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bad stuff thread.


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Have Sex or hang out with Pokémon Webmaster.


I know which I'd pick


Online dating - find someone that wants to have sex with a Pokémon Webmaster.


I know a good site to find a girl.


Quite the opposite, she's trying to decide between me and a girl.


Tell her to have both, together.


I'm the same. I'll learn to drive when I need to. Until then, it's a wasted expense


Yeah but learning to drive typically takes at least 6 months (depending on how often you have lessons), so if you learn to drive when you need to, you may already be too late.

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Getting this tax disc for my car is a pain in the bastard arse.


I wanted to do it nice and early, but didn't get the letter with the reference codes that I needed through the post until a week before it was due. It came, so I popped to the post office and took the letter and a few other documents.


Got there, and the man told me that there was one other thing that I needed. So, I thought "Fine, my mistake, I'll go back and get it." Did that. Got home, got my stuff, came back and got told that I needed something else. When I was there the first and second time, I was recommended to just do it online, so I went home and did it.


Ordered the disc, money got taken out of my account, got the email saying it should come in the post with the receipt. I went to Belgium to see Ine and have been ringing/texting home to find out if it has come yet, and it hasn't.


So annoying. They haven't got a problem with taking the money out of your account like there's no tomorrow. I checked my bank statement online and the money came out almost instantaneously. Of course, you can't reply to the email that they sent with the confirmation because it's automated. So, instead, you have to ring up their expensive helplines to sort out a problem because they haven't sent things through properly.

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Yeah but learning to drive typically takes at least 6 months (depending on how often you have lessons), so if you learn to drive when you need to, you may already be too late.


Pretty much this.


Unless you live in a city, driving is probably one of the most useful things you can learn. I'm fairly sure I got my petrol station job because I could drive. Even though other people could get there by bus, I could be more flexible if need be because I could just get in the car and come to work in an emergency/finish late if the next person didn't show up for their shift (whilst a replacement is found, not two shifts in a row).




I really do think learning to drive will help with the nervousness in cars too.

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Next time we're driving somewhere, I might just jump out of the car after yelling "fly or die my son, fly or die!"


That's how my father taught me how to drive. I'm sure I saw a tear in his eye as he bounced off down the road.

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Getting this tax disc for my car is a pain in the bastard arse.


I wanted to do it nice and early, but didn't get the letter with the reference codes that I needed through the post until a week before it was due. It came, so I popped to the post office and took the letter and a few other documents.


Got there, and the man told me that there was one other thing that I needed. So, I thought "Fine, my mistake, I'll go back and get it." Did that. Got home, got my stuff, came back and got told that I needed something else. When I was there the first and second time, I was recommended to just do it online, so I went home and did it.


Ordered the disc, money got taken out of my account, got the email saying it should come in the post with the receipt. I went to Belgium to see Ine and have been ringing/texting home to find out if it has come yet, and it hasn't.


So annoying. They haven't got a problem with taking the money out of your account like there's no tomorrow. I checked my bank statement online and the money came out almost instantaneously. Of course, you can't reply to the email that they sent with the confirmation because it's automated. So, instead, you have to ring up their expensive helplines to sort out a problem because they haven't sent things through properly.


That's odd, I've done a ridiculous amount of tax discs recently (I sometimes work with my mum and the company owns a large amount of vehicles, at one point I did 15 tax discs in one go, this is more a pain than people think as the website is stupid.) Plus my own last week, all turned up literally the day after.


As for the driving thing, I believe even N-E has records of how much I didn't want to drive and how shit I felt about lessons, as my parents basically told me to do it, but it's the best thing I've done, sure it cost a fortune and yes my parents probably didn't need to get such an expensive car..


But if I hadn't, I'd had such a ball ache moving during uni, my dad works away a lot so he can't exactly help all the time, then going to Cambridge for Jagex, the guy who trained with me, didn't drive and he had to leave two hours or so before our shifts, which when your doing night-shift work, is such a pain. He only lived the other side of town too!


I'd say maybe getting yourself a moped, it's less expensive and the cbt takes a day to do, it lasts two years and then you can renew it and on the third renewal you have to take your next bike test, but by then you might have a car.


Plus mopeds are cheaper to buy, it might be a slightly less expensive option? :)

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I'm fairly sure I got my petrol station job because I could drive.

I think out of all the people who work at our petrol station, only one or two can drive. It's amazing. Especially when people start asking you about what oil to buy and you drop the bombshell.

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Yeah ive been told that a lot and I probably agree but the nervousness is also the reason I havent started taking lessons. Unfortunately you have to get over that first.


I had that as well. But just ring up an instructor and book your first lesson. Everything else will fall into place.

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its all very well and good not driving if you live in a city... but for most of us mere mortals, a car is pretty essential. Theres only really 3 options here; 1/ Move to where you work, 2/ Learn to drive, 3/ Don't work..


All three are pretty expensive if you think about it, and parents can't be relied on forever. I think you probably know the answer, its just getting past the trauma of that accident. :)





kinda relevant and a bit ironic....lol... my cars oxygen sensor is a dud, gotta get a replacement at around £200 after labour and tax... and not that long ago i got a light and my windscreen wipers replaced... bloody expensive cars.. XD


And I got the letter for my MOT, and my cars due a service..... another.... maybe £300 if nothing significant needs done... Argh

Edited by Raining_again
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I like the moped idea above. Since I got my scooter I've been loving it and my transport related out goings are basically nothing.


£300 for a service? What the heck are you driving? Even the Lotus was only £230 a time.

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And I got the letter for my MOT, and my cars due a service..... another.... maybe £300 if nothing significant needs done... Argh


It's not actually a legal requirement to get your car serviced so there's no obligation to do it unless you feel you need it. However, if your car is under warranty then the warranty will be void if you don't get it serviced as in the T&Cs.

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I like the moped idea above. Since I got my scooter I've been loving it and my transport related out goings are basically nothing.


£300 for a service? What the heck are you driving? Even the Lotus was only £230 a time.


MOT & service for my ford fiesta - £130.


I could have gotten it for cheaper, but I refuse to pay for kwik fit. Shame, given the ones in Sheffield were pretty good.

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Or you could just service it yourself. Sure you can't give it a full service with all the checks without having the proper equipment, but anyone can give there car an oil/air filter change. That's all you need most services. Then after a few take it in to get any necessary belts and whatnot done.

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With regards to the driving topic, I love driving.


It opened up so many more opportunities for me in work & social aspects.


Serebii - With regards to the relationships problem, A car is a way to get out and about and meet more people. Even simple things like offering lifts home for people. Okay that means you may have to be a designated driver now and again, but i've taken friends to town before, stayed in town with them, and ended up taking different people who i've been introduced to home; who i've then gone onto be good friends with.


Happenstance - I was very very against driving, I was learning and 6 lessons into it my first time round, then when I was a passenger in my friends car, he put his car into a tree instead of turning, which resulted in me breaking my collar bone and needing stitches in my head, while my friend suffered a broken nose. From that point on I stopped lessons, and went back to Buses, but It was ruining my life, I was getting to college late, getting home from college late due to relying on buses and trains, And like you, was one awkward passenger when in a car.


I waited about a year, started lessons up again, and managed to pass both theory and practical exams first time after 10 lessons, since then never crashed and I consider myself a very cautious and careful driver.



And yeah as for work.... If I couldn't drive I'd of never got a job at the Ministry of Defence, and wouldn't be working where I am now (middle of no-where near the severn Bridge)


Would of missed out on some great events like festivals and such, even the little things like popping to the mall or cinema, if I weren't driving I'd rarely go, but due to the wheels I rinse orange wednesday almost every other week.

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Guys, I dont wanna sound rude or anything but I just posted in the thread to vent my frustrations over the bus situation, not for help. Ive had this problem with cars for a few years now so ive heard all the arguments for it before and while its great some of you can just say book lessons or whatever, its just not that simple for me.

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Guys, I dont wanna sound rude or anything but I just posted in the thread to vent my frustrations over the bus situation, not for help. Ive had this problem with cars for a few years now so ive heard all the arguments for it before and while its great some of you can just say book lessons or whatever, its just not that simple for me.


I don't even have a provisional license. Although the Manchester/Stockport area is pretty good for public transport, so it gives me little incentive to want to learn to drive, so I'm very lucky with that.


Actually, the biggest problem with the service is the roads themselves. So if I did have a car I would just be stuck in exactly the same traffic.

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Guys, I dont wanna sound rude or anything but I just posted in the thread to vent my frustrations over the bus situation, not for help. Ive had this problem with cars for a few years now so ive heard all the arguments for it before and while its great some of you can just say book lessons or whatever, its just not that simple for me.



Sorry man, didn't mean to come across like that, Just sharing a similar story to you about car accident and such. I guess accidents can effect people in different ways, when you feel ready and have more reason to drive I guess you will.


: peace:

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