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bad stuff thread.


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Oh dear.


After getting the results back of an essay I did on the history of the Italian Language -- I received an 'F'. I've never failed anything before! Doing my other 2 essays later in the week left me really self-conscious. I've accepted this is what 1st year of college is though *sips wine*



Really? No one failed any essay in the first, or second year of my course.

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I did, I got a 38 for a 17th Century Literary Culture essay, which is about as riveting as it sounds. I hated the topic, so I got dosed up on caffeine and wrote about linguistics instead, and got fucking panned for not answering the question. But then, I was consciously being a dick so I deserved it. Made up for it with a rather boss 1st for 4/6 modules.

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Starbucks should send an email back to everyone simply saying "Thank you for making Starbucks a much nicer place by choosing to stay away".




A "Thank You" petition for Starbucks supporting gay rights:




Dump Starbucks: 21,513 signatures.

Thank You Starbucks: 276,405 signatures.


Faith in humanity restored.

Edited by Cube
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There's a sign on the only toilet door at work which says:




(toilet only)"



I have absolutely no idea what it means! There's just one toilet, one urinal and one sink. Is it only the toilet that is out of order? Or is the toilet the only thing that is working?


I jokingly pointed this out to my boss who said that it's the toilet you're meant to use but after a few seconds it clicked for him and he's equally confused now haha.

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Ordered new PC parts that were delivered at 8:53 on Wednesday but I was asleep like a normal human being and Parcel Force have ninja deliverymen that are trained to not ring doorbells or make any kind of noise at all.


Woke up early for the re-delivery today only to find they came a fucking hour earlier at around 7:55 - about 10 minutes after my parents left for work and about 30 mins before I got up :(


Dicks. They should throw pebbles at the windows or at least knock loudly enough to wake me up :p

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They slipped a card through saying they were going to keep it at the depot in Bristol and I could either go and get it myself or arrange redelivery. I was going to arrange to have it delivered on saturday but on my way to my mum's in London I got a phonecall from my stepsister saying they'd redelivered it. Now I feel bad for badmouthing them, the DICKS!

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I thought it was common knowledge that they don't actually try to deliver your stuff, but just leave a note claiming they did?


^ I did actually catch a delivery man trying to do this to me. His face was a picture of shock when I opened the door and asked him what the hell he was doing :D

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The Peeps, where you live brah.


This isn't exactly bad stuff,...but...we had an extremely irrate customer at work today. At the end of the call, I am 95% sure he called me a cunt. Because he just said "Okay, thanks......cunt" or something that sounded like cunt. I said "What did you just say?" which isn't necessarily the tone/wording (the tone was fine, the wording) that someone should say REALLY, (just in case I mis-heard him) but he said "Oh nothing, I'm just frustrated" and because this happened so fast, I just said "Oh okay sorry, I thought you called me a name" and he said no no I didn't blah blah, so I said sorry, okay I'll make sure that get sents now.THanks bye etc.


We were too busy to listen to the call, but I might try and do so tomorrow. I don't care if he did call me a cunt, rather I would feel bad if he didn't and I said that too him.


He WAS a cunt though, so it won't make me feel too bad. :p

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Don't know whether to put this in the good or bad stuff thread... but it's currently annoying me a bit so in here it goes. =P


My mom keeps sending me messages through txt and email and facebook asking me how I am and what I do all day... Today she sent me both an email and a txt, saying she was a bit worried because she hadn't heard from me in a while... I last sent her a message four days ago! Dear god woman. =P


So yeah my mom is probably missing me/is bored without me in the house, and it's a bit annoying haha.

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