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That really got to me... :sad: I'm really sorry to hear about your gran Captain Falcon and I offer my sincerest condolonces, I lost my gran a year or two back and my grandfather the year before that so I know how hard it can be.


Hang in there and be strong for your family, especially your parents... but don't forget to grieve in your own way as it's important to do so. *hugs*

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My condolences, Captain :( I wish you and your family all the best.




I can't access N-Europe when I'm at the academy on weekdays :/ "Access denied. Reason: Anonymous Proxies." :( So I can only come here on weekends, but it's difficutl to catch up with everything...

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He went to the vet with for a thyroid check-up, they found a lump in on stomach. They don't know what it is yet, but they've already said that they won't be able to operate due to his age (he's 16).


He's had an X-ray now and the vet confirmed that he has cancer. They can't do much about it so it doesn't look like he'll be around for much longer.

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Cube I'm really sorry to hear that :( I know this probably won't mean much to you right now but at least you've given him an awesome life thus far, no cat could ask for more than to belong to a happy home. *hugs*

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Hands up all those who were hospitalised last night?


*raises hand foppishly*


Turns out the cause of the bleeding and sickness was kidney stones after all, but somehow the first hospital missed them.


10pm last night I was peeing like a novelty fish pond gnome, with a lovely burning sensation to boot. Then at 2am this morning I had the mother of all pains in my left flank, and despite my best efforts to control the pain with my Jedi-like self-discipline, after an hour I woke up Mrs Iun who called an ambulance.


You would not BELIEVE this pain, it's supposed to be like the worst agny your body can endure next to childbirth: but I was so manly about it at the hospital, all the Chinese people were like "wow, look at that handsome, sexually appealing English guy in his Garfield Pajamas and cheap bamboo slippers...he's clearly some kind of Urban Commando in the way he's standing upright and enduring the most excruciating pain without saying a word."


They gave me pain killers which last all of thirty minutes, thanks to my hyperactive liver, but luckily the pain subsided after about two hours. What had happened was that a stone that has been in my left kidney for the last four years had grown so big and dropped into my bladder, that was the cause of the horrific pain. Now I have to pass a 1cm stone throug an opening that, to the best of my knowledge, is about 4mm when fully dilated.


I am so looking forward to that.

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Oh motherfucking Jesus. Well, isn't there some sort of ultrasound treatment you can undergo to attempt to reduce the size of the stone before you pass it? Good luck with that ish man, ask for some Vicodin.


There's supposed to be some kind of sound-based technique that can smash them into smaller pieces. However, my understanding is that there's nowhere in Shanghai that can do it.


Not to worry though, I'm so masculine and beefy that passing a jagged lump of rock-solid calcium through my tiny pee-hole doesn't scare me in the least.

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Not to worry though, I'm so masculine and beefy that passing a jagged lump of rock-solid calcium through my tiny pee-hole doesn't scare me in the least.


Good luck Soldier! There'll be a medal waiting for you when the job is done. :bowdown:

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