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I would definitely dispute the payout quote. They need to pay out at amount that would allow you to replace the car. If the price the part ex place was willing to pay is £500 more before they've even added on their profit, there's no way you could replace the car with the current offer from the insurance company.


No indeed.


Found out the work to repair my car is 1800. She really did a number on it. No wonder I feel shite today.

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In three hours, I'm gonna lost 95% of my space ships I spent few years building in this ridiculously yet addicted game to a high rank player who used a P2W method for a most profitable HOF (Hall of Fame) hit. FML.



I lost 800K points worth in ships and a moon so I dropped from #150 to #160 under 12 hours. At least I managed to save 30KK resources from the attacker and two free moonshots attempts to replace my popped moon.

Edited by DriftKaiser
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In three hours, I'm gonna lost 95% of my space ships I spent few years building in this ridiculously yet addicted game to a high rank player who used a P2W method for a most profitable HOF (Hall of Fame) hit. FML.



I lost 800K points worth in ships and a moon so I dropped from #150 to #160 under 12 hours. At least I managed to save 30KK resources from the attacker and two free moonshots attempts to replace my popped moon.


This appears to be English, so I know I should understand it, but...

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Bought a 24 x 36" frame which I thought would fit my Zelda Symphony posters (the 25th Anniversary one has basically been rolled up not long after the event), however upon arrival I find the frame too small. Luckily the purchase wasn't a total waste as I put my RoboCop movie poster in there instead.


Now I have to find a decently priced 27 x 40" frame.


Actually, two of them.


Maybe three, if I can't flog the second Majora's Mask one.

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I've been caught up in a load of drama. My sister and one of her friends have fallen out. However, her husband has become friends with her. She's annoyed because she comes around the house still. However, I'm pretty sure she's upset because they're no longer friends.


On top of this...well, some of you may remember the person I was obsessed with? Well, it's the same person. We've become good friends since then, so I'm also kind of in the middle of it. Personally, I get the impression that they've both pissed each other off and they both just need to apologise to each other. However, they've both too stubborn to do so.

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Had my nephews funeral today which was so hard. It's been a terrible month but the wait for this day has been on everyone's mind. Everyone has taken it pretty badly so it's weird being the strong one for once, I've never seen my mom in such an emotional state.


But the worst is over with now, we've said our goodbyes and we'll always remember him but hopefully, my brother and his wife especially, can start healing now and look to the future.

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I hope I can get some advice on this. The situation with my sister is a bit more complicated than I thought. Anyway, my sister's husband is naturally....well, I'm not sure how to explain this but he's quite...playful. Which looks a bit odd to an observer, but it's just how it is and completely harmless. Secondly, my sister is also suffering from depression, and I think I may know what's going though her mind, especially as her husband is still good friends with the person my sister has fallen out with (this friend and my brother-in-law used to hate each other, too).


Anyway, I think I need to explain how depression can cause the worst to pop into your head, even if you don't believe it (I'm 100% certain that nothing is going on). Here's what I plan on saying


First of all, this is incredibly difficult for me to talk about, and putting it into the right words is even harder.


Depression can mess with your thoughts, sometimes in ways you can't help. Now, I just want to say I'm really, really sorry for what I'm about to say, and I hope you realise that I don't believe it one bit, I'm just trying to explain how depression can warp your mind, and possibly explain why [sISTER] is so upset (just so you know, she hasn't talked to me about anything like this).


The few times that I've seen you together, you and [GIRL] seem a bit too friendly - now, you're also like this with [OTHER FRIEND] so I definitely know that it's just how you are with people. The problem is that depression can cause the worst thoughts to pop into your head and even if you don't believe those thoughts, it digs at you.


Now, I know something isn't going on, and I really hope you're not angry that the thought did pop into my head. I have many other horrible thoughts pop into my head (like that everyone hates me and are just too polite to tell me to leave them alone). You try and push them away, but they just nag at you. As I said, talking about this is difficult and I'd much rather ignore it and live in my own little world, but I want to explain in the hope that you can better understand what [sISTER] is going through.


I should also point out that I'm pretty sure that my thoughts are further manipulated by my jealousy over your friendship with [GIRL], my brain feels like such as mess when she's involved. I wish I didn't have these thoughts, and I wish I didn't have these feelings for [GIRL], but I just can't control them.


As I've already said, it's just speculation that [sISTER] may have similar thoughts (depression affects people differently), and I'm pretty sure she knows that you're fully committed to her (I know you are, you definitely care about her a lot), but I hope you understand so you can be more wary about how simple stuff can cause the worst to pop into your mind.


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I wish I could offer you some advice Cube, all I can say is that you're not alone in your depression, I suffer from it to albeit to a lesser degree but it certainly does have a habit of altering your thoughts somewhat.


I hope things manage to work out I really do.

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I would definitely dispute the payout quote. They need to pay out at amount that would allow you to replace the car. If the price the part ex place was willing to pay is £500 more before they've even added on their profit, there's no way you could replace the car with the current offer from the insurance company.


Well it looks like the choice was made for me. This is both good and bad hang on.


Whilst I was away the third party insurance told my local garage that they were going to fix my car. Yay!


Yesterday they told me their engineers had looked at it and the damage was more likely closer to £2000 than £1800 and that meant my car is deemed a 'write off'.


So now I'm taking the disposal (keeping the car they'd have given me £1600 ish) and should get £2000 to go buy a new one.


At that price I'm happy for it to be crushed into a cube, because now the car is 1. 10 years old 2. Would likely be way more than that to fix.


So tomorrow (the good bit) my folks and I are looking for new cars. Yipee! (More debt is bad though shhhh).

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Car shopping is the best type of retail therapy. That's just science.


Haha, I've only ever shopped for one car and I had no say in it whatsoever, though I was incredibly thankful for my first car.


Today is more 'here's 2 grand, you can pay the rest, go find something pretty.'


aww yiss.:yay:


Though sad about letting my first car go, it's a bit different knowing it's going to be crushed and not being driven by someone else. :blank:

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Though sad about letting my first car go, it's a bit different knowing it's going to be crushed and not being driven by someone else. :blank:


I quite like the send off my car got. It was a mkIII fiesta that was working fine, very little rust (unheard of for 90s Fords), the only issue was that it wouldn't pass the MOT because the emissions were too high (which pissed me off that my 1.1l car had too high emissions, yet people drive around in huge diesels and V8s; not to mention the fact that keeping an old car on the road is much more environmentally friendly than the environmental cost of building a new one - but I digress). So rather than selling it for scrap we (it was a family car; my mother first used it, then my dad, then my sister learned to drive in it, then myself - and before that we bought it from my sister-in-law's dad) put it on ebay listing the reason for failure. The guy who bought it said he only cared that the bodywork was in good nick as he was going to put an xr2i engine (that's a 1.6l engine that was used in a sporty version of the car - the one I would have liked) in it and his daughter was going to use it to go travelling.


I think that's a nice send off to a faithful family car that served us well (and wasn't always treated with mechanical sympathy).

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Trying to sort a train back for Nationals from Manchester back home, but for some reason on that day, they're not running any of the direct trains so I have to go through London meaning I'd have to change my train to get there on the 29th since they have specific tickets to go either through London, or avoid London or pay double the price.


Good grief. Can't even find a reason for no direct trains that day

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A guy who used to be part of a gang that bullied me badly back in school was in my gym today.


It made me so angry and irritated and all I wanted to do was smack him but I didn't. I just walked off because I knew it wouldn't really solve anything now. I guess it all just flooded back to me. It was like I actually felt the milkshake in my shoes, the food being thrown at me, the insults...all of that shit just hitting me at once. He used to be my friend but then he hung around with the kids who were 'cool' and didn't like me and he picked up their habits. I got to the leader of the gang in my last year and battered him pretty bad and they left me alone. I guess seeing one of them in my gym bought back horrid memories for me. I went to the punchbags to let off steam and he came to me, said hello and he said "I don't think you'd remember me".

I just said "How can I forget?" and said his name.

"Yeah, good memory. Anyway, thought I'd say hi" and he walked off.


My friends noticed I wasn't in the best of moods and I told them why and they said the other day, he had a go at them because they were using the weights he wanted or something. So anyway, I went to the other side of the gym and I was on this multi-gym machine which is by the exit. He's about to walk out when he pauses and looks my way. I didn't look at him but I notice him looking and then he walked out. My friend made me laugh though and said "That was the least intimidating thing I've ever seen".


I was pretty stupid to let it get to me after all of these years but I guess it upset me a bit. The kick in the bollocks is that he looks slim with muscles. Bastard! I was hoping he'd be fat! lmao. Still, I know that I just need to let it go because he's obviously not losing sleep over the fact he used to be a complete knob!

Edited by Animal
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To be honest we all knew it was coming (bone cancer), and although we were told it would be lucky if she made it to the end of the year it still feels too soon. I wanted her to be there so she could see the engagement ring on my girlfriend (once I got the monies [would've been a coupla months]), sadly no more.


More brother action as he couldn't come round because he was "hanging out his arse", like a fucking pussy. Soon as I found out I left work.

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