all seems to be equally crap...


If you're actively miserable and unhappy at your current place, you simply need to look for somewhere else, and fast. There might be other customer services places, but you don't know what they'll be like until you join. Your colleauges, and the way that the company is run can have a huge impact on your happiness, and from the sounds of it, your manager could be a lot more supportive!


You should have a look for similar jobs, and when they ask you why you're leaving (smart phone place) just tell them the truth, that its poorly run, no support and etc.

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I do customer support for smartphones, mostly through email and chat now, but this one was a call.


Do not like. :(

Awwww * huggings *


I know the feeling, I used to deal with arsey customers at a call centre. In fact I still get it in Tescos. Like you're the only one who can do chat on lates - I'm the only one who can sell alcohol/other restricted goods on lates.



On my bad note though - has anyone had any problems with Amazon recently? I ordered something on their "Prime" service last week and it has yet to arrive. I've sent them a rather short email demanding a refunds/resends.

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Warning: Long ass post alert full of frustration!


Bought a pair of Dr Dre Beats last year due to absolutely hating the Apple standard headphones.


Loved them - until the headphone jack wire part started coming away revealing the copper wire.

Tried to tape it up then the left ear just died :red:.


Anyway, still in warranty so I called Monster and asked them if these could be repaired. This was the start of August. Was told that they had logged my case and the repair would happen and they'd email me at the middle of August to start the process. Thought it was strange having to wait to start a repair process, but went with it.


Gets to middle of Aug - no call / email. Rings them. Guy says - yeah we know you need a repair but we're gonna email you with the repair process at the end of August. So I'm all - wtf is with this we will email you in a few weeks to start the repair process. They guy couldn't answer but when pushed eventually said that they aren't going to repair my headphones - they've ordered me a new pair and when they get my faulty set they will just send out the new ones. But as they're not a warehouse they have had to order the new ones in before they can email me to 'start the repair process'.


So I let it go thinking - new pair of headphones is sweet. So gets to end of Aug - no call / email. Rings them. "Yeah, you'll get an email in the middle - end of September to start the repair process".


*Anger builds* :mad:


So I lose my rag and start ranting about how shit this service is and how I am going to be out of warranty if they continue to push my repair back. They guy just said there was nothing more they could do as they have ordered me a new pair and they are waiting on them before they 'start the repair process'.

So after the call I then get an email saying - thank you for your call. Your case has now been closed due to us not hearing form you since we last emailed.


*Anger bubbles over and I begin swearing* :mad:


So I rings back. 'Er yeah, ignore that email, we haven't closed your case. We'll be in touch in the middle of September to 'start the repair process'"

Almost lol worthy. So I let it drop.

It's now the middle of Sept - heard nothing.


But it doesn't end there folks. Oh no.


So. I decide 'fuck this', my ears cannot cope with Apple's dreadful headphones I've had to go back to using. Went and bought myself a new pair of the same headphones from Curry's about 3 weeks ago. I thought - once I get the repaired set (which at the time seemed likely ha) I will just sell them and make most of the money back.

All was dandy with the new set - and then the left ear started getting a bit quieter. And the yesterday morning it was almost a whisper whilst the right ear was blasting out as normal.


Takes them back to Curry's yesterday and they were great. Asked if I wanted a refund or exchange. Chose exchange as I like the headphones when they work. Brilliant bass and sound and they stay in my ears and have virtually no noise leakage.

Gets home, starts listening to them 'aahhhh' :) wonderful sound.


Plugs them in just then to listen to a bit of music whilst browsing the web - no sound in the left ear. Just fuzz.




That's 2 pairs of headphones in 3 weeks that have both just stopped working with the same fault. I have my original pair waiting for repair that were brilliant in the 10 months or so I had them, until the wire started fraying. Now I am gonna have to take a trip to Currys in my lunch hour tomorrow to sort it. This time though I am going for a refund. Just need to find an alternative.


Anyway if anyone wants me I am going to cry in a quiet corner to myself gently.


Moral of the story - don't buy Beats haha.

Edited by Aneres11
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